The rise of religious fundamentalism around the world


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
In addition to Islamic fundamentalists, our home grown Christian Fundamentalists and Fundamentalists in Israel . Another growing religious fundamentalist group is gaining ground, the Hindu fundamentalists

India's Hindu Fundamentalists
In addition to Islamic fundamentalists, our home grown Christian Fundamentalists and Fundamentalists in Israel . Another growing religious fundamentalist group is gaining ground, the Hindu fundamentalists

India's Hindu Fundamentalists
This part caught my attention as there are a lot of these history rewriters out there all over. Let the spin "Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter" | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Meanwhile, Hindu nationalists have been rewriting school textbooks in some states and holding training camps for teenage boys and girls in an apparent attempt to inculcate children into their cause."
Fundamentalism, whether theistic or anti-Godistic, is the refuge of those who are afraid of others.
You almost gotta laugh. According to the left any American can be labeled a "religious fundamentalist" if he doesn't agree that a Korean War memorial should be bulldozed because it displays a Cross.
Funny how it's always the right wing groups across the globe who want to kill and they drag the rest of us into it.
In addition to Islamic fundamentalists, our home grown Christian Fundamentalists and Fundamentalists in Israel . Another growing religious fundamentalist group is gaining ground, the Hindu fundamentalists

India's Hindu Fundamentalists
Is this an effort to diminish Islamic terrorism? Or a way to equate all religious fundamentalists as just as murderous as Islamic terrorists...a moral equivalence Leftists are famous for?
In addition to Islamic fundamentalists, our home grown Christian Fundamentalists and Fundamentalists in Israel . Another growing religious fundamentalist group is gaining ground, the Hindu fundamentalists

India's Hindu Fundamentalists
Is this an effort to diminish Islamic terrorism? Or a way to equate all religious fundamentalists as just as murderous as Islamic terrorists...a moral equivalence Leftists are famous for?

I don't know, just how dangerous are they?

"I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good... Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a Biblical duty, we are called by God, to conquer this country. We don't want equal time. We don't want pluralism."
-Randall Terry, Founder of Operation Rescue
Quoted in The News-Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana. 8-16-93
It’s the Mindset, Concretists are attracted to religious fundamentalism – Hindu, Christian or Muslim – because of its black-and-white certitudes. Studies even show that once some Concretists believe that they have found ideological security in a specific worldview, they are likely to defend their new beliefs with considerable emotional intensity, including even aggression. This is why scholars like J. Harold Ellens regard religious fundamentalism as problematic not so much because of its specific content but because of its rigid, inflexible nature. The Concretist/Fundamentalist cannot easily embrace ambiguities and differing interpretations of reality. Thus Ellens goes so far as to consider the fundamentalist mindset as a form of “psychopathology”, and a sign “a very limited ability to live with the ambiguity inherent to healthy human life”

CO05029 | Religion, Terror and the Fundamentalist Mentality | RSIS.
It’s the Mindset, Concretists are attracted to religious fundamentalism – Hindu, Christian or Muslim – because of its black-and-white certitudes. Studies even show that once some Concretists believe that they have found ideological security in a specific worldview, they are likely to defend their new beliefs with considerable emotional intensity, including even aggression. This is why scholars like J. Harold Ellens regard religious fundamentalism as problematic not so much because of its specific content but because of its rigid, inflexible nature. The Concretist/Fundamentalist cannot easily embrace ambiguities and differing interpretations of reality. Thus Ellens goes so far as to consider the fundamentalist mindset as a form of “psychopathology”, and a sign “a very limited ability to live with the ambiguity inherent to healthy human life”

CO05029 | Religion, Terror and the Fundamentalist Mentality | RSIS. explain this to me.

Several notable nations that had powerful central governments who also oppressed most all religion:
Soviet Union
Red China
North Korea

These religious fanatics CAN'T take power if a massive central government oppressed them.

But....these massive central governments also become just as brutal and murderous as the religious fanatics. You see....the black and white concretism you the same mindset that large centrally powerful governments have. That THIS IS the law and the way....enforced at the barrel of a gun.

So it's not really religion at all. It's just human nature. We're tribal creatures. Whether it's a religion or a government party or a gang or race or a football team...we take sides against each other. Always have. Probably always will. No amount of liberal whining will change nature.
Fundamentalism, whether theistic or anti-Godistic, is the refuge of those who are afraid of others.

In Central Africa and America, it is Christians doing most of the killing.

In the ME and the Far East and Europe, it is primarily Muslims.
In addition to Islamic fundamentalists, our home grown Christian Fundamentalists and Fundamentalists in Israel . Another growing religious fundamentalist group is gaining ground, the Hindu fundamentalists

India's Hindu Fundamentalists
Is this an effort to diminish Islamic terrorism? Or a way to equate all religious fundamentalists as just as murderous as Islamic terrorists...a moral equivalence Leftists are famous for?
All fundamentalism as the potential of being murderous. Certainly was in England and the colonies. The force of constitutional law and rights of the minorities makes most of our fundamentalists realize they would be shot or have to commit suicide if they acted out.

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