The Rittenhouse Verdict

I agree with your basic premise however my objective if I ever have to shoot someone to defend my life or health or my family is to stop their attack — not kill them.
And the best way to stop them is to fire at center of mass which is very likely to kill them.
Poor, innocent criminal, robbing a store, attacking a police officer.

How did he get wounded? Why was he barefoot? Was he on drugs?

I do love that you're repeating the hands up, don't shoot lie.

Actually, according to the cop, he was stopped for jaywalking, not for robbing a store. (He didn't actually rob the store, he took merchandise he traded for pot earlier that morning, but never mind.)

16 witnesses said he had his hands up.
Considering the huge inconsistencies between observable reality, and the shit that @Incel Joe claims , pretty much leaves us with two possibilities…

  • @Incel Joe suffers from some serious mental illness or defect, far greater than what is otherwise apparent about him, to sincerely believe that the things he says have any basis in truth.


  • @Incel Joe is a pathological liar, knowing full well that he's lying, knowing full well that everyone else knows that he is lying, and doesn't care.

Ah, still living rent free in Mormon Bob's head.

Observable reality is that we give white cops and vigilantes free passes when they shoot black people, even when we catch them doing it on tape.
No you wouldn't. You wouldn't give two shits because he's not one of your pet brown people. Yes, I know he's half Hispanic but that's not enough brown for you.

Well, he wasn't brown enough to get shot that time he broke the woman's leg or punched an undercover police officer... so I guess Zimmerman did have "White Privilege".

Now, I am sure there are cases where white people are killed by the police in excessive force incidents, and frankly, if white people aren't complaining enough about it, then shame on us.

A racially mixed jury is not an end unto itself and would not guarantee an unbiased jury in any case.

Wouldn't it have?

The only minority on the all-female jury that voted to acquit George Zimmerman said today that Zimmerman "got away with murder" for killing Trayvon Martin and feels she owes an apology Martin's parents.
All of that was proven to be lies by BLACK witnesses

Right. Because all 16 of them were lying, and Wilson was telling the truth in one of the three contradictory stories he told about the incident.

In the document below, Wilson admits Brown never tried to remove his gun from the holster. In grand jury testimony, Wilson said Brown grabbed his gun and that he feared for his life.

McCormick said attorneys ask very specific questions in a "request for admissions" and that the document doesn't tell the full story of what happened that day. But if Wilson's admissions contradict his previous testimony, it could undermine the credibility of his entire version of events.
Actually, according to the cop, he was stopped for jaywalking, not for robbing a store. (He didn't actually rob the store, he took merchandise he traded for pot earlier that morning, but never mind.)

16 witnesses said he had his hands up.
List the witnesses from the court records, it should be public information. It's easy to throw out numbers, but give the forum a list to back your numbers up. This way their accounting of event's can be researched for accuracy. Otherwise no one is going to take your bull crap seriously. Good luck.
List the witnesses from the court records, it should be public information. It's easy to throw out numbers, but give the forum a list to back your numbers up. This way their accounting of event's can be researched for accuracy. Otherwise no one is going to take your bull crap seriously. Good luck.
Here's the thing.... the police identified witnesses by numbers... so here's a chart of what people said they saw.


To correct myself, it was 14 witnesses. The chart was a bit confusing because it listed Witnesses 14 and 16 twice

You can keep saying that but it still isn't true. Sorry but, I don't buy the "Hands up, don't shoot" narrative and I never will because it doesn't jibe with the facts.

14 witnesses said he had his hands up. Only two said he didn't. The rest weren't sure or it wasn't part of their statements.

We throw black people in prison all the time with the testimony of just ONE witness. Here you had 14 who said, "the kid had his hands up and Wilson shot him."
He just shot a kid... um, yeah, some one should have drug tested him.
He was the victim of an assault. We don't normally run drug tests on assault victims. Obviously, he didn't seem impaired so there was no reason to test him. At any rate, what hallucinations do your headlines tell you he was seeing?
He was 17. The law still sees him as a child.
And you're using that to give the impression that he was smaller and weaker than Zimmerman. He was not, he was physically a fully grown adult.
Now you are getting silly. No one ever claimed Trayvon was in a gang or committed a violent crime.
There's a reason why potential jurors are asked if they have been the victims of similar crimes or if family members have been, and if so, are rejected from jury duty. It is specifically because they are assumed to be biased against the defendant. Your "let's make the jury all black mothers" is just a "what if" game to get the verdict you want so you can claim, "See, if I was allowed to hand pick the jurors, he would have been found guilty, so I'm going to keep calling him a murderer". But that's not reality. Let's face it, legal experts with access to the physical evidence who took sworn testimony couldn't prove he committed murder and you can't either. That means if you keep saying he committed murder, you're a raging hypocrite and you can expect to be reminded of that.
Well, he wasn't brown enough to get shot that time he broke the woman's leg or punched an undercover police officer... so I guess Zimmerman did have "White Privilege".

What are you giving me links for when you know that I know that you refuse to click on any link provided for you?

Now, I am sure there are cases where white people are killed by the police in excessive force incidents, and frankly, if white people aren't complaining enough about it, then shame on us.

White people don't complain about it because they they don't believe cops have it in for them.
Wouldn't it have?


The only minority on the all-female jury that voted to acquit George Zimmerman said today that Zimmerman "got away with murder" for killing Trayvon Martin and feels she owes an apology Martin's parents.

The only minority on the jury felt that Zimmerman was guilty of murder and you cite this as an example of non-bias?
14 witnesses said he had his hands up. Only two said he didn't. The rest weren't sure or it wasn't part of their statements.

We throw black people in prison all the time with the testimony of just ONE witness. Here you had 14 who said, "the kid had his hands up and Wilson shot him."

Sorry, it doesn't jibe with the fact that Brown was advancing on him and refused to stop.
Right. Because all 16 of them were lying, and Wilson was telling the truth in one of the three contradictory stories he told about the incident.

In the document below, Wilson admits Brown never tried to remove his gun from the holster. In grand jury testimony, Wilson said Brown grabbed his gun and that he feared for his life.

McCormick said attorneys ask very specific questions in a "request for admissions" and that the document doesn't tell the full story of what happened that day. But if Wilson's admissions contradict his previous testimony, it could undermine the credibility of his entire version of events.
Witch hunts are always being countered by video now, and by good witnesses that can counter every bit of the misinformation that is used for alternative agenda purposes when found in bad witnesses attempting to sway events for larger agenda purposes.

Funny how the so called accountings of event's found in some witnesses, are always in favor of a person of color if involved (i.e. regardless of the activities or involvement in events that an accused person of color was therefore found in), so it's interesting how they come out of the woodworks when something goes down involving a person of color these days, but they disappear when it comes to the overall witnessing of acts of injustice when it comes to other event's regarding people of all color's, otherwise in concerning any other American needing help.

Usually their accounting of event's if they are fabricated, are quickly found to be untrue in a court of law, but they are able to just walk away without consequence after they are found to have been lying.

That needs to end.

Justice has to be blind, and everyone needs to get back to this. Yes it goes on in every race (the favoritism), but when the court doors swing open, the bull crap needs to end. That's why law and order is something that young folk's are set to go through in an extensive educational training in order to hopefully become our next level of leader's in the field who are set to be color blind.
He was the victim of an assault. We don't normally run drug tests on assault victims. Obviously, he didn't seem impaired so there was no reason to test him. At any rate, what hallucinations do your headlines tell you he was seeing?
Oh, that this child was a big scary black man...

And you're using that to give the impression that he was smaller and weaker than Zimmerman. He was not, he was physically a fully grown adult.

Zimmerman weight 200 lbs.. Trayvon weighed 158. He was smaller and weaker.

There's a reason why potential jurors are asked if they have been the victims of similar crimes or if family members have been, and if so, are rejected from jury duty. It is specifically because they are assumed to be biased against the defendant. Your "let's make the jury all black mothers" is just a "what if" game to get the verdict you want so you can claim, "See, if I was allowed to hand pick the jurors, he would have been found guilty, so I'm going to keep calling him a murderer". But that's not reality. Let's face it, legal experts with access to the physical evidence who took sworn testimony couldn't prove he committed murder and you can't either. That means if you keep saying he committed murder, you're a raging hypocrite and you can expect to be reminded of that.

Yes, the white power stucture works very hard to keep blacks off of juries, especially when white men are accused of killing blacks or their allies...

A racist jury found a racist not guilty... whether it be the murderers of Emmet Till or the murderer of Trayvon Martin.

Sorry, it doesn't jibe with the fact that Brown was advancing on him and refused to stop.

If he was giving up, he would be walking towards him... Again, Wilson changed his story a bunch of times.

White people don't complain about it because they they don't believe cops have it in for them.

Or cops go out of their way to NOT shoot white suspects.

The only minority on the jury felt that Zimmerman was guilty of murder and you cite this as an example of non-bias?

Quite. What if they were all minority? Intead of five white ladies pummelling this poor woman until she gave in.
Here's the thing.... the police identified witnesses by numbers... so here's a chart of what people said they saw.

View attachment 579301
To correct myself, it was 14 witnesses. The chart was a bit confusing because it listed Witnesses 14 and 16 twice

14 witnesses said he had his hands up. Only two said he didn't. The rest weren't sure or it wasn't part of their statements.

We throw black people in prison all the time with the testimony of just ONE witness. Here you had 14 who said, "the kid had his hands up and Wilson shot him."
14 but a court ruled otherwise ?? So did the court fail or did the narrative fail that was found in the 14 who had possibly unified with an agenda in play ??
Witch hunts are always being countered by video now, and by good witnesses that can counter every bit of the misinformation that is used for alternative agenda purposes when found in bad witnesses attempting to sway events for larger agenda purposes.
Funny you should mention that.

Do you know who the biggest opponents of putting body cams on every cop are?

Yup, the Police Unions. Funny if video would prove cops innocent of what they are being accused of, they would WELCOME cameras. Shit, they'd probably go out and buy them themselves.

Funny how the so called accountings of event's found in some witnesses, are always in favor of a person of color if involved (i.e. regardless of the activities or involvement in events that an accused person of color was therefore found in), so it's interesting how they come out of the woodworks when something goes down involving a person of color these days, but they disappear when it comes to the overall witnessing of acts of injustice when it comes to other event's regarding people of all color's, otherwise in concerning any other American needing help.

Again, here's the thing... it kind of starts with the police. 83% of homicides in Chicago went unsolved in 2018, but man, the cops were all over proving Jussie Smollett lied.

You want people to come forward and talk to the police, you have to make the police trustworthy again. cart before the horse.

Usually their accounting of event's if they are fabricated, are quickly found to be untrue in a court of law, but they are able to just walk away without consequence after they are found to have been lying.

Except a court of law never heard the Wilson case. Instead, you had a DA who decided from the start, it was his job to get Wilson off the hook, no matter what the witnesses said. Show the tape of Brown pushing the store owner (in slow motion to make it look more sinister) but bury the tape where he was trading pot for the cigarettes he was accused of stealing.

Justice has to be blind, and everyone needs to get back to this. Yes it goes on in every race (the favoritism), but when the court doors swing open, the bull crap needs to end. That's why law and order is something that young folk's are set to go through in an extensive educational training in order to hopefully become our next level of leader's in the field who are set to be color blind.
Or you could reform the police departments so that the community trusts it again. Maybe end practices like Stop and Frisk and pulling people over for a DWB.
Oh, that this child was a big scary black man...

Zimmerman weight 200 lbs.. Trayvon weighed 158. He was smaller and weaker.

Yes, the white power stucture works very hard to keep blacks off of juries, especially when white men are accused of killing blacks or their allies...

A racist jury found a racist not guilty... whether it be the murderers of Emmet Till or the murderer of Trayvon Martin.

If he was giving up, he would be walking towards him... Again, Wilson changed his story a bunch of times.

Or cops go out of their way to NOT shoot white suspects.

Quite. What if they were all minority? Intead of five white ladies pummelling this poor woman until she gave in.
It's a behavioral thing as proven by countless video's, body cams, and etc in which differentiates the dealings between black guilty suspect's and white guilty suspect's when have runnins with the law. Oh I know, but the law is racist, so they are the cause of the behavioral problem's aren't they misinformation Joe ??

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