The Rittenhouse Verdict

We have no basis on which to assume he knew what Rosenbaum intended once he had Rittenhouse cornered.

Part of what problem? It’s only “part of the problem” if we assume (as you apparently do) that Rittenhouse knew beforehand that Rosenbaum meant him no physical harm but shot him anyway and that anyone and everyone who agrees that it was self defense only do so because they want to believe it.

That’s quite a stretch and posits factors and elements that go far beyond what the video reveals.

The video shows one man chasing another and then attempting to take his weapon from him. The man being pursued then finds himself cornered. The choice is clear at this point that the man being pursued can let the pursuer take his weapon and possibly use it against him, or otherwise cause him harm and injury, or he can defend himself.

For me, the choice is obvious, unless I simply don’t care what happens to me: put the motherfucker down.

And for some people the choice is going to be to murder people. And for others it's not going to be that.

For some people they feel that there's a mentality which is dangerous in the US and perhaps Rittenhouse is a part of this.

I believe the correct translation is “ thou shall not murder”
I've been told till is incorrect it's only a murder when it's been proved when a killing has been proved illegal in a court. And the Catholic version it is " thou shall not kill. " Religious laws do not always correspond directly with civil laws, some aren't civil laws at all.
I've been told till is incorrect it's only a murder when it's been proved when a killing has been proved illegal in a court. And the Catholic version it is " thou shall not kill. " Religious laws do not always correspond directly with civil laws, some aren't civil laws at all.
From what I understand the mistake was made when the Bible was translated into Latin From Aramic. So both Protestant and Catholic bibles contain the same mistranslation. But Im not a bible scholar so I don’t know.
And for some people the choice is going to be to murder people. And for others it's not going to be that.

For some people they feel that there's a mentality which is dangerous in the US and perhaps Rittenhouse is a part of this.

IF you don't like the US then don't come here. This is easy. Also, don't come to our message boards. Even easier. There, done.
Why did the judge forbid so much on Rittenhouse, like the photos of him with those Proud Boys; what he said to rile up these protesters, etc. etc. the jury only heard one side of the story.

Right, we know you wanted to prosecute Rittenhouse on WrongThink. Anyone who engages in WrongThink should be jailed or worse, according to you fascists.


We say no. And we are winning. The end.
And for some people the choice is going to be to murder people. And for others it's not going to be that.

So who committed murder?

What part of this situation do you not understand? Do you not understand that Rittenhouse was attacked? Do you not understand that Rosenbaum chased him? Do you not understand that Rosenbaum tried to take his gun? Do you not understand that Rosenbaum instigated all this because his arson fire was put out? Does this not tell you that Rosenbaum was unstable to say the least, and downright dangerous at worst?

Jesus Christ, man, why are you blatantly ignoring the obvious?
For some people they feel that there's a mentality which is dangerous in the US and perhaps Rittenhouse is a part of this.

Rittenhouse is not the one who lost his shit because his fire was put out.

Again, in all three shootings, Rittenhouse is trying to get away. All. Fucking. Three.

Are you people blind or just plain stupid?
Right, we know you wanted to prosecute Rittenhouse on WrongThink. Anyone who engages in WrongThink should be jailed or worse, according to you fascists.


We say no. And we are winning. The end.
It's all about believing you're winning with people like you, right or wrong doesn't matter anymore. And you wonder why America is going downhill !
It's all about believing you're winning with people like you, right or wrong doesn't matter anymore. And you wonder why America is going downhill !
Oh, the entertainment!

Winning is a cool thing. You ought to try it sometime. Winning means you actually EARNED the trophy by being something other than Snowflake of the Year.
So who committed murder?

What part of this situation do you not understand? Do you not understand that Rittenhouse was attacked? Do you not understand that Rosenbaum chased him? Do you not understand that Rosenbaum tried to take his gun? Do you not understand that Rosenbaum instigated all this because his arson fire was put out? Does this not tell you that Rosenbaum was unstable to say the least, and downright dangerous at worst?

Jesus Christ, man, why are you blatantly ignoring the obvious?

Rittenhouse is not the one who lost his shit because his fire was put out.

Again, in all three shootings, Rittenhouse is trying to get away. All. Fucking. Three.

Are you people blind or just plain stupid?

The "obvious" for some people isn't "obvious" for others. Like what "self defense" means.

But this conversation is over, you want to start talking about "plain stupid", we're done.
Rye, I see you're just following the flawed narrative of your preferred media.
Kyle DID NOT cross into Wi. with a firearm.
The firearm WAS legal for him.
He fired in self defense, Rye.

I do hope you never serve on a jury, Rye, there is no way in hell you
could ever be an impartial juror.
Yep, and that's these Democrat's problem, it's "PARTY OVER COUNTRY".

We've seen that evidence also, and it's STRONG, but it's in danger now, especially since they have the worst president in History at the helm. He's such a weakling that he had to bring back Obama his henchman for a third term. The thing is however, is that he's following Obama instead of Obama following him as the president. Stay vigilant folks, because you saw what Obama did with our money last time, and we sure don't want to keep allowing that bull crap to keep happening.

Conservatives/republican's don't need to give these people even a fraction of an inch, because they will take the whole farm away. Many parts of this nation are now in the fight for their lives, and this is for their Christian or other free lifestyle's lived, their value's, their tradition's, and their justice for all.... The citizen's should unite "Christian's and all" who are law abiding freedom lover's, because Christian's want everyone to have freedom's just like they want the same as long as they live lawfully and peacefully along side of one another, and this is looking back to a more balanced outcome for the good of the country.

The bad agenda's must be identified, evaluated, and stopped if they are one's that are undermining our nation's freedom's to assemble right's or any other critical right's we all have.
That's right, now lets get back to the facts , The first guy pimple face killed he shot 4 times ,twice in the back because he threw paper at him. The next guy he killed was a hero trying to stop pimple boy from killing others and the third guy he shot , I wish he instead of trying to stop or take away pimple boys gun would had shot this little piece of shit instead, to stop him from getting shot himself and the guy before him getting killed , both being heroes .Then the other guy Grosskreutz could have been found not guillty with less dead and less shot.
Good grief, so you side with these rioters who were in Kenosha attempting to burn, break the law, and commit acts of aggression against anyone who would stand in their way, and it's all because these rioters hate the very thing that you are attempting to use in the case against those who are the good one's eh ???

The breakdown of law and order had already happened, so it matters not what either side was doing in the event, because the law was absent of it's duties to protect and uphold the law out in the streets, otherwise the same street's that you figure should have still honored law and order even when it was gone.

So who are the most culpable when law and order became absent in the streets where mob rule became the authority ?? Remember, this mob was destroying property, hurting people, threatening and spitting in the cops faces, otherwise when they were challenging them at their safety lines drawn, and while they were hidden behind their safe zones that were not helpful any longer to the communities outside of the zones.

Are you hearing yourself speak?? Undoubtedly not.

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