The Rittenhouse Verdict

Actually, when you start to interject hypotheticals and create a new narrative,
it is no longer about the case or verdict of the topic.

Well, the thing with hypotheticals is they can lead to answers.

If we look at the case from a different view point, perhaps we'll get different answers. And if we get different answers, then we have to ask WHY we get different answers.

The verdict comes in. Why did we get the verdict we got? What part did the jury play in the verdict? Who were the jury?

These are things that concern the verdict. That is the OP you made, the title is the verdict. Talking about the verdict can include things like hypotheses because it presents things in a different way, that allows people to see the verdict in a different way.

But then I guess some people want to keep it simple so it doesn't get uncomfortable.
That doesn’t answer the question. Why point out that Rittenhouse in particular had no business being there when nobody had any business being there?
ALL of them should have been at home. Only one pulled the trigger on a gun. Only one killed two people and maimed a third. THAT’S the difference. Regardless of what extenuating circumstances exist, only Kyle USED his gun that night.
Winning !!!:clap:

Yes, Rittenhouse went to a place where he could be sure there'd be violence. And he killed people. That's not self defense.

If he’s attacked, I’m afraid it is self defense.

You’re trying to judge and condemn him for what you THINK his motives were for going to Kenosha and for your ASSUMPTION that he knew he would encounter violence while ignoring the FACT that he was chased and attacked.
Yes, other people were armed too, and yes others were stupid as well. I'm not saying Rosenbaum was being sensible, but did he deserve to die?

No, he didn’t deserve to die. But did Rittenhouse deserve to be attacked for putting out a fire?

It’s not a question as to who deserved to die, it’s a question of actions and consequences. Rosenbaum chose to chase and attack an armed person for nothing more than putting out a fire.

His response to the extinguishing of the fire was highly irrational and Rittenhouse knew this. His response was instinctive: Fight or flight. He already tried flight but Rosenbaum persisted and cornered him. At this point, Rittenhouse had no choice but to fight.
Yes, Rittenhouse went to a place where he could be sure there'd be violence. And he killed people. That's not self defense.

Yes, other people were armed too, and yes others were stupid as well. I'm not saying Rosenbaum was being sensible, but did he deserve to die?
If there wasn't a riot going on, nothing would have happened.
If he’s attacked, I’m afraid it is self defense.

You’re trying to judge and condemn him for what you THINK his motives were for going to Kenosha and for your ASSUMPTION that he knew he would encounter violence while ignoring the FACT that he was chased and attacked.

No, he didn’t deserve to die. But did Rittenhouse deserve to be attacked for putting out a fire?

It’s not a question as to who deserved to die, it’s a question of actions and consequences. Rosenbaum chose to chase and attack an armed person for nothing more than putting out a fire.

His response to the extinguishing of the fire was highly irrational and Rittenhouse knew this. His response was instinctive: Fight or flight. He already tried flight but Rosenbaum persisted and cornered him. At this point, Rittenhouse had no choice but to fight.
The MSM is already blowing up the demonstrations the day after the verdict like a majority disapprove. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I am surprised that it took so long for a Rittenhouse-type incident to happen and that it hasn't happened far more often.
It will happen more often now; right wing nuts of all kinds will come out of the closet with the belief that they can become some type of crazy vigilante heroes and they won't be as fearful as this stupid immature child was they'll kill many more in the name of their kind of Justice. Hurting not helping our freedoms.
It will happen more often now; right wing nuts of all kinds will come out of the closet with the belief that they can become some type of crazy vigilante heroes and they won't be as fearful as this stupid immature child was they'll kill many more in the name of their kind of Justice. Hurting not helping our freedoms.
Best not riot, then.
You changed some important facts, but yes a self defense claim would work. It could certainly work under identical circumstances if his assailants were white. If he were black, we would never have even heard of the shooting, a black shooting other blacks is not newsworthy, it would be buried on page fifteen of the local paper and not even mentioned on the news. Dog bites man isn’t news, man bites dog is

I never wrote that that he was black who shot another blk person. So why are writing that he was a blk person who shot another another blk person ?


What systemic racism?

To think that this was a multiple-victim-murder trial,


Rittenhouse was white, all three men he shot were white, the only black was dropkick guy and he wasn’t even charged with anything although Rittenhouse was charged for attempting to shoot him.

They have to make examples of white people. "Get in line or we will treat you like the n*ggas"

Elliot Rodger shot a bunch of white girls because he was angry the white females were not sexually on code.

Anders Brevik shot 100 white people in Norway and killed most of em. Why ? He shot and killed them because to him they are not on code.

This is part of white pathology. "If you do not assist us in oppressing these n* can be next"

So this case was important to teach the next generation of white supremacists by saying "Look if you go out there and kill black people we will have your back. But you have to be on the code of white supremacy !!! You can't be out here helping negroes !!!"


Those whites who died were seen as helping black people.

White supremacists want 2 take the George Zimmerman- Trayvon Martin to another level.

They want a system were they can kill any black man, women or child, at any time and say "I fired for my life" and the system will have his back

That why Shittenhouse could walk up to police fully armed and them not be bothered by him one bit because he was deputized by the police to do their dirty work.

And black people were the first people to put his name out because they stalled on releasing his name so could they scrub all his social media

This is the precedent that they want to set but that precedent can go both ways, meaning if they want to kill black people, then we have the right to respond with maxium retaliation too.
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Violent leftist assholes are going to assault more people now? That's awful!!!

Leftists are the worst.
Actually in reality the far right has murdered more people than the far left ever will in this country. The far right nuts out number the far left nuts by 20 to 1 at least they're organized now under trump and post the greatest risk to our country of any threat.

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