The Rise and Fall of The Republican Party

Do you believe the Tax Bill Signed by Trump will benefit We the People?

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the economy is improving, quickly, under trump, obama, as I have told you many times, had the 2nd worst recovery in history.

Stay dumb....I don't give a crap.

The Obama bull market: A 140% jump in the Dow - Jan. 10, 2017
Search Results
Yes, this is the slowest U.S. recovery since WWII - Oct. 5, 2016
Oct 5, 2016 - Donald Trump is right: this is the slowest economic recovery since World War II. But it's also turning ... "Now look, we have the worst revival of an economy since the Great Depression," Trump said in the first debate. His running mate ... "We are in the fourth longest expansion in U.S. history," notes Achuthan.
U.S. economic recovery may not be worst ever - Jul. 28, 2016
Jul 28, 2016 - Up until now, the economy's recovery from the Great Recession was the worst comeback since World War II. ... On Friday, when U.S. GDP data is released, the current economic recovery is expected to be a tad better than the recovery after the 2001 recession. ... "The recovery has not been as ...
Report: Worst economic recovery since 1930s, salaries fall $17000 short
Aug 1, 2016 - "Obama's economic policies," said the report from the Heartland Institute, "produced the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression, ... forward-looking thinker, President Barack Obama has actually taken the United States back to the thoroughly failed economic policies of the 1930s and ...
Christie: The U.S. is in the worst recovery since WWII | PolitiFact
Claim: Says the United States is in "the worst recovery from an economic recession since World War II."
Claimed by: Chris Christie
Fact check by PolitiFact: Half True
Seven Years Later, Recovery Remains the Weakest of the Post - U.S.
Jul 29, 2016 - Even seven years after the recession ended, the current stretch of economic gains has yielded less growth than much shorter business cycles. In terms of average annual growth, the pace of this expansion has been by far the weakest of any since 1949. (And for which we have quarterly data.) The economy ...
Sorry, This Is Still The Worst Economic Recovery Ever | Stock News ...
Dec 31, 2015 - Growth: The president keeps congratulating himself on how the economy's doing, and Hillary Clinton just gave her former boss an 'A' for his handling of the nation's finances. Who said inflation was under control? The latest revised numbers for GDP growth through the third quarter of 2015 tell us that we are ...
The Worst Economic Recovery Since The Great Depression - Forbes
Jan 12, 2012 - What that record shows is that President Obama, with his throwback, old-fashioned, 1970s Keynesian economics, has put America through the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.
Obama Wins The Gold For Worst Economic Recovery Ever - Forbes
Aug 1, 2012 - Deep recessions are supposed to be followed by strong recoveries, but, under Obama, the worst recession since the 1930s has been followed by the slowest economic recovery in the history of the republic. In a very real sense, there has been no recovery at all—things are still getting worse. To win the gold ...
The Obama Economy: Slowest Recovery Since 1949 - Free Beacon
Jul 11, 2016 - The pace of economic growth in the United States since the end of the recession in 2009 has been slower than the previous 10 expansions, with the worst rate since at least 1949, according to a report from the Congressional Research Service. The report finds that real GDP, the value of the goods and ...
The worst economic recovery America has ever had - Washington Post
Aug 3, 2012 - Expect to see lots of Scott Pelley on your TV this fall — even if you don't watch the CBS Evening News. The CBS anchor's statement at the top of a broadcast two weeks ago that this is “the worst economic recovery America has ever seen” is kibble for Republican ad-makers. Already, the clip has been used ...
the economy is improving, quickly, under trump, obama, as I have told you many times, had the 2nd worst recovery in history.

Stay dumb....I don't give a crap.

The Obama bull market: A 140% jump in the Dow - Jan. 10, 2017

It took the Hussein five years to get the economy back up to W Bush levels. Your monkey math won’t change the fact the economy barely crawled up during his entire two terms. President Trump’s election win did more to bump the economy during the Hussein’s eight years than anything the Hussein ever did.

Next month, folks will start taking home more of their hard-earned money. Thank you President Trump. :thup:
You left off a voting choice of two, like...
  • Yes, the tax bill will help the Public a bit, but nowhere near as much as the Pubs would like us Sheeple to believe
Selling one's soul for a few breadcrumbs is not Brightest Crayon thinking.

All the while, the tiny minority of the truly rich muthaphukkers who reap the vast majority of the benefits are laughing their a$$e$ off at the Sheeple who bought into it.
JFK also thought people should get to keep their money.

That's how we know that leftists aren't dems anymore, they hate the idea that the working man doesn't need them.

This last paragraph is a damn lie. Every reputable source has pointed out that the benefits in the Tax Bill go 3 to 1 to the power elite, and the working poor will pay more.

My question is,why do you lie, or are you simply echoing what you've been told by Ryan and Trump is factual?
Taking money from someone and giving it to someone else is never fair
You left off a voting choice of two, like...
  • Yes, the tax bill will help the Public a bit, but nowhere near as much as the Pubs would like us Sheeple to believe
Selling one's soul for a few breadcrumbs is not Brightest Crayon thinking.

You going to need a crystal ball for that one who knows how much cash start up company's will have now to invent and market their products.
JFK also thought people should get to keep their money.

Kennedy proposed in 1963 to cut income taxes from a range of 20-91% to 14-65% He also proposed a cut in the corporate tax rate from 52% to 47%.

In a booming economy, your orange moron is cutting corporate taxes by 50%.

Good. Last I checked their money didn't belong to the government for you put to your greedy hands all over.
Another pathetic, anti-history, anti-reality liberal OP about the Trump tax cuts that simply ignores the demonstrable fact that the biggest rate cuts in those tax cuts are going to the middle class and that the rich will end up with a top marginal tax rate that will be triple the top marginal rate of the second bracket and nearly double the top marginal rate of the third bracket.

As for the Kansas tax-cut experiment, there are a lot of myths being spread about the Kansas tax cuts and their impact. If the legislature had simply reduced spending to the level of revenue, there would have been no deficit. In spite of being hit hard by the drop in oil and aggie products, and even though the tax cuts were passed at the end of a recession, KS's economy has grown since the tax cuts were passed. The problem is that a bunch of weak-kneed newly elected moderate Republicans teamed up with the Democrats to repeal the tax cuts rather than reduce spending to the level of revenue. Alan Cobb:

The state legislature’s recent decision to raise income taxes by $1.2 billion will hurt every working Kansan and small business. It will damage the long-term trajectory of our state. It will pummel pocketbooks and discourage job creators. Additionally, the retroactive nature of these regressive taxes will cause a great deal of pain, crippling our state’s economy and putting us at a competitive disadvantage.

Kansans deserve to keep more of their own money. The 2012 income tax cuts did just that. Families had more in their pockets to pay off debt, save for their children’s college or invest in a new home. Business owners were able to reinvest their earnings into their enterprise and local communities.

Kansas saw strong results. Unemployment is down to 3.7%, the lowest in 16 years. The state set a record for new businesses every year since cutting income taxes. The small businesses the tax cuts targeted created 98% of new private sector jobs in our state. Despite these strong results, many blamed our budget challenges on these cuts, ignoring the substantial downturn in global agriculture and energy markets.

Refusing to acknowledge the data, legislators pledge to fix the perceived problem of the “small business tax cut.” But when the time came to cast their votes, they voted for broad-based tax increases on all Kansas workers. Kansas will now have a higher top marginal individual income tax rate than Massachusetts. (Kansas tax cuts produced strong results)​

Myth: The Kansas tax cuts haven’t boosted its economy

Governor Brownback’s State of the State address |

The Kansas Tax Cuts Are Working, and that’s Why Statists Are Worried

Nothing the Matter with Kansas' Tax Policy

Child Poverty in Kansas Drops Significantly |

Kansas Tax Cuts Are Working

What’s the Matter with Kansas (on Taxes and Spending)?

Are Tax Cuts Working in Kansas?
Last edited:
JFK also thought people should get to keep their money.

That's how we know that leftists aren't dems anymore, they hate the idea that the working man doesn't need them.

This last paragraph is a damn lie. Every reputable source has pointed out that the benefits in the Tax Bill go 3 to 1 to the power elite, and the working poor will pay more.

My question is,why do you lie, or are you simply echoing what you've been told by Ryan and Trump is factual?


You of course mean every source you agree with.

And who do you believe? Trump? Ryan?
No DACA. Sick Dirty Dick Durbin Lied because he wanted to sabotage a DACA deal!

It’s the Democrat Party who is in a death spiral!
JFK also thought people should get to keep their money.

That's how we know that leftists aren't dems anymore, they hate the idea that the working man doesn't need them.

This last paragraph is a damn lie. Every reputable source has pointed out that the benefits in the Tax Bill go 3 to 1 to the power elite, and the working poor will pay more.

My question is,why do you lie, or are you simply echoing what you've been told by Ryan and Trump is factual?
how will the poor pay more when people are able to buy more, which creates demand and competition?

you morons have no grasp how math works and therefore can't grasp how money works.

Wow, you are really dumb. 300 million buy commodities, the 1% does not buy in the quantity of the many. How many toasters, cars, gallons of milk, etc. are sold to the top 10%, how many to the bottom 90%?

What happened on Main St. when unemployment was nearly a million per month in the first months of the Obama Administration? Small retail shops and restaurants closed and the employees were laid off.

What did the top 10% do, they got their money out of the banks and put it into precious metals.
JFK also thought people should get to keep their money.

That's how we know that leftists aren't dems anymore, they hate the idea that the working man doesn't need them.

This last paragraph is a damn lie. Every reputable source has pointed out that the benefits in the Tax Bill go 3 to 1 to the power elite, and the working poor will pay more.

My question is,why do you lie, or are you simply echoing what you've been told by Ryan and Trump is factual?
how will the poor pay more when people are able to buy more, which creates demand and competition?

you morons have no grasp how math works and therefore can't grasp how money works.

Wow, you are really dumb. 300 million buy commodities, the 1% does not buy in the quantity of the many. How many toasters, cars, gallons of milk, etc. are sold to the top 10%, how many to the bottom 90%?

What happened on Main St. when unemployment was nearly a million per month in the first months of the Obama Administration? Small retail shops and restaurants closed and the employees were laid off.

the filthy rich buy more and pay more to have better.

like I said; leave the math and money to conservatives

follow the next gay rights fad or whatever, but let the adults handle the money
Another pathetic, anti-history, anti-reality liberal OP about the Trump tax cuts that simply ignores the demonstrable fact that the biggest rate cuts in those tax cuts are going to the middle class and that the rich will end up with a top marginal tax rate that will be triple the top marginal rate of the second bracket and nearly double the top marginal rate of the third bracket.

As for the Kansas tax-cut experiment, there are a lot of myths being spread about the Kansas tax cuts and their impact. If the legislature had simply reduced spending to the level of revenue, there would have been no deficit. In spite of being hit hard by the drop in oil and aggie products, and even though the tax cuts were passed at the end of a recession, KS's economy has grown since the tax cuts were passed. The problem is that a bunch of weak-kneed newly elected moderate Republicans teamed up with the Democrats to repeal the tax cuts rather than reduce spending to the level of revenue. Alan Cobb:

The state legislature’s recent decision to raise income taxes by $1.2 billion will hurt every working Kansan and small business. It will damage the long-term trajectory of our state. It will pummel pocketbooks and discourage job creators. Additionally, the retroactive nature of these regressive taxes will cause a great deal of pain, crippling our state’s economy and putting us at a competitive disadvantage.

Kansans deserve to keep more of their own money. The 2012 income tax cuts did just that. Families had more in their pockets to pay off debt, save for their children’s college or invest in a new home. Business owners were able to reinvest their earnings into their enterprise and local communities.

Kansas saw strong results. Unemployment is down to 3.7%, the lowest in 16 years. The state set a record for new businesses every year since cutting income taxes. The small businesses the tax cuts targeted created 98% of new private sector jobs in our state. Despite these strong results, many blamed our budget challenges on these cuts, ignoring the substantial downturn in global agriculture and energy markets.

Refusing to acknowledge the data, legislators pledge to fix the perceived problem of the “small business tax cut.” But when the time came to cast their votes, they voted for broad-based tax increases on all Kansas workers. Kansas will now have a higher top marginal individual income tax rate than Massachusetts. (Kansas tax cuts produced strong results)​

Myth: The Kansas tax cuts haven’t boosted its economy

Governor Brownback’s State of the State address |

The Kansas Tax Cuts Are Working, and that’s Why Statists Are Worried

Nothing the Matter with Kansas' Tax Policy

Child Poverty in Kansas Drops Significantly |

Kansas Tax Cuts Are Working

What’s the Matter with Kansas (on Taxes and Spending)?

Are Tax Cuts Working in Kansas?

LOL, From your rant:

"If the legislature had simply reduced spending to the level of revenue, there would have been no deficit."

  • Why didn't the legislature cut their salary and benefits by 90%?
  • Why didn't the Governor raid the tax revenue from local government (they don't need a police force or sheriffs dept.)
  • why didn't the governor cut the school year for k-12 by 100 days?
  • why didn't the governor cut state employees by 50%
JFK also thought people should get to keep their money.

That's how we know that leftists aren't dems anymore, they hate the idea that the working man doesn't need them.

This last paragraph is a damn lie. Every reputable source has pointed out that the benefits in the Tax Bill go 3 to 1 to the power elite, and the working poor will pay more.

My question is,why do you lie, or are you simply echoing what you've been told by Ryan and Trump is factual?


You of course mean every source you agree with.

And who do you believe? Trump? Ryan?

I know better than to "believe" anyone. I have learned to look at the other hand when anyone is telling us something. You will NEVER get "real" news by watching the big dogs on TV. 95% of "News" outlets are owned by the same 6 corps. You are seeing and hearing what they WANT you to see/hear.

"It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government [emphasis mine] patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace. To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty."

Walter Cronkite
Wry Catcher is in the top 1% of the most stupid people on the planet.

Stupid people that believe in Hilary Clinton’s Rotting ****, Socialism, Class Warfare and who hate America!

JFK also thought people should get to keep their money.

That's how we know that leftists aren't dems anymore, they hate the idea that the working man doesn't need them.

This last paragraph is a damn lie. Every reputable source has pointed out that the benefits in the Tax Bill go 3 to 1 to the power elite, and the working poor will pay more.

My question is,why do you lie, or are you simply echoing what you've been told by Ryan and Trump is factual?
how will the poor pay more when people are able to buy more, which creates demand and competition?

you morons have no grasp how math works and therefore can't grasp how money works.

Wow, you are really dumb. 300 million buy commodities, the 1% does not buy in the quantity of the many. How many toasters, cars, gallons of milk, etc. are sold to the top 10%, how many to the bottom 90%?

What happened on Main St. when unemployment was nearly a million per month in the first months of the Obama Administration? Small retail shops and restaurants closed and the employees were laid off.

What did the top 10% do, they got their money out of the banks and put it into precious metals.

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