The Rittenhouse Verdict

In the USA, the guy who shot two whites was acquitted, and pensioners who threatened Blacks with the use of weapons for self-defense were fined ~ $ 1.5 thousand, from which it can be concluded that in the States it is more economical for citizens to shoot than to talk.

Another dangerous mentality is people who think they can kill others freely and use "self defense" as an excuse, a get out clause. Like the South Park video I posted before.
Videos are almost required to show proof in today’s trials by jury. Unless a defendant has multiple eyewitnesses without footage it will be harder to prove when there are conflicting statements from witnesses. I am very glad there was video evidence in the Rittenhouse case.
Lol. Joe he lived 25 miles from Kenosha in Illinois. Look at a map.

He did NOT take the gun across state lines. You’ve been duped by your corporate media sources.
This is one of the handful of posters who consistently spews falsehoods because he’s hoping a reader who didn’t watch the trial will read his comments and believe him without checking. This one is tied for worst poster ever imo.
The mob chasing Kyle was not a bunch of vigilantes. They were pure criminals.
Thanks for bringing up that point Boedicca- either in this thread or a similar one that word vigilante is not only being misused but totally abused. Ha One poster wrote that the SUV driver who mowed down innocent girls and elderly women was acting like a vigilante -geeez and as you stated his actions were strictly criminal.

As most already know, a vigilante is someone with good intention wants to help defend other people or their property when lawlessness is occurring. It surely doesn’t involve taking out lives randomly or free for all combat.
Thanks for bringing up that point Boedicca- either in this thread or a similar one that word vigilante is not only being misused but totally abused. Ha One poster wrote that the SUV driver who mowed down innocent girls and elderly women was acting like a vigilante -geeez and as you stated his actions were strictly criminal.

As most already know, a vigilante is someone with good intention wants to help defend other people or their property when lawlessness is occurring. It surely doesn’t involve taking out lives randomly or free for all combat.

Yes, decent law-abiding people become vigilantes when the civil authorities fail in their duty to enforce the rule of law. At bottom, the situation in Kenosha is due to the failure of the government to enforce the law and protect the public from the mob violence.
The judge's bias served to humiliate and intimidate the prosecution lawyers right from the start.
An obvious lie.
How outrageous that he would dictate terms used to describe anyone on either side!
Why do you choose to not understand it is the judge's job to disallow the use of terms that would prejuduice the jury?
This travesty can't be counterspun to make it look like justice.
An obvious lie.
KR then, and the precedence is the condition of being considered more important than something else.
The decision in this court case is clear. Anyone with a gun, and especially a long gun, can legally attend a protest.
This "decision" says no such thing, and the result of a jury trial is not legal precedent.
Thew laws of the state of Wisconsin - and most other states - say it is legal to bring a rifle to a protest.
27,000-30,000 people brought a rifle, or some other firearm, to a protest in Richmond VA in January 2020 - all legally.
Hypothetically mens rea was not present in the minds of the jury. Taking into consideration:
  • the defendant asked another to buy him a weapon
  • he then crossed into Wisconsin from his home state with said firearm
  • he used it killing two human beings and maiming another.
Carrying a weapon with you in case you need to use it to protect yourself is not "premeditation" in the criminal sense.
Except that there's no real evidence for that. He certainly wasn't still trying to take the gun when Rittenhouse shot him in the back.

The part where he deliberately went to a riot zone with an assault rifle.... driving across state lines with a weapon he wasn't legally allowed to own.
Are you going to stamp your feet and threaten to hold your breath? Throwing a tantrum because your fantasy of Rittenhouse being sexually assaulted I never prison got blown up. Now blatantly lying about the FACTS. Pathetic.
Thanks for bringing up that point Boedicca- either in this thread or a similar one that word vigilante is not only being misused but totally abused. Ha One poster wrote that the SUV driver who mowed down innocent girls and elderly women was acting like a vigilante -geeez and as you stated his actions were strictly criminal.

As most already know, a vigilante is someone with good intention wants to help defend other people or their property when lawlessness is occurring. It surely doesn’t involve taking out lives randomly or free for all combat.

The BLM rioting mob decided that Kyle had committed a crime by being there and helping to put out a fire they started.

The mob were vigilantes when they felt they could punish Kyle. The mob ran him down and attempted to do him great harm for his crime.

Yep, vigilantes that enacted their own law. Fortunately they were stopped dead cold. Literally.
The BLM rioting mob decided that Kyle had committed a crime by being there and helping to put out a fire they started.

The mob were vigilantes when they felt they could punish Kyle. The mob ran him down and attempted to do him great harm for his crime.

Yep, vigilantes that enacted their own law. Fortunately they were stopped dead cold. Literally.

Rittenhouse is a big BLM supporter!

He said he killed white men.

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