The Rittenhouse Verdict

Then they’re imbeciles, morons, do-Goodyear’s and vigilantes. They would not receive a warm welcome if they “chose” to help me or come into my property uninvited.

You shoot someone who is just coming to help you against a barbarian mob.
And for some people the choice is going to be to murder people. And for others it's not going to be that.

For some people they feel that there's a mentality which is dangerous in the US and perhaps Rittenhouse is a part of this.
The actual mentality that is dangerous is that of the true believer like you -- uneducated leftists with neither knowledge nor values existing as little more than pre-programmed automatons and all demanding absolute lock-step conformity to your downright Orwellian world view that denies truth and subverts reality.

Take, for instance, your support for Muslims raping British children -- you have no idea WHY you support their rape, you apply no principles in assessing their rape and you are obviously a sociopath who cannot place yourself in the shoes of the victims of rape. All you know is that the rapists belong to an identity you are required to support and the victims do not.

This repulsive tribalism, the likes of which you are displaying in this thread to support the violent criminals and pedophiles, is the true danger to a civilized society.
Perhaps, the law enforcement needs to act like actual law enforcement.
No more of the defund the police. Maybe then there wouldn't be a need
for what happened.

If Kenosha had sent these thugs home instead of giving them water and thanking them for being out there, this might have never happened.

An all white jury found a white kid innocent of murdering two people. Does anyone think if Rittenhouse was a black kid, they'd have gotten the same result.

I blame the prosecutors for not having their stuff together. But maybe they had some silly idea when you have videotape of the accused doing exactly what he's been charged with, you don't have to work that hard.

The judge deserves a lot of credit for this fiasco, from not allowing the victims to be called victims, to demanding the jury applaud a defense witness for his military service, to ranting at the prosecutors for a mild violation of decorum. He did everything he could to rig the proceedings in Rittenhouse's favor.

Of course, a dangerous precedent has been set here.. you can claim self-defense in a situation where you provoked the confrontation.
And the worst part is, they think they are being clever.
What they do or how they operate is the same as this in their evil tactics..

Say for an instance that a trucker hits a car because the car runs a red light ok.

Next you get these predator lawyer's attempting to say that if the trucker wasn't running 2 mile an hour over the speed limit, then he or she wouldn't have gotten to the intersection at the time the car blew the red light, and therefore the trucker is at fault also. These are the evil tactics being used by the leftist these days, so it doesn't matter that the trucker was doing the correct speed by the time he or she entered into the intersection, but that prior to getting to the intersection the trucker was shown by some evil formula calculated, that the truck had been 2 mile above the limit therefore putting the truck at the intersection sooner than later.
If Kenosha had sent these thugs home instead of giving them water and thanking them for being out there, this might have never happened.

An all white jury found a white kid innocent of murdering two people. Does anyone think if Rittenhouse was a black kid, they'd have gotten the same result.

I blame the prosecutors for not having their stuff together. But maybe they had some silly idea when you have videotape of the accused doing exactly what he's been charged with, you don't have to work that hard.

The judge deserves a lot of credit for this fiasco, from not allowing the victims to be called victims, to demanding the jury applaud a defense witness for his military service, to ranting at the prosecutors for a mild violation of decorum. He did everything he could to rig the proceedings in Rittenhouse's favor.

Of course, a dangerous precedent has been set here.. you can claim self-defense in a situation where you provoked the confrontation.
Trying to prevent arson is not "provocation", and the criminals with whom you identify are not victims.

You are just a bitter, hateful little man who sides with the worst filth the gene pool vomits forth because they remind you of you.
If Kenosha had sent these thugs home instead of giving them water and thanking them for being out there, this might have never happened.

An all white jury found a white kid innocent of murdering two people. Does anyone think if Rittenhouse was a black kid, they'd have gotten the same result.

I blame the prosecutors for not having their stuff together. But maybe they had some silly idea when you have videotape of the accused doing exactly what he's been charged with, you don't have to work that hard.

The judge deserves a lot of credit for this fiasco, from not allowing the victims to be called victims, to demanding the jury applaud a defense witness for his military service, to ranting at the prosecutors for a mild violation of decorum. He did everything he could to rig the proceedings in Rittenhouse's favor.

Of course, a dangerous precedent has been set here.. you can claim self-defense in a situation where you provoked the confrontation.
Talking bout "Ifs"

When the shithead protesters started their destruction if the police had come in and put a stop to it not only would have nobody been killed but they wouldn't have had the massive property damage that we saw.

But that didn't happen because the filthy ass Democrat Mayor ordered the police to stand down from protecting property and that gave a greed light to the goddamn Negros and Communists to destoy any fucking thing they wanted. The stupid hateful sonofabitch wanted to kiss the ass of the Jungle Monkeys and that resulted in massive destruction.

One the police officers testified at the hearing that they were told not to respond to property damage reguests. What could possibly go wrong?

In the county where I lived the asshole Negroes started to do their rioting but the Sheriff's Department put an end to that real damn quick. That was the right thing to do and that was not what that dickhead Democrat leadership of Kenosha did.

"Hey, let the Negroes and Communists run wild in the streets and destroy anything they want, what could possibly go wrong?"
The actual mentality that is dangerous is that of the true believer like you -- uneducated leftists with neither knowledge nor values existing as little more than pre-programmed automatons and all demanding absolute lock-step conformity to your downright Orwellian world view that denies truth and subverts reality.

Take, for instance, your support for Muslims raping British children -- you have no idea WHY you support their rape, you apply no principles in assessing their rape and you are obviously a sociopath who cannot place yourself in the shoes of the victims of rape. All you know is that the rapists belong to an identity you are required to support and the victims do not.

This repulsive tribalism, the likes of which you are displaying in this thread to support the violent criminals and pedophiles, is the true danger to a civilized society.
Exactly.... Watch this series or episodes, and then think about the next time you hear these leftist having sympathy for the criminal element's in our society. You know "ohhh no he might feel pain if they use lethal injection on him or the death penalty is so cruel or water boarding is an atrocity etc".

How is it that they became so desensitized, and started dis-regarding the pain and suffering of the victims ??

I challenge anyone to walk away from this series not having sympathy for the victim's, and if one can, then he or she might be as bad as the guy's daughter who was found out to have been part of the plot to kill her parent's and her own kids.

I see the world through a very different prism than most people. A much more precise one where decisions have only two options… Right and Wrong, without any grey areas.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Ok it's alright we believe you.
If anyone has anything to answer for it's the prosecution. They scuttled their case in the worst way. They pissed off the judge, they lied. They did not play by the rules and did nothing to hide it.
That's the right talking point but in my opinion it's an obvious lie. The judge's bias served to humiliate and intimidate the prosecution lawyers right from the start. How outrageous that he would dictate terms used to describe anyone on either side!
Is that America now? Is that all there is left of your 1st. amendment and freedom?

This travesty can't be counterspun to make it look like justice.

And regardless, America is about to pay a heavy price for the judge's extremist bias!
They should ALL be hunted down, arrested and jailed.
What name will they choose for America's new Gestapo?
Will they be arrested for calling them what they are?

That biased judge took away your freedom of speech right under your very noses when he censored the prosecution!

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