The Rittenhouse Verdict

But…but…but it means he was looking to start something so he did start something and that means by law he can’t defend himself
Lib Law 101
If a firefighter brings an axe, is he premeditating committing a crime of property damage or is he merely preparing for a possibility of having to use the axe to get into a burning building or to vent a room?
I take it you never watched a carpenter work.
Some knives like that are also used to open boxes when they don't want to damage the item.
My father worked for the post office and had a knife just like it.
I can think of at least three different knives with curves like that, a linoleum knife, a carpenter's knife, a Karambit knife and any knife with a Hawkbill blade. Curved knives are not uncommon.
This is one of the handful of posters who consistently spews falsehoods because he’s hoping a reader who didn’t watch the trial will read his comments and believe him without checking. This one is tied for worst poster ever imo.
Joe can be rather intelligent at times. His problem is he gets most of his information on current events from the corporate media, so naturally he’s uninformed. Sadly way too many Americans are like him.
Try this topic again, keep it civil, and within the board rules, and guidelines, and it can remain upstairs.
The first one didn't go so well.

The Rittenhouse verdict is in and "Not Guilty" on all charges.

KENOSHA, Wis., Nov 19 (Reuters) - A jury acquitted teenager Kyle Rittenhouse on Friday of murder in the fatal shooting of two men during racial justice protests in a decision thatignited fierce debate about gun rights and the boundaries of self defense in the United States.

The jury found Rittenhouse, 18, not guilty on all charges: two counts of homicide, one count of attempted homicide for wounding a third man, and two counts of recklessly endangering safety in protests marred by arson, rioting and looting on Aug. 25, 2020 in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Rittenhouse broke down sobbing after the verdict and collapsed to the floor before being helped back into his chair.

Amid a heavy law enforcement presence, several dozen protesters lined the steps outside the courthouse after the verdict was read, some carrying placards in support of Rittenhouse and others expressing disappointment.
YAY Jurors!

There is hope for America after all!

God bless them...

:) 🇺🇸
I can't wait until he starts suing the ever-loving shit out of Biden, Harris, Buttigieg, ABC, MSNBC, CBS, Whoopi Goldberg, and a host of other assholes who slandered and are still slandering him!
Uh, yeah, self defense against unarmed people.... you go with that.
If they were stupid enough to go after someone who was armed then maybe they should have come armed themselves. Oh wait, Grosskreutz WAS armed.

Please tell me you were not aware of this. Because if you were then that makes you probably the biggest chickenshit, lying hypocrite on this board.
You are a racist idiot Paul. I don’t care if the five people he and his two friends killed were black, he still committed a horrendous action.

Its not so fking funny now is it ? Hmm ?

Its not so fking funny now is it ?

But it's funny when blk ppl get killed isn't it ? Because ya know "the blk guy attacked him" "the black guy had a criminal record" and "chicago"

The fault is the system of white supremacy that you support.

Let's go back here.

All they had to do is arrest cop who paralysed Jacob Blake and charge him with attempted first degree murder and not let him walk.

It’s that simple but white supremacy hates taking L’s so they'd rather let these young white girls die or have life threatening / changing injuries than charge and punish those cops.

Further proof that you can’t put a price tag on white supremacy. You will destroy the world before you give it up. For you there is no purpose to life without white supremacy and privilege.

It could just have easily been simply an accident and nothing to do with race.

That's what the usual suspects ALWAYS tell us, right? We should wait for ALL the FACTS during the trial and not rush to judgement, or rely on the court of public opinion...
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Except that there's no real evidence for that. He certainly wasn't still trying to take the gun when Rittenhouse shot him in the back.

I see you never bothered to watch the videos or you simply ignored what you saw.

Rosenbaum chased Rittenhouse and the videos prove this.

As for the shots in Rosenbaum’s back, Rittenhouse fired four shots in quick succession when Rosenbaum was facing him and grabbing for the gun. The first two shots caused Rosenbaum to falter and fall down. When he did, the last two shots went in the back area as he was falling.

So no, Rittenhouse did not shoot Rosenbaum in the back, at least, not in the way you’re thinking.
The part where he deliberately went to a riot zone with an assault rifle.... driving across state lines with a weapon he wasn't legally allowed to own.

Wrong. To begin with, he did not cross state lines with the weapon. As far as I know, the gun never stepped foot - so to speak - in Illinois. As for showing up with a weapon, Grosskreutz had a weapon of his own and so did another rioter who actually fired his in the air as Kyle and Rosenbaum ran past him.

Do a little research before posting this shit.

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