The Rise and Fall of The United States

Do you oppose vote by mail in the General Election come November?

  • Yes, I hate democracy

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

The Supreme Court on Tuesday effectively struck down the heart of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by a 5-to-4 vote, freeing nine states, mostly in the South, to change their election laws without advance federal approval.

The court divided along ideological lines, and the two sides drew sharply different lessons from the history of the civil rights movement and the nation’s progress in rooting out racial discrimination in voting. At the core of the disagreement was whether racial minorities continued to face barriers to voting in states with a history of discrimination.

“Our country has changed,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority. “While any racial discrimination in voting is too much, Congress must ensure that the legislation it passes to remedy that problem speaks to current conditions.”

honest person can agree with Chief Justice Roberts last phrase in the quote above. If he really believes any racial discrimination in voting is "too much" he needs to AT LEAST speak out. It's time for the ACLU to immediately petition the Supreme Court to over rule this egregious 5-4 decision.]

Texas announced shortly after the decision that a voter identification law that had been blocked would go into effect immediately, and that redistricting maps there would no longer need federal approval. Changes in voting procedures in the places that had been covered by the law, including ones concerning restrictions on early voting, will now be subject only to after-the-fact litigation.
I like how we handle it in the state where I reside and am registered as a permanent vote-by-mail voter. As for how the other 49 states and the District of Columbia do things, I don't make it any of my business and believe that both congress and Trump should likewise butt out.
I checked the box: OP is a liberal hack

Aside from that, liberals are bowing and kneeling to their marxist ideology. This is their religion and god and who the OP worships.
The longest living democratic republic is slowing deteriorating, and if We the People do not wake up and end this travesty, liberty and justice - the cornerstone of our country, voting - will be assaulted by a small minority of elected and appointed bureaucrats.

More links to the efforts by the GOP and its operatives in states and counties/parishes to make voting hard (long lines, polls closed and/or moved far from likely Democratic Voters), will be posted later. What would voters decide, to not vote or to expose themselves and their loved ones to an infection (example, Wisconsin) of the Coronavirus if trump gets his way to outlaw mail voting by an Executive Order.
Top 10 Things that I Trust more than Democrats with mail-in ballots
1) Tajuana tap water
2) Rosie O'Donnell with a donut
3) Hillary with a charity
4) Bill with a 19 year old girl
5) Joe Biden with a kid
6) Obama with the FBI and DOJ
7) Pelosi with a bottle of booze
8) Schiff's investigations
9) Greta Thunberg with global economics
10) the Chinese virus labs
11 Gas station sushi.
What's loaded about it?

LOL. You have the gall to ask me that?

The options you provided give the reader no choice but to agree with your premise.

Kindly gfy.

Well, instead of telling me to go fuck myself, you have the liberty to write a rebuttal and provide proof / evidence that my premise is not valid, and that the GOP has not worked to suppress the vote of minority citizens; The GOP has attempted (and succeeded) to convince some of the public that voting by mail is less secure than voting in a booth.
The longest living democratic republic is slowing deteriorating, and if We the People do not wake up and end this travesty, liberty and justice - the cornerstone of our country, voting - will be assaulted by a small minority of elected and appointed bureaucrats.

More links to the efforts by the GOP and its operatives in states and counties/parishes to make voting hard (long lines, polls closed and/or moved far from likely Democratic Voters), will be posted later. What would voters decide, to not vote or to expose themselves and their loved ones to an infection (example, Wisconsin) of the Coronavirus if trump gets his way to outlaw mail voting by an Executive Order.

Stupid, rigged questions. You aren't nearly as clever as you think you are.
What's loaded about it?

LOL. You have the gall to ask me that?

The options you provided give the reader no choice but to agree with your premise.

Kindly gfy.

Well, instead of telling me to go fuck myself, you have the liberty to write a rebuttal and provide proof / evidence that my premise is not valid, and that the GOP has not worked to suppress the vote of minority citizens; The GOP has attempted (and succeeded) to convince some of the public that voting by mail is less secure than voting in a booth.

The fact you don't give the reader a choice to disagree with your premise means you have no premise.
I checked the box: OP is a liberal hack

Aside from that, liberals are bowing and kneeling to their marxist ideology. This is their religion and god and who the OP worships.

Thanks so much for sharing. I do so appreciate the evidence that all liberals kneel to their marxist ideology. The proof you have attached to this major premise is out of this world.
The longest living democratic republic is slowing deteriorating, and if We the People do not wake up and end this travesty, liberty and justice - the cornerstone of our country, voting - will be assaulted by a small minority of elected and appointed bureaucrats.

More links to the efforts by the GOP and its operatives in states and counties/parishes to make voting hard (long lines, polls closed and/or moved far from likely Democratic Voters), will be posted later. What would voters decide, to not vote or to expose themselves and their loved ones to an infection (example, Wisconsin) of the Coronavirus if trump gets his way to outlaw mail voting by an Executive Order.

Stupid, rigged questions. You aren't nearly as clever as you think you are.

And you are not smart enough or well enough educated to respond with a rebuttal, in fact you posted the same comment posted above; in the future try to think of something original if you can.
The longest living democratic republic is slowing deteriorating, and if We the People do not wake up and end this travesty, liberty and justice - the cornerstone of our country, voting - will be assaulted by a small minority of elected and appointed bureaucrats.

More links to the efforts by the GOP and its operatives in states and counties/parishes to make voting hard (long lines, polls closed and/or moved far from likely Democratic Voters), will be posted later. What would voters decide, to not vote or to expose themselves and their loved ones to an infection (example, Wisconsin) of the Coronavirus if trump gets his way to outlaw mail voting by an Executive Order.
Sorry loser, all your poll choices are so biased it looks like a middle school bully wrote them.
The ruling, in the case of Shelby County v. Holder, further emboldened a Republican-led movement that has inspired a new wave of voting laws — creating stringent identification requirements, bringing broad purges of voter rolls and shuttering thousands of polling places, particularly in minority neighborhoods in states like Georgia, site of a chaotic primary election last week. That campaign has only intensified as President Donald Trump and his party, invoking the specter of rampant voter fraud, are seeking to limit who can vote.

The ruling, in the case of Shelby County v. Holder, further emboldened a Republican-led movement that has inspired a new wave of voting laws — creating stringent identification requirements, bringing broad purges of voter rolls and shuttering thousands of polling places, particularly in minority neighborhoods in states like Georgia, site of a chaotic primary election last week. That campaign has only intensified as President Donald Trump and his party, invoking the specter of rampant voter fraud, are seeking to limit who can vote.

When/how should voter rolls be purged.....if ever?
The longest living democratic republic is slowing deteriorating, and if We the People do not wake up and end this travesty, liberty and justice - the cornerstone of our country, voting - will be assaulted by a small minority of elected and appointed bureaucrats.

More links to the efforts by the GOP and its operatives in states and counties/parishes to make voting hard (long lines, polls closed and/or moved far from likely Democratic Voters), will be posted later. What would voters decide, to not vote or to expose themselves and their loved ones to an infection (example, Wisconsin) of the Coronavirus if trump gets his way to outlaw mail voting by an Executive Order.

Stupid, rigged questions. You aren't nearly as clever as you think you are.

And you are not smart enough or well enough educated to respond with a rebuttal, in fact you posted the same comment posted above; in the future try to think of something original if you can.
I got something novel for you: Ventilate your communist dumbass cranium with a high velocity bullet, you fuck!
Yeah, you never saw that coming, but real Americans will not put up with your bullshit.
You're assaulting America, and this will not go well for you.
If you say no? You are wrong! Nobody is going to play your BS, sorry. This is America, boy.
Fuck you and your Commie bullshit! We know better, and you're about to have a bad time.
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The longest living democratic republic is slowing deteriorating, and if We the People do not wake up and end this travesty, liberty and justice - the cornerstone of our country, voting - will be assaulted by a small minority of elected and appointed bureaucrats.

More links to the efforts by the GOP and its operatives in states and counties/parishes to make voting hard (long lines, polls closed and/or moved far from likely Democratic Voters), will be posted later. What would voters decide, to not vote or to expose themselves and their loved ones to an infection (example, Wisconsin) of the Coronavirus if trump gets his way to outlaw mail voting by an Executive Order.

Stupid, rigged questions. You aren't nearly as clever as you think you are.

And you are not smart enough or well enough educated to respond with a rebuttal, in fact you posted the same comment posted above; in the future try to think of something original if you can.

Again son, you are not nearly as bright as you think you are.
The longest living democratic republic is slowing deteriorating, and if We the People do not wake up and end this travesty, liberty and justice - the cornerstone of our country, voting - will be assaulted by a small minority of elected and appointed bureaucrats.

More links to the efforts by the GOP and its operatives in states and counties/parishes to make voting hard (long lines, polls closed and/or moved far from likely Democratic Voters), will be posted later. What would voters decide, to not vote or to expose themselves and their loved ones to an infection (example, Wisconsin) of the Coronavirus if trump gets his way to outlaw mail voting by an Executive Order.

I didn't know that trump wants to outlaw mail in voting by executive order.

He can't do that. The constitution is very clear on this. It's up to the states. Not the federal government.

My state is one of the handful that is 100% mail in ballot We have no polls to go to vote in person.

There is absolutely nothing trump can do to prevent me or anyone else from voting by mail.
If there is a legitimate reason one can not vote in person such as being deployed overseas, or having a physical condition that makes it hard for you to stand in line to vote then voting by mail is acceptable. However I just don’t feel like going and standing in line even though I’m more than capable of doing so is not.
The longest living democratic republic is slowing deteriorating, and if We the People do not wake up and end this travesty, liberty and justice - the cornerstone of our country, voting - will be assaulted by a small minority of elected and appointed bureaucrats.

More links to the efforts by the GOP and its operatives in states and counties/parishes to make voting hard (long lines, polls closed and/or moved far from likely Democratic Voters), will be posted later. What would voters decide, to not vote or to expose themselves and their loved ones to an infection (example, Wisconsin) of the Coronavirus if trump gets his way to outlaw mail voting by an Executive Order.
You vote one of two ways, in person or absentee ballot. End of story. Being a citizen, alive and properly registered comes first.

No there's a third and it's perfectly legal.

There are no absentee ballots in my state.

My state is 100% mail in ballot. No one can go to anyplace to vote in person here.

My state isn't the only state that is 100% mail in ballot.

Most states don't require any reason to vote by mail too so you don't have to be absent to get a mail in ballot.

Did you know you don't make the rules here in America?

Did you know what you want and say means absolutely ZERO to almost everyone including our justice system and laws?

You need to learn that you are nothing to everyone in this nation.

You can whine, cry, stamp your feet and throw all the hissy fits you want.

All you're doing is showing everyone what an immature and very ill informed person you are.

The majority of the people want to and will vote by mail in ballot this year without being out of state or having any reason to do so and there is absolutely ZERO you can do about it.

Except whine, cry, stamp your feet and have a hissy fit.

Have fun with that.

The Supreme Court on Tuesday effectively struck down the heart of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by a 5-to-4 vote, freeing nine states, mostly in the South, to change their election laws without advance federal approval.

The court divided along ideological lines, and the two sides drew sharply different lessons from the history of the civil rights movement and the nation’s progress in rooting out racial discrimination in voting. At the core of the disagreement was whether racial minorities continued to face barriers to voting in states with a history of discrimination.

“Our country has changed,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. wrote for the majority. “While any racial discrimination in voting is too much, Congress must ensure that the legislation it passes to remedy that problem speaks to current conditions.”

honest person can agree with Chief Justice Roberts last phrase in the quote above. If he really believes any racial discrimination in voting is "too much" he needs to AT LEAST speak out. It's time for the ACLU to immediately petition the Supreme Court to over rule this egregious 5-4 decision.]

Texas announced shortly after the decision that a voter identification law that had been blocked would go into effect immediately, and that redistricting maps there would no longer need federal approval. Changes in voting procedures in the places that had been covered by the law, including ones concerning restrictions on early voting, will now be subject only to after-the-fact litigation.
Relying on the Fake News NYTs makes you look even dumber than you are......if that’s possible.

where IN THE TEXT of the VRA of 1965 does it say states must get federal approval before passing voting laws?

Here, let me help you out, lil fella. Here is the text of the law.

Cut and past the part that requires states to get federal approval before passing voting laws.


What's loaded about it?

LOL. You have the gall to ask me that?

The options you provided give the reader no choice but to agree with your premise.

Kindly gfy.

Well, instead of telling me to go fuck myself, you have the liberty to write a rebuttal and provide proof / evidence that my premise is not valid, and that the GOP has not worked to suppress the vote of minority citizens; The GOP has attempted (and succeeded) to convince some of the public that voting by mail is less secure than voting in a booth.

The fact you don't give the reader a choice to disagree with your premise means you have no premise.

You've never taken a course in logic. That said, you have every liberty to write a rebuttal and prove the GOP supports the right of every US Citizen to vote. The fact that you cannot find any evidence to prove this is so, is your problem.

In fact Mary and and the other cretins above who attack the messenger lack common sense and are wildly foolish.

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