The Rittenhouse Verdict

Self defense is protecting yourself from someone who means you harm. Which is what Rittenhouse did. The question is, why do you not see this?

My apologies if that offends but you insist on dancing around the facts, facts that I asked if you aware of but did not answer. Namely:

* That Rosenbaum chased Rittenhouse.
* That Rittenhouse was running and trying to get away from Rosenbaum.
* That Rosenbaum tried to take Kyle’s gun from him when Kyle got cornered.

Except that there's no real evidence for that. He certainly wasn't still trying to take the gun when Rittenhouse shot him in the back.

I’m just having trouble wrapping my head around your reluctance to call it self defense, given everything we know.

The part where he deliberately went to a riot zone with an assault rifle.... driving across state lines with a weapon he wasn't legally allowed to own.
Except that there's no real evidence for that. He certainly wasn't still trying to take the gun when Rittenhouse shot him in the back.

The part where he deliberately went to a riot zone with an assault rifle.... driving across state lines with a weapon he wasn't legally allowed to own.
Lol. Joe he lived 25 miles from Kenosha in Illinois. Look at a map.

He did NOT take the gun across state lines. You’ve been duped by your corporate media sources.
Except that there's no real evidence for that. He certainly wasn't still trying to take the gun when Rittenhouse shot him in the back.

The part where he deliberately went to a riot zone with an assault rifle.... driving across state lines with a weapon he wasn't legally allowed to own.
What's an "assault rifle"?
Antioch is in Illinois
Kenosha is in Wisconsin.

He crossed state lines. He got a gun illegally because he got a straw buyer to buy it for him.
You do know that Illinois borders Wisconsin. Lol.

The gun was held by his friend in WISCONSIN. Your lying news sources forgot to tell you this. They keep spouting STATE LINES! STATE LINES! As if this means anything. Don’t be a dupe of the lying media.
Actually, the chickens came home to roost. Black folks asked very nicely to clean up the police for years...

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Asking nicely didn't change anything.
Nothing wrong with shooting Negro street thugs.

What is wrong is when an asshole racist Negro Capitol Police is protecting property and shoot an unarmed White Patriot veteran woman because she was protesting the filthy Democrats stealing an election.
Actually, the chickens came home to roost. Black folks asked very nicely to clean up the police for years...

They need to clean up their own community, their own mess.

If their community wasn't turning out so many violent, destructive criminals, then there wouldn't be so many of them finding themselves on the losing end of fights with the police.
Actually, the chickens came home to roost. Black folks asked very nicely to clean up the police for years...

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Asking nicely didn't change anything.

The goddamn Negros are 13% of the population but yet commit almost 40% of the violent crimes in this country. When they clean up their own act then they won't be shot by the police.

If that shithead was really concern about Negro lives he would be telling the sonofabitches to stop shooting each other, stop committing so much crime, get off welfare, start taking care of their families and stop electing Democrats that screw up the economy and cause poverty.
Nobody proved that was a knife. They "found" a knife in his car afterwards, and if you believe that, I have swampland in Florida I want to sell... cheap.

Nobody proved that was a knife.

The knife he admitted he had? DURR

The vigilantes were the mob that ran down Kyle to kill him.

There were four people that testified at the trial that said they were asked to protect other people's property.

They must have a different sense of community responsibility than you do.

The mob chasing Kyle was not a bunch of vigilantes. They were pure criminals.

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