The Rittenhouse Verdict

Actually, all three of the men Rittenhouse shot resided in Kenosha or one of its suburbs...

Um, no, the video showed he had a pair of sunglasses in his hand. The cops "found" a knife in the car afterwards, the key thing was that it was in the car.
Only the three you use to paint the rioters as being in house eh ? Nice attempt, but everyone sees through your constant bull crap here

Ummm yes there was a knife, and I know that it just drove you insane to have to admit to it.
We should stay on topic of the verdict, but..............

Americans still supported Hitler long after Stalin's country and Hitler's Germany became enemies.. Five or six months after!

Focus eh ??? ROTFLMBO.... So you go trouncing around the world in your so called focus eh.??. Thank God the court stayed away from your leftist tactics or we wouldn't have any justice in the case yet or ever.... Focus bawahawahawahaaahahahaha.
If this entire incident had occurred on private property, you’d have a point. As soon as Kyle wandered out into public property he was in the wrong; morally at least.
Wandered out to protect private property, uhhhh yeah he did, because law and order failed. Why can't you get that through your thick skull ??
Wandered out to protect private property, uhhhh yeah he did, because law and order failed. Why can't you get that through your thick skull ??
The my feel the rioting should be able to continue on unimpeded because “things” are so unfair
You know what really baffles me is that there was so many angles, ON VIDEO, that people still come out and say this KID just wasn’t prepare and a very good shot. Good intent Vs Bad Intent when I carry the movie theater I have intent to stop a threat to my family or others but not to shoot up protestors outside. Just like Kyle was armed with good intent, the intent to use that weapon if was threatened WHILE HELPING OTHERS not distrupt the madness with the gun. Now again back TO SO MANY DAMN CAMERA ANGLES it baffles me. The guy kicks him in the head, points a gun at him, hits him with a skateboard. That‘s what was on trial. Period.
What name will they choose for America's new Gestapo?
Will they be arrested for calling them what they are?

That biased judge took away your freedom of speech right under your very noses when he censored the prosecution!
they changing FBI?

stop whining. you know the kid wasnt guilty. you just refuse to hold anyone else accountable.
Wandered out to protect private property, uhhhh yeah he did, because law and order failed. Why can't you get that through your thick skull ??
Just because the police fail in their duty doesn’t deputize everyone with a Marshall Dillon or TJ Hooker fantasy. Why cant YOU get that through YOUR head?
Do you hold their actions against them?
Did they act in an inappropriate, immoral, and illegal manner… Definitely. Is it the job of the general public to police (pun intended) that activity… Definitely NOT. That’s what we have the POLICE for.

Just because the police fail to act does not deputize members of the general public in their place.
If Kenosha had sent these thugs home instead of giving them water and thanking them for being out there, this might have never happened.

An all white jury found a white kid innocent of murdering two people. Does anyone think if Rittenhouse was a black kid, they'd have gotten the same result.

I blame the prosecutors for not having their stuff together. But maybe they had some silly idea when you have videotape of the accused doing exactly what he's been charged with, you don't have to work that hard.

The judge deserves a lot of credit for this fiasco, from not allowing the victims to be called victims, to demanding the jury applaud a defense witness for his military service, to ranting at the prosecutors for a mild violation of decorum. He did everything he could to rig the proceedings in Rittenhouse's favor.

Of course, a dangerous precedent has been set here.. you can claim self-defense in a situation where you provoked the confrontation.
Cry harder. News flash loser. Rittenhouse IS NOT black. Nor was your beloved pedophile who’s burning in hell. Nor was your beloved domestic abuser who’s there with him. Nor was your beloved illegal gun packing moron who now is called “lefty”. Oh that’s right, your fantasy of Rittenhouse being sexually assaulted in prison just got vaporized. Your pathetic excuses are just like you. Pathetic.
Really, a "knife" with a curve just like a pair of sunglasses would have?
I take it you never watched a carpenter work.
Some knives like that are also used to open boxes when they don't want to damage the item.
My father worked for the post office and had a knife just like it.

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