The Rittenhouse Verdict


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Can you rephrase your question? Maybe you meant to use a different word?
KR then, and the precedence is the condition of being considered more important than something else.

The decision in this court case is clear. Anyone with a gun, and especially a long gun, can legally attend a protest.

Intimidation of a protest of this kind is sure to create the fight or flight reaction: The fight or flight response is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening.
KR then, and the precedence is the condition of being considered more important than something else.

The decision in this court case is clear. Anyone with a gun, and especially a long gun, can legally attend a protest.

Intimidation of a protest of this kind is sure to create the fight or flight reaction: The fight or flight response is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening.

Given your thoughts above do you have one on the precedence of RK's actions?

You want to know my thoughts on his actions being considered more important than something else? Be more specific on the "something else".

The decision in this court case is clear. Anyone with a gun, and especially a long gun, can legally attend a protest.

Do you feel it wasn't legal to do that before this case?

Intimidation of a protest of this kind is sure to create the fight or flight reaction:

Thugs burning down businesses will feel intimidated? If Rosenbaum had fled, instead of attacking, he'd have least a bit longer.
Protestors? How about rioters? Arsonists?
The police and professional law enforcement people should have handled that before it became a bigger problem with lawless vigilante civilians involved.
Given your thoughts above do you have one on the precedence of RK's actions?

You want to know my thoughts on his actions being considered more important than something else? Be more specific on the "something else".

The decision in this court case is clear. Anyone with a gun, and especially a long gun, can legally attend a protest.

Do you feel it wasn't legal to do that before this case?

Intimidation of a protest of this kind is sure to create the fight or flight reaction:

Thugs burning down businesses will feel intimidated? If Rosenbaum had fled, instead of attacking, he'd have least a bit longer.
I am surprised that it took so long for a Rittenhouse-type incident to happen and that it hasn't happened far more often.
Kill murder oh I all year one on details I'm sorry I couldn't live with the fact if I murdered somebody even if it wasn't a self-defense which is laughable since he went asking for this trouble.

My translator must not be working.
You’re free to defend your own property. Just don’t go about intruding on my property or public land.
They're free to destroy their own property. They just must not go about destroying the property of others. See how that works?

What we want is simple. Stop being terrorists and you won't get killed.

What do they teach in school these days? So many brains that have simply ceased to function in any logical way.
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A smart career choice as well as smart kid! Learning Korean blows my mind as an American limited to understanding written Spanish. Your son will have unlimited job opportunities knowing Korean in a field that he enjoys- double bonus.
Thanks, Claire - he is s very smart kid, indeed, and has always been very independent minded.

I know, I know, before you tell me he certainly does take after his mother, I have to tell you he certainly inherited some wonderful traits from his dad as well.

His feet are very shapely, and he has perfect pitch.
I'd say he acted irresponsibly, he displayed character that wasn't responsible and he illegally crossed a state border where he wasn't allowed to use a weapon.
There was NOTHING illegal about crossing the state line.

Regardless of his intent when going to HIS community during a riot his actions were indeed self defense. We do not hold people accountable for intent unless they follow through on it

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