The Rittenhouse Verdict

This is the way Mr. Maturity came across to me.
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He had one moment of being overwhelmed by the massive defamation campaign being raged against him for a year, and was fighting for his life for defending himself against BLM savages. I felt for the teen.

Shame on leftists for putting him through the hell they did, and for those still mocking him - like you. At least he’s going to end up a multimillionaire as compensation for what you leftists do to an innocent teenager (while allowing BLM savages to destroy everything in sight.)
He had one moment of being overwhelmed by the massive defamation campaign being raged against him for a year, and was fighting for his life for defending himself against BLM savages. I felt for the teen.

Shame on leftists for putting him through the hell they did, and for those still mocking him - like you. At least he’s going to end up a multimillionaire as compensation for what you leftists do to an innocent teenager (while allowing BLM savages to destroy everything in sight.)
He's a baby boy, dreaming to be SWAT boy. If it wasn't for some insane laws in Wisconsin that allow children to carry firearms he would be in jail, where he belongs.

PS - I'm not a leftist, I was a Republican until Trump took the party off the deep end.
He's a baby boy, dreaming to be SWAT boy. If it wasn't for some insane laws in Wisconsin that allow children to carry firearms he would be in jail, where he belongs.

PS - I'm not a leftist, I was a Republican until Trump took the party off the deep end.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, right.
No, it's true. As an aside, I have two grown sons. During their high school years, I found life challenging trying to curb some of their immature behavior.

I was at work with a group of women one day and asked them, "At what age do boys show some maturity? They all agreed, at 52. So I'm sticking with that.
He's a baby boy, dreaming to be SWAT boy. If it wasn't for some insane laws in Wisconsin that allow children to carry firearms he would be in jail, where he belongs.

PS - I'm not a leftist, I was a Republican until Trump took the party off the deep end.
Sorry, but the fact that your contempt is for a teen who came within seconds of being killed by BLM savages and arsonists, and has been unfairly maligned as a white supremacist by the media and elected officials, and NOT for the BLM scum destroying businesses nationwide tells me you are a leftist.
The acquitted Kyle Rittenhouse says he is not a racist person, supports Black Lives Matter's right to protest, and was proud he was able to vindicate "self-defense on trial," while expressing concern about prosecutorial injustice in our legal system.

"This case has nothing to do with race," Rittenhouse told Fox News' Tucker Carlson in an interview previewed on Twitter before Monday night's airing. "It never had anything to do with race. It had to do with the right to self-defense.

"I'm not a racist person. I support the BLM movement. I support peacefully demonstrating."

Kyle Rittenhouse is too young to take full responsibility for what happened. He was deceived by bad adults who provided him the assault rifle illegally and taken to the BLM rally, which he now supports, without fully comprehending what he was doing.
He's a baby boy, dreaming to be SWAT boy. If it wasn't for some insane laws in Wisconsin that allow children to carry firearms he would be in jail, where he belongs.

PS - I'm not a leftist, I was a Republican until Trump took the party off the deep end.
So, THAT'S why you support the burning and looting of innocent people's businesses because some black thug was prevented from beating the shit out of his baby momma.

It's because you used to be a republican until bad orange man came along.

Got it.
So, THAT'S why you support the burning and looting of innocent people's businesses because some black thug was prevented from beating the shit out of his baby momma.

It's because you used to be a republican until bad orange man came along.

Got it.
Where did I say I supported burning and looting? Where did I say I became a Democrat? Where did I say I support crime? You goat ropers out there are what's wrong with America.
Sorry, but the fact that your contempt is for a teen who came within seconds of being killed by BLM savages and arsonists, and has been unfairly maligned as a white supremacist by the media and elected officials, and NOT for the BLM scum destroying businesses nationwide tells me you are a leftist.
You make him sound like a poor defenseless kid. I see it as a young kid that put himself in harm's way knowing that by bringing a weapon, he would be a target. He knew what could happen to him so the self-defense argument evaporates in my mind.

He's not a white supremacist, he's a stupid teenager that did a hugely stupid thing. He killed 2 people.
You make him sound like a poor defenseless kid. I see it as a young kid that put himself in harm's way knowing that by bringing a weapon, he would be a target. He knew what could happen to him so the self-defense argument evaporates in my mind.

He's not a white supremacist, he's a stupid teenager that did a hugely stupid thing. He killed 2 people.
Those two people were criminals, and within seconds of murdering him. The fact that your venom is directed at the kid, and that you won’t accept the jury’s verdict of self-defense, rather than at the BLM savages destroying property, setting fires, and behaving like rabid animals, tells me that you are indeed a very far lefty.
Sorry, but the fact that your contempt is for a teen who came within seconds of being killed by BLM savages and arsonists, and has been unfairly maligned as a white supremacist by the media and elected officials, and NOT for the BLM scum destroying businesses nationwide tells me you are a leftist.
Odd how no one else was killed that night by BLM protesters.
I agree that @Incel Joe could really use some serious professional help. Unfortunately, the one doctor who specialized in the sort of help that he really needs is no longer available. Jack Kevorkian died some time ago.

Mormon Bob, proving once again that Mormons are fake Christians...

Real Jesus wouldn't wish death on anyone.

Mormon Jesus is kind of a dick like that.
Oh, no, not a skateboard!!!! The crowd wanted to take him into custody for shooting a man, and he shot them to get away...

This was a travesty of justice.

The Public were the ones who made up the mob. Most people out that night were peaceful protestors who were genuinely upset that a thug cop shot a man in the back 7 times.

Now, yes, we had a perfect storm of a public already fed up with police misconduct combined with a population already at a high level of anxiety due to being forced out of work by TRUMP PLAGUE. But we've had ten years to fix the problems, and didn't.

white people only care when you threaten to break their stuff. What does that say about us?
Hey asshole, that’s called assault with intent to kill. Cry harder loser. Your disgusting fantasies about Rittenhouse got destroyed by EVIDENCE. Your continuing lies about the Blake case, Rittenhouse, and your idiotic blaming of Trump for the China flu mark you an uninformed ignorant ass.
the protesters that were lighting dumpsters on fire and shoving them towards police cars?
The particular dumpster fire that Kyle R. put out was being pushing towards a gas station reportedly. Rossenbaum saw him use the fire extinguisher to put out the fire and began targeting him for “payback” for fouling their plan.

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