The Rittenhouse Verdict

The BLM rioting mob decided that Kyle had committed a crime by being there and helping to put out a fire they started.

The mob were vigilantes when they felt they could punish Kyle. The mob ran him down and attempted to do him great harm for his crime.

Yep, vigilantes that enacted their own law. Fortunately they were stopped dead cold. Literally.
With your add last part added that they “enacted their own law” I will agree 100%. Without that clarification, I’d have to stick with the word -thug- to best describe these habitual, lowlife criminals. Btw- not all criminals are low lives imo. The word vigilante dresses it up too much for these thugs because they aren’t doing anybody any good, and definitely weren’t out to help people. Criminals who look for opportunities to riot, steal, commit arson and mix in with the crowd.

Here’s what I would have expected to happen by now, way before now: if BLM members don’t like these thugs mixing in with their events, why aren’t good chapter spokespeople speaking out? Where are these chapters of BLM calling out these criminals who use their events to steal and burn things? The problem is, now this could be on the media, but I don’t hear any statements out from any BLM do you? Anyone? I’ll say one thing if these chapters keep quiet like they’ve been doing then it serves them right that they’ll all be considered thugs going right along with them. At first around the time I even heard of BLM I thought surely there were some “good” chapters out there, somewhere. Now? The odds are not in their favor in any way. I guess it didn’t help starting with two Marxist female leaders;)
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You are a racist idiot Paul. I don’t care if the five people he and his two friends killed were black, he still committed a horrendous action.

Its not so fking funny now is it ? Hmm ?

Its not so fking funny now is it ?

But it's funny when blk ppl get killed isn't it ? Because ya know "the blk guy attacked him" "the black guy had a criminal record" and "chicago"

The fault is the system of white supremacy that you support.

Let's go back here.

All they had to do is arrest cop who paralysed Jacob Blake and charge him with attempted first degree murder and not let him walk.

It’s that simple but white supremacy hates taking L’s so they'd rather let these young white girls die or have life threatening / changing injuries than charge and punish those cops.

Further proof that you can’t put a price tag on white supremacy. You will destroy the world before you give it up. For you there is no purpose to life without white supremacy and privilege.

It could just have easily been simply an accident and nothing to do with race.

That's what the usual suspects ALWAYS tell us, right? We should wait for ALL the FACTS during the trial and not rush to judgement, or rely on the court of public opinion...

There was no valid reason to arrest the cop who shot Blake.
With your add last part added that they “enacted their own law” I will agree 100%. Without that clarification, I’d have to stick with the word -thug- to best describe these habitual, lowlife criminals. Btw- not all criminals are low lives imo. The word vigilante dresses it up too much for these thugs who because they aren’t doing anybody any good, and definitely weren’t out to help people. Criminals who look for opportunities to riot and mix in with the crowd.

Here’s what I would have expected to happen by now, way before now: if BLM members don’t like thugs mixing in with their events, why aren’t good chapter spokespeople speaking out? Where are these good chapters of BLM to call out these criminals who use their events to steal and burn things? The problem is, now this could be on the media, but I don’t hear any statements out from any BLM do you? Anyone? I’ll say one thing if these chapters keep quiet like they’ve been doing then it serves them right that they’ll all be considered thugs going right along with them. At first around the time I even heard of BLM I thought surely there were some “good” chapters out there, somewhere. Now? The odds are not in their favor in any way. I guess it didn’t help starting with two Marxist female leaders;)
The asshole who kicked Kyle and the three that he shot were all lowlifes with significant criminal backgrounds.

Although two of them were Left Wing activists the other two were just plain thugs. One of them batshit crazy and the other one had a rap sheet a mile long.

Two of them had weapons to attack Kyle.

Good riddance to the two that Kyle wasted. The one that got wounded will never win his lawsuit after admitting he aimed his illegal Glock at Kyle before being shot. Too bad the DA isn't going after Jump Kick Man that started all this shit.
Joe can be rather intelligent at times. His problem is he gets most of his information on current events from the corporate media, so naturally he’s uninformed. Sadly way too many Americans are like him.

There are people with whom I disagree, who sincerely believe the points on which we disagree, who express these points in good faith. At most, I'd think they are ignorant or deceived, but well-meaning.

Incel Joe is a much less common sort. He argues, not from any sincerely-held notion of truth, but from an extraordinary malevolence and sociopathy. Without any regard for what he knows or believes to be true, he argues whatever position he thinks will do the most harm to those that he hates, which is nearly everyone. He lies, knowing that he's lying and knowing that everyone else knows that he's lying, but he doesn't care. I guess there are a lot of people who are like that a little bit, but I can think of only one or two others I've ever encountered who are like him, to a comparable degree.
If they were stupid enough to go after someone who was armed then maybe they should have come armed themselves. Oh wait, Grosskreutz WAS armed.

Please tell me you were not aware of this. Because if you were then that makes you probably the biggest chickenshit, lying hypocrite on this board.

Incel Joe's status as “probably the biggest chickenshit, lying hypocrite on this board” stands very solidly, independent of any specific lie that he might tell. It does not stand or fall just on the basis of the one fact that you stated, nor on the denial thereof.
But it's funny when blk ppl get killed isn't it ? Because ya know "the blk guy attacked him" "the black guy had a criminal record" and "chicago"

The fault is the system of white supremacy that you support.

So, it is “white supremacy” that is responsible for a dangerous subhuman piece of shit to have been set loose, that ought to have been kept locked up, or better yet, put down like the dangerous wild animal that it was?

How so?
Incel Joe's status as “probably the biggest chickenshit, lying hypocrite on this board” stands very solidly, independent of any specific lie that he might tell. It does not stand or fall just on the basis of the one fact that you stated, nor on the denial thereof.
My past experiences with him pretty much convinced me this was already the case but it bears repeating now and again.
Nothing wrong with shooting Negro street thugs.

What is wrong is when an asshole racist Negro Capitol Police is protecting property and shoot an unarmed White Patriot veteran woman because she was protesting the filthy Democrats stealing an election.

Biden got 8 million more votes... no one stole anything.

An angry mob screaming about killing Congress people is a threat.
Biden got 8 million more votes... no one stole anything.

An angry mob screaming about killing Congress people is a threat.
Interesting Joe.

I’d like to compare and contrast how the corporate media and most Democrats treated the killing by the capital cop of the woman inside the capitol building and the Rittenhouse killings.

It seems to me there is a rather incoherent analysis of the two shootings, by those on the left.
They need to clean up their own community, their own mess.

If their community wasn't turning out so many violent, destructive criminals, then there wouldn't be so many of them finding themselves on the losing end of fights with the police.
Mormon Bob, havent' you gotten on this board and decried what the FBI and ATF did at Waco?

So Mormon Bob logic, deranged cultists shooting ATF agents serving federal warrants is okay, but a black person who shoplifts a TV needs to be shot on the spot...

The goddamn Negros are 13% of the population but yet commit almost 40% of the violent crimes in this country. When they clean up their own act then they won't be shot by the police.

Actually, if they are committing a violent crime, I really don't have a problem with the cops shooting them.

Tamir Rice. Sandra Bland. Breonna Taylor. George Floyd. Laquan McDonald. Jacob Blake.

None of these people were committing violent crimes when the police killed them. Some of them died in police custody.

If that shithead was really concern about Negro lives he would be telling the sonofabitches to stop shooting each other, stop committing so much crime, get off welfare, start taking care of their families and stop electing Democrats that screw up the economy and cause poverty.
Yeah, because 400 years of institutionalized racism benefiting white people has nothing to do with that poverty.

Hey, here's an idea. Let's pay reparations to every black person for Slavery and Jim Crow. If they spend it all on crack and hos and are still in poverty fives later, you might have a point.

What, so if you’re carrying a gun and are attacked by unarmed people, you can’t use your gun to defend yourself?

Not if you put yourself in that situation to start with, no. There's a basic concept of law that you can't claim self defense if you provoked the situation to start with. For instance, you can't go into a biker bar, insult the biker's mother, and then shoot him when he comes to kick your ass.
Poor lying idiot. Rittenhouse was attacked with a skateboard, another moron attempted to take his gun, and the third idiot pulled a gun on him. Cry harder.

Oh, no, not a skateboard!!!! The crowd wanted to take him into custody for shooting a man, and he shot them to get away...

This was a travesty of justice.

Yes, decent law-abiding people become vigilantes when the civil authorities fail in their duty to enforce the rule of law. At bottom, the situation in Kenosha is due to the failure of the government to enforce the law and protect the public from the mob violence.

The Public were the ones who made up the mob. Most people out that night were peaceful protestors who were genuinely upset that a thug cop shot a man in the back 7 times.

Now, yes, we had a perfect storm of a public already fed up with police misconduct combined with a population already at a high level of anxiety due to being forced out of work by TRUMP PLAGUE. But we've had ten years to fix the problems, and didn't.

white people only care when you threaten to break their stuff. What does that say about us?
I can't wait until he starts suing the ever-loving shit out of Biden, Harris, Buttigieg, ABC, MSNBC, CBS, Whoopi Goldberg, and a host of other assholes who slandered and are still slandering him!

Yeah, you guys go with that. MSNBC will actually have a lawyer who knows what he is doing, and then we'll get to hear about how he likes to hang out with racists and every other racist thing this little twit ever did.

Rittenhouse needs to be more worried about civil suits from the people he killed or injured. Yup, he can be found criminally not liable, but civilly, he's screwed. So is the City of Kenosha, for letting him run amok with a gun to start with.

If they were stupid enough to go after someone who was armed then maybe they should have come armed themselves. Oh wait, Grosskreutz WAS armed.

Please tell me you were not aware of this. Because if you were then that makes you probably the biggest chickenshit, lying hypocrite on this board.

Besides the point. The two men he murdered were unarmed.

The crowd was attempting to arrest him after he murdered a man. This is what we expect good citizens to try to do.

Rosenbaum chased Rittenhouse and the videos prove this.

As for the shots in Rosenbaum’s back, Rittenhouse fired four shots in quick succession when Rosenbaum was facing him and grabbing for the gun. The first two shots caused Rosenbaum to falter and fall down. When he did, the last two shots went in the back area as he was falling.

Rosembaum was a shrimp. The guy was all of 5'4" tall... (Watch, Ghostie will go out and find a source that claims that he was 5'5" and claim that proves something. )

Point was, he shot the man when he was down, in the back. Period. Full stop. Shot him AFTER he stopped being a meaningful threat.

Wrong. To begin with, he did not cross state lines with the weapon. As far as I know, the gun never stepped foot - so to speak - in Illinois. As for showing up with a weapon, Grosskreutz had a weapon of his own and so did another rioter who actually fired his in the air as Kyle and Rosenbaum ran past him.

Yet those two guys didn't kill anyone and were actually FROM Wisconsin, unlike Rittenhouse, who drove 22 miles to get involved in a riot.
He argues, not from any sincerely-held notion of truth, but from an extraordinary malevolence and sociopathy. Without any regard for what he knows or believes to be true, he argues whatever position he thinks will do the most harm to those that he hates, which is nearly everyone. He lies, knowing that he's lying and knowing that everyone else knows that he's lying, but he doesn't care. I guess there are a lot of people who are like that a little bit, but I can think of only one or two others I've ever encountered who are like him, to a comparable degree.

Uh, Mormon Bob, I'm still waiting for you to point out one thing I've said about your DERANGED CULT that was inaccurate, in it's history or beliefs. Or do you still want to claim that Joseph Smith wasn't fucking all those girls he married?

I kind of feel bad for Rittenhouse, because this shit is going to follow him around for the rest of his life. You think any college would ever take him or any employer will ever hire him? All because he bought into the angry rhetoric of the gun cult.

Of course, long before that, he's going to lose civil suits from the people who he shot....

status as “probably the biggest chickenshit, lying hypocrite on this board” stands very solidly, independent of any specific lie that he might tell. It does not stand or fall just on the basis of the one fact that you stated, nor on the denial thereof.

Yet you have yet to refute anything I say, really, other than getting into a wierd lather every time I slap your deranged cultist ass down.
Did they act in an inappropriate, immoral, and illegal manner… Definitely. Is it the job of the general public to police (pun intended) that activity… Definitely NOT. That’s what we have the POLICE for.

Just because the police fail to act does not deputize members of the general public in their place.
Ok, so what level do you think it should be allowed to go to before the public gets involved ?
He will be interviewed by Tucker Carlson at 8 p, ET. I saw a preview, and he comes across as an intelligent, articulate, and rather mature 18-year-old.
This is the way Mr. Maturity came across to me.
Ok, so what level do you think it should be allowed to go to before the public gets involved
On their private property, then can stop it at whatever level they want. On public property and in the streets, I believe citizens have a responsibility to defer to the police and other government agencies. If those groups aren’t doing their jobs, call your elected representatives, the state police, etc… as necessary.
Oh, no, not a skateboard!!!! The crowd wanted to take him into custody for shooting a man, and he shot them to get away...

This was a travesty of justice.

The Public were the ones who made up the mob. Most people out that night were peaceful protestors who were genuinely upset that a thug cop shot a man in the back 7 times.

Now, yes, we had a perfect storm of a public already fed up with police misconduct combined with a population already at a high level of anxiety due to being forced out of work by TRUMP PLAGUE. But we've had ten years to fix the problems, and didn't.

white people only care when you threaten to break their stuff. What does that say about us?

You are sick. Get help. Obabblecare is there for you.

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