The Rittenhouse Verdict

Good grief, so you side with these rioters who were in Kenosha attempting to burn, break the law, and commit acts of aggression against anyone who would stand in their way, and it's all because these rioters hate the very thing that you are attempting to use in the case against those who are the good one's eh ???

The breakdown of law and order had already happened, so it matters not what either side was doing in the event, because the law was absent of it's duties to protect and uphold the law out in the streets, otherwise the same street's that you figure should have still honored law and order even when it was gone.

So who are the most culpable when law and order became absent in the streets where mob rule became the authority ?? Remember, this mob was destroying property, hurting people, threatening and spitting in the cops faces, otherwise when they were challenging them at their safety lines drawn, and while they were hidden behind their safe zones that were not helpful any longer to the communities outside of the zones.

Are you hearing yourself speak?? Undoubtedly not.
Of course they don't hear themselves. They are the little monkey with the big wind-up key in the back. All they do is bang the cymbals.

Nope. Wrong side of the country. I’m in the Northeast.

The courts and the voting booth.
Without the courts properly operating as they should be, then the voting booth sadly is no longer viable for many in their states (all depending). The democrat's have attempted to weaponize the court systems in an attempt to get it's agenda's through without resistance, and in the case of Rittenhouse we had a hold out Court that hadn't fallen to the Democrat agenda yet. That is what has driven the left crazy with the verdict, because they didn't think that there were still that kind of resistance left after their government got in charge. Keep your eyes peeled American's, and watch the circus as it attempts to reverse this win in any desperate way imaginable.
The page is turning. The verdict is the beginning of a return to common sense. The result is huge for the real America!
I thought so,also.But I forgot that the Left NEVER admits wrong let alone backs
down.As Learned under the vile tutelage of Barack Obama ,the Left and Democrats
merely Double Down.Last night this proved true.Keeping in mind the Left and Democrats
could care less about Truth.As Dennis Prager has proven ...
The Left Does not value Truth.
Also the Bigger the Government,the smaller the Citizen.
The easiest solution for Common and normal Americans who still care about
Truth and the American Way is to Leave Blue States.As fast as humanly possible.
Not an easy choice.But at this point a highly prudent and sane alternative.
The courts are packed with Judges who are not on the side of Americans
let alone Freedoms and Rights.:They almsot smirk at Due Process.
Which is proven out by the Rittenhouse verdict.
Also Keeping mind how the ACLU is no longer the guardian of civil
liberties.It started when for the first time in Modern History the ACLU
refuses to come to the aid of a Supreme Court Nominee.Their Board of Directprs
in a rare move decided to OPPOSE Brett Kavanaugh.
One obvious reason is their Biggest Benefactor.That being Globalist Goldfinger
George Soros.Who is Buying DA's and Mayors and even those like
Tallahasseee Mayor Andrew Gillum,schooled at one of Soros's school for the
Ignorant and woke Minded.The same *place where many troublemaker Democrats
learned the craft of America Hating
I thought so,also.But I forgot that the Left NEVER admits wrong let alone backs
down.As Learned under the vile tutelage of Barack Obama ,the Left and Democrats
merely Double Down.Last night this proved true.Keeping in mind the Left and Democrats
could care less about Truth.As Dennis Prager has proven ...
The Left Does not value Truth.
Also the Bigger the Government,the smaller the Citizen.
The easiest solution for Common and normal Americans who still care about
Truth and the American Way is to Leave Blue States.As fast as humanly possible.
Not an easy choice.But at this point a highly prudent and sane alternative.
The courts are packed with Judges who are not on the side of Americans
let alone Freedoms and Rights.:They almsot smirk at Due Process.
Which is proven out by the Rittenhouse verdict.
Also Keeping mind how the ACLU is no longer the guardian of civil
liberties.It started when for the first time in Modern History the ACLU
refuses to come to the aid of a Supreme Court Nominee.Their Board of Directprs
in a rare move decided to OPPOSE Brett Kavanaugh.
One obvious reason is their Biggest Benefactor.That being Globalist Goldfinger
George Soros.Who is Buying DA's and Mayors and even those like
Tallahasseee Mayor Andrew Gillum,schooled at one of Soros's school for the
Ignorant and woke Minded.The same *place where many troublemaker Democrats
learned the craft of America Hating
KR then, and the precedence is the condition of being considered more important than something else.

The decision in this court case is clear. Anyone with a gun, and especially a long gun, can legally attend a protest.

Intimidation of a protest of this kind is sure to create the fight or flight reaction: The fight or flight response is an automatic physiological reaction to an event that is perceived as stressful or frightening.
Uhhhh, change the word protest to riot please. Thank you.
* The Notorious Rockwood Leadership Institute.That helped inspire and train
many from BLM and Media Matters for America, and the Tides
Foundation.Where guys like Bill Ayers and Barack Obama were on the Board.
Linda Sarsour and Van Jones are Rockwood trained and ready for bear.
Rittenhauser? Zero cred when you can't even be bother to spell his name.
That was his feeble attempt at giving him a German Nazi name probably, and his mom just gave him a cookie (upon her visit to the basement), you know for being so very quite as he type's away in his desperation now. lol

a person can and many people often are members of different communities in different states
Exactly, otherwise I thought that the splitting of the states in the 1800s had failed ? Now we have the left attempting to say that border's matter, and that crossing state lines without showing ones papers should now be a requirement ? I thought we were all united American's, and if any state is in peril, that American's cross state lines always to assist the other state(s) ?

Happens all the time in these natural or unnatural storms that occur. Maybe now the left will make border walls between each state with check points. They are so pathetic.
Why did the judge forbid so much on Rittenhouse, like the photos of him with those Proud Boys; what he said to rile up these protesters, etc. etc. the jury only heard one side of the story.
The photos were taken after the shooting. There was no evidence of him saying anything to rile up the rioters.
ALL of them should have been at home. Only one pulled the trigger on a gun. Only one killed two people and maimed a third. THAT’S the difference. Regardless of what extenuating circumstances exist, only Kyle USED his gun that night.
You better walk down the historical street's of the riots, because attempted murder of the innocent was rampant in the riots, and law enforcement was given orders to stay behind their line's for political reasons (their hands were tied).
It will happen more often now; right wing nuts of all kinds will come out of the closet with the belief that they can become some type of crazy vigilante heroes and they won't be as fearful as this stupid immature child was they'll kill many more in the name of their kind of Justice. Hurting not helping our freedoms.
Screenshot this so we can talk about it again in about a year.
Actually in reality the far right has murdered more people than the far left ever will in this country. The far right nuts out number the far left nuts by 20 to 1 at least they're organized now under trump and post the greatest risk to our country of any threat.
Good grief.... Have you ever been to a conservative Christian community or even to Republican communities all around the country ? I bet that you barely escaped with your life because the crime and chaos on those street's was so bad... lol
Last edited:
I thought so,also.But I forgot that the Left NEVER admits wrong let alone backs
down.As Learned under the vile tutelage of Barack Obama ,the Left and Democrats
merely Double Down.Last night this proved true.Keeping in mind the Left and Democrats
could care less about Truth.As Dennis Prager has proven ...
The Left Does not value Truth.
Also the Bigger the Government,the smaller the Citizen.
The easiest solution for Common and normal Americans who still care about
Truth and the American Way is to Leave Blue States.As fast as humanly possible.
Not an easy choice.But at this point a highly prudent and sane alternative.
The courts are packed with Judges who are not on the side of Americans
let alone Freedoms and Rights.:They almsot smirk at Due Process.
Which is proven out by the Rittenhouse verdict.
Also Keeping mind how the ACLU is no longer the guardian of civil
liberties.It started when for the first time in Modern History the ACLU
refuses to come to the aid of a Supreme Court Nominee.Their Board of Directprs
in a rare move decided to OPPOSE Brett Kavanaugh.
One obvious reason is their Biggest Benefactor.That being Globalist Goldfinger
George Soros.Who is Buying DA's and Mayors and even those like
Tallahasseee Mayor Andrew Gillum,schooled at one of Soros's school for the
Ignorant and woke Minded.The same *place where many troublemaker Democrats
learned the craft of America Hating
Exactly the way to look at this, otherwise to put the puzzle together in order to give a bigger picture look at what all is in play here. Anyone blind to these things are either ignorant hillbillies, the uneducated, leftist or they are closet democrat's operating as republican's in hopes to undermine the red states in every way that they can.
They got the message the judge meant for them to get. Aquit or it's mistrial.

Or they just figured out from the evidence that it was self defense for Kyle.

The real problem for the Prosecution was that they put on a very weak case. The video evidence was overwhelming in favor of Kyle (thank god it was available) and there was not much of a case. The Prosecution told several blatant lies and the jury knew it.

Little Finger didn't do a very good job. Talk about a sleazy character.

Kyle never should have been prosecuted in the first place under Wisconsin's self defense and stand your ground laws. It was a political trial and those no nonsense Midwesterns on the jury saw through it.

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