The Rise and Fall of The Republican Party

Do you believe the Tax Bill Signed by Trump will benefit We the People?

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JFK also thought people should get to keep their money.

That's how we know that leftists aren't dems anymore, they hate the idea that the working man doesn't need them.

This last paragraph is a damn lie. Every reputable source has pointed out that the benefits in the Tax Bill go 3 to 1 to the power elite, and the working poor will pay more.

My question is,why do you lie, or are you simply echoing what you've been told by Ryan and Trump is factual?
how will the poor pay more when people are able to buy more, which creates demand and competition?

you morons have no grasp how math works and therefore can't grasp how money works.

Wow, you are really dumb. 300 million buy commodities, the 1% does not buy in the quantity of the many. How many toasters, cars, gallons of milk, etc. are sold to the top 10%, how many to the bottom 90%?

What happened on Main St. when unemployment was nearly a million per month in the first months of the Obama Administration? Small retail shops and restaurants closed and the employees were laid off.

the filthy rich buy more and pay more to have better.

like I said; leave the math and money to conservatives

follow the next gay rights fad or whatever, but let the adults handle the money
JFK also thought people should get to keep their money.

That's how we know that leftists aren't dems anymore, they hate the idea that the working man doesn't need them.

This last paragraph is a damn lie. Every reputable source has pointed out that the benefits in the Tax Bill go 3 to 1 to the power elite, and the working poor will pay more.

My question is,why do you lie, or are you simply echoing what you've been told by Ryan and Trump is factual?
how will the poor pay more when people are able to buy more, which creates demand and competition?

you morons have no grasp how math works and therefore can't grasp how money works.

Wow, you are really dumb. 300 million buy commodities, the 1% does not buy in the quantity of the many. How many toasters, cars, gallons of milk, etc. are sold to the top 10%, how many to the bottom 90%?

What happened on Main St. when unemployment was nearly a million per month in the first months of the Obama Administration? Small retail shops and restaurants closed and the employees were laid off.

the filthy rich buy more and pay more to have better.

like I said; leave the math and money to conservatives

follow the next gay rights fad or whatever, but let the adults handle the money

I repeat:

"Wow, you are really dumb: 300 million buy commodities, the 1% does not buy in the quantity of the many. How many toasters, cars, gallons of milk, etc. are sold to the top 10%, how many to the bottom 90%?
Wry Catcher is in the top 1% of the most stupid people on the planet.

Stupid people that believe in Hilary Clinton’s Rotting ****, Socialism, Class Warfare and who hate America!

JFK also thought people should get to keep their money.

That's how we know that leftists aren't dems anymore, they hate the idea that the working man doesn't need them.

This last paragraph is a damn lie. Every reputable source has pointed out that the benefits in the Tax Bill go 3 to 1 to the power elite, and the working poor will pay more.

My question is,why do you lie, or are you simply echoing what you've been told by Ryan and Trump is factual?
how will the poor pay more when people are able to buy more, which creates demand and competition?

you morons have no grasp how math works and therefore can't grasp how money works.

Wow, you are really dumb. 300 million buy commodities, the 1% does not buy in the quantity of the many. How many toasters, cars, gallons of milk, etc. are sold to the top 10%, how many to the bottom 90%?

What happened on Main St. when unemployment was nearly a million per month in the first months of the Obama Administration? Small retail shops and restaurants closed and the employees were laid off.

What did the top 10% do, they got their money out of the banks and put it into precious metals.

Is it time, I suppose it is, to remind the reader that The Original Tree is insane!
You left off a voting choice of two, like...
  • Yes, the tax bill will help the Public a bit, but nowhere near as much as the Pubs would like us Sheeple to believe
Selling one's soul for a few breadcrumbs is not Brightest Crayon thinking.

You going to need a crystal ball for that one who knows how much cash start up company's will have now to invent and market their products.
It will be a lot harder for a startup to market their products with the end of net-neutrality.
So you admit I am correct in making an accurate assessment about your intelligence and your Agenda.

Wry Catcher is in the top 1% of the most stupid people on the planet.

Stupid people that believe in Hilary Clinton’s Rotting ****, Socialism, Class Warfare and who hate America!

JFK also thought people should get to keep their money.

That's how we know that leftists aren't dems anymore, they hate the idea that the working man doesn't need them.

This last paragraph is a damn lie. Every reputable source has pointed out that the benefits in the Tax Bill go 3 to 1 to the power elite, and the working poor will pay more.

My question is,why do you lie, or are you simply echoing what you've been told by Ryan and Trump is factual?
how will the poor pay more when people are able to buy more, which creates demand and competition?

you morons have no grasp how math works and therefore can't grasp how money works.

Wow, you are really dumb. 300 million buy commodities, the 1% does not buy in the quantity of the many. How many toasters, cars, gallons of milk, etc. are sold to the top 10%, how many to the bottom 90%?

What happened on Main St. when unemployment was nearly a million per month in the first months of the Obama Administration? Small retail shops and restaurants closed and the employees were laid off.

What did the top 10% do, they got their money out of the banks and put it into precious metals.

Is it time, I suppose it is, to remind the reader that The Original Tree is insane!
So you admit I am correct in making an accurate assessment about your intelligence and your Agenda.

Actually I believe you believe what you've written, of course you're insane and that is not meant as a pejorative; it is based on your alternative reality. I won't call you stupid, I'm pointing out the fact that you are out of touch.

See the definition paranoid schizophrenia, the false reality of those suffering from this serious mental illness have a comprehensive world view which is based on conspiracy theories and made up / faux facts.

Don't deny your comments about Democrats, liberals, The Clinton's and the Obama's are utterly absurd and based on comments sans evidence.

Wry Catcher is in the top 1% of the most stupid people on the planet.

Stupid people that believe in Hilary Clinton’s Rotting ****, Socialism, Class Warfare and who hate America!

This last paragraph is a damn lie. Every reputable source has pointed out that the benefits in the Tax Bill go 3 to 1 to the power elite, and the working poor will pay more.

My question is,why do you lie, or are you simply echoing what you've been told by Ryan and Trump is factual?
how will the poor pay more when people are able to buy more, which creates demand and competition?

you morons have no grasp how math works and therefore can't grasp how money works.

Wow, you are really dumb. 300 million buy commodities, the 1% does not buy in the quantity of the many. How many toasters, cars, gallons of milk, etc. are sold to the top 10%, how many to the bottom 90%?

What happened on Main St. when unemployment was nearly a million per month in the first months of the Obama Administration? Small retail shops and restaurants closed and the employees were laid off.

What did the top 10% do, they got their money out of the banks and put it into precious metals.

Is it time, I suppose it is, to remind the reader that The Original Tree is insane!

Not nearly as much as these:


The Tax Reform Bill, passed by the leadership of Ryan and McConnell, and gleefully puting money in Trump's bank account by his signature were done in spite of what happened in Kansas:

"Just as President Trump is ramping up his push for a major tax cut that he believes will pay for itself through faster economic growth, the Kansas template for that approach has crashed and burned. After four years of below-average growth, deepening budget deficits, and steep spending reductions, the GOP-dominated Kansas legislature has repealed many of the tax cuts at the heart of Governor Sam Brownback fiscal agenda."

See: The Great Kansas Tax Cut Experiment Crashes And Burns

IF the promises of Ryan and Trump prove to be false, will it create enough mistrust in the Republican Party to send it to the annals of history, along with the Whigs? That is what is at stake in November 2008, and if the Democrats triumph, don't overreach and are transparent we may see the Republican Party go the way of the Whigs.
I will belive that the Republican party is falling when they start losoing seats in our government until then it is all lip service!
The Tax Reform Bill, passed by the leadership of Ryan and McConnell, and gleefully puting money in Trump's bank account by his signature were done in spite of what happened in Kansas:

"Just as President Trump is ramping up his push for a major tax cut that he believes will pay for itself through faster economic growth, the Kansas template for that approach has crashed and burned. After four years of below-average growth, deepening budget deficits, and steep spending reductions, the GOP-dominated Kansas legislature has repealed many of the tax cuts at the heart of Governor Sam Brownback fiscal agenda."

See: The Great Kansas Tax Cut Experiment Crashes And Burns

IF the promises of Ryan and Trump prove to be false, will it create enough mistrust in the Republican Party to send it to the annals of history, along with the Whigs? That is what is at stake in November 2008, and if the Democrats triumph, don't overreach and are transparent we may see the Republican Party go the way of the Whigs.
More lying butt hurt by girlie man. None of that happened cry baby.
Not just the Whigs but the first conservative party, the Federalists party, are gone. John Adams killed that party with his enforcing the conservative Alien and Sedition Acts. When Adams left office the period was known as the "Era of Good Feeling." So a new conservative party was needed.
The Tax Reform Bill, passed by the leadership of Ryan and McConnell, and gleefully puting money in Trump's bank account by his signature were done in spite of what happened in Kansas:

"Just as President Trump is ramping up his push for a major tax cut that he believes will pay for itself through faster economic growth, the Kansas template for that approach has crashed and burned. After four years of below-average growth, deepening budget deficits, and steep spending reductions, the GOP-dominated Kansas legislature has repealed many of the tax cuts at the heart of Governor Sam Brownback fiscal agenda."

See: The Great Kansas Tax Cut Experiment Crashes And Burns

IF the promises of Ryan and Trump prove to be false, will it create enough mistrust in the Republican Party to send it to the annals of history, along with the Whigs? That is what is at stake in November 2008, and if the Democrats triumph, don't overreach and are transparent we may see the Republican Party go the way of the Whigs.

I will belive that the Republican party is falling when they start losoing seats in our government until then it is all lip service!

Is the reader to infer you believe Ryan, McConnell and Trump are leaders respected by the majority of Americans? Do you believe that these three men represent every citizen of the United States, and seek justice for all?

If you do, I recommend you read the Preamble of the Constitution and ask yourself if anyone of these three men see this short paragraph as a vision and a mission statement for all elected officials!

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America
Or as I believe: Trump, Ryan and McConnell put themselves, their party, and the special interests who fund them and the Republican Party before the our nation and We the People!
The Tax Reform Bill, passed by the leadership of Ryan and McConnell, and gleefully puting money in Trump's bank account by his signature were done in spite of what happened in Kansas:

"Just as President Trump is ramping up his push for a major tax cut that he believes will pay for itself through faster economic growth, the Kansas template for that approach has crashed and burned. After four years of below-average growth, deepening budget deficits, and steep spending reductions, the GOP-dominated Kansas legislature has repealed many of the tax cuts at the heart of Governor Sam Brownback fiscal agenda."

See: The Great Kansas Tax Cut Experiment Crashes And Burns

IF the promises of Ryan and Trump prove to be false, will it create enough mistrust in the Republican Party to send it to the annals of history, along with the Whigs? That is what is at stake in November 2008, and if the Democrats triumph, don't overreach and are transparent we may see the Republican Party go the way of the Whigs.

I will belive that the Republican party is falling when they start losoing seats in our government until then it is all lip service!

Is the reader to infer you believe Ryan, McConnell and Trump are leaders respected by the majority of Americans? Do you believe that these three men represent every citizen of the United States, and seek justice for all?

If you do, I recommend you read the Preamble of the Constitution and ask yourself if anyone of these three men see this short paragraph as a vision and a mission statement for all elected officials!

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America
Or as I believe: Trump, Ryan and McConnell put themselves, their party, and the special interests who fund them and the Republican Party before the our nation and We the People!
I am not happy with current leadership. Still, I will belive that change is on the horrizen when some people start to lose elections. It is kinda funny how we say we belive in competition yet the districts are so gerrymandered and incumbent almost always win. Until this changes I can not say that change is on the horrizon.
The Tax Reform Bill, passed by the leadership of Ryan and McConnell, and gleefully puting money in Trump's bank account by his signature were done in spite of what happened in Kansas:

"Just as President Trump is ramping up his push for a major tax cut that he believes will pay for itself through faster economic growth, the Kansas template for that approach has crashed and burned. After four years of below-average growth, deepening budget deficits, and steep spending reductions, the GOP-dominated Kansas legislature has repealed many of the tax cuts at the heart of Governor Sam Brownback fiscal agenda."

See: The Great Kansas Tax Cut Experiment Crashes And Burns

IF the promises of Ryan and Trump prove to be false, will it create enough mistrust in the Republican Party to send it to the annals of history, along with the Whigs? That is what is at stake in November 2008, and if the Democrats triumph, don't overreach and are transparent we may see the Republican Party go the way of the Whigs.

I will belive that the Republican party is falling when they start losoing seats in our government until then it is all lip service!

Is the reader to infer you believe Ryan, McConnell and Trump are leaders respected by the majority of Americans? Do you believe that these three men represent every citizen of the United States, and seek justice for all?

If you do, I recommend you read the Preamble of the Constitution and ask yourself if anyone of these three men see this short paragraph as a vision and a mission statement for all elected officials!

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America
Or as I believe: Trump, Ryan and McConnell put themselves, their party, and the special interests who fund them and the Republican Party before the our nation and We the People!
I am not happy with current leadership. Still, I will belive that change is on the horrizen when some people start to lose elections. It is kinda funny how we say we belive in competition yet the districts are so gerrymandered and incumbent almost always win. Until this changes I can not say that change is on the horrizon.

Below is a link on the issue you have raised, lots of detail but well worth perusing.

Redistricting in California - Ballotpedia

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