The Rittenhouse Verdict

Hardly any of the rioters had reason to be there either, but they were there weren't they derp ? Give it up before you make to much of a fool of yourself.
Actually, all three of the men Rittenhouse shot resided in Kenosha or one of its suburbs...

Focus only the alledged unarmed part eh ? Wasn't there a knife that was proven to be seen prior to him getting shot ? The video was quite clear on that wasn't it ? Might be mixing events or something, so I'm not sure about it.

Um, no, the video showed he had a pair of sunglasses in his hand. The cops "found" a knife in the car afterwards, the key thing was that it was in the car.
Focus only the alledged unarmed part eh ? Wasn't there a knife that was proven to be seen prior to him getting shot ? The video was quite clear on that wasn't it ? Might be mixing events or something, so I'm not sure about it.


Knife in his left hand.
Darns cops, preventing kidnapping and car theft.....what were they thinking?

It was his car and his kids... so, um, no.

Between Blake's family and the families of the Rittenhouse victims, Kenosha is going to have to fire-sale their community. They can't afford million dollar payouts like Chicago or Minneapolis.
Hey, if a thug cop hadn't shot an unarmed man in the back seven times with his children in the car, there wouldn't have been demonstrations to start with.

I'm sorry Moon Bat but a cop shooting a filthy ass ghetto thug during a crime does not give the goddamn Negroes the right to burn down a city. the cop didn't even kill the sonofabitch.

Just when the hell have you been concerned with protesting injustice? You were bitching about the Patriots that spent four hours protesting the Democrats stealing a Presidential election from the American people. If our Founding Fathers had been around to see that injustice all of DC would have been burned to the ground.
It was his car and his kids... so, um, no.

Between Blake's family and the families of the Rittenhouse victims, Kenosha is going to have to fire-sale their community. They can't afford million dollar payouts like Chicago or Minneapolis.

It was his ex's car and he had a restraining order.
Taking the kids was kidnapping.
I'm sorry Moon Bat but a cop shooting a filthy ass ghetto thug during a crime does not give the goddamn Negroes the right to burn down a city. the cop didn't even kill the sonofabitch.

Just when the hell have you been concerned with protesting injustice? You were bitching about the Patriots that spent four hours protesting the Democrats stealing a Presidential election from the American people. If our Founding Fathers had been around to see that injustice all of DC would have been burned to the ground.

Uh, trying to stop a legal election from being completed is not something "Patriotic".

If those had been black people pulling that shit, they'd have shot more than just the crazy woman.
No opposition to Stalin's alliance with Hitler......weird.
We should stay on topic of the verdict, but..............

Americans still supported Hitler long after Stalin's country and Hitler's Germany became enemies.. Five or six months after!


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