The Rittenhouse Verdict

If you are in a position where you need to use a firearm to defend yourself, you don't shoot to wound. You don't aim for someone's leg or an arm.
I am well aware of that and I would shoot an attacker center body mass twice and if he kept coming try for a head shot.

Are you aware that often a person shot in the “kill zone” survives? He may even be shot numerous times and continue to attack.

You might find this article interesting.

Oh, that's right, you thought he believed Zimmerman was a child molester. Do you really think a fully grown 17 year old is going to be afraid of a child molester?
Or some other kind of sexual degenerate who follows teenage boys around.

Hey, John Gacy buried 30 teenage boys under his house... Jeffrey Dahmner ate young men. He has a reasonable fear that some weirdo was following him.

Now, let's look at your standard. You are on record as approving of a young man attacking another man from concealment because he THINKS the other man MIGHT molest him. This at the same time you condemn Rittenhouse for shooting someone who explicitly said he was going to kill Rittenhouse and was trying to grab his firearm.

If Rittenhouse was worried about that sort of thing, he shouldn't have gone across a state line to participate in a riot and pass himself off as an EMT. He went looking for trouble, he found trouble. Trayvon was walking home from the store to his house. A common activity even black people should be alllowed to engage in.

And a "special prosecutor" is different, how? He can't be a racist, can't be in on the vast conspiracy? So convenient, you have a built-in excuse to ignore any verdict you don't like. Just holler "RASISSS" and plug your ears.

The point was, the Cook County States Attorney at that time, a woman named Anita Alvarez, did aid and abet the conspiracy to cover the crime up. She only indicted AFTER the media won their lawsuit to actually see the tape of the shooting. That's why they had to appoint a special prosecutor.
He is throwing up BS smoke screens, all it is is guess work on his part. Zimmerman was an idiot and Martin should not of circled back around, Martin should not of paid for his judgement error with his life, but Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense. That is the bottom line the prosecution had a very poor case but the feds and media wanted a trial anyway. The Obama got his DOJ to look into a Civil Rights case against Zimmerman and they couldn't even make a case there.
Look everyone, my stalker is back.

That just tells me that the civil rights laws are weak.

Here's the thing, the only real case where the feds took over because the state fucked up a prosecution was with the Rodney King beating. And that only happened because there were riots. And even then, two of the thug cops were acquitted in the Federal Trial and the other two got minimal sentences...
And the institution of black racism isn't a problem, where as poor blacks end up being led or used instead of being leader's in a lot of communities affected or are found to be vulnerable to it ???

That didn't make a lick of sense to anyone but the voices in your head.

The good cops tolerate the bad apples eh ?? Ok, so is that the same thing that's happening in the black community ? The good black's are tolerating the bad black's, therefore causing themselves to become misidentified by the police when they come into the communities blindly attempting to sort that kind of stuff out ?

The police are a tax-payer funded paramilitary organization. They should be able to weed out the bad apples. They refuse to do it. as far as the blacks tolerating the 'bad blacks", whoever they are, the fact is, what's the point of reporting crime if the cops don't investigate?

Sounds to me like everyone has some doorstep cleaning to do. Until then the bull crap just continues onward, and continues to be used by those who figure out ways to constantly stir the pot like your race baiting president and vice president have done. Wake up dude.

Guy, the only one who was race-baiting was Trump, and not surprisingly, we had the worst riots in 50 years on his watch.
That didn't make a lick of sense to anyone but the voices in your head.

The police are a tax-payer funded paramilitary organization. They should be able to weed out the bad apples. They refuse to do it. as far as the blacks tolerating the 'bad blacks", whoever they are, the fact is, what's the point of reporting crime if the cops don't investigate?

Guy, the only one who was race-baiting was Trump, and not surprisingly, we had the worst riots in 50 years on his watch.
Letting your hero Obama off the hook eh ? Of course you would.

I really get tired of trying to help you or enlighten you or trying to straighten you out. Is there any hope for you ?

Whoever they are eh ? So you see no bad among the black race ?? Chicago is just a figment of everybody's imagination eh ??? Go spout your childish nonsense somewhere else, you've lost all credibility here. Whoever they are... Pffft.
The jury was barred from hearing a lot of exculpatory evidence and still exonerated the young man. Evidence of Joseph Rosenbaum Child Molestation was hidden from the 12 angry men, example given.

I've never seen a trial so rigged against a defendant and that he was still able to vanquish the Child Molestation apologists
I am well aware of that and I would shoot an attacker center body mass twice and if he kept coming try for a head shot.

Are you aware that often a person shot in the “kill zone” survives? He may even be shot numerous times and continue to attack.

You might find this article interesting.

I spent 14 years as a deputy sheriff. I understand the issue.
I spent 14 years as a deputy sheriff. I understand the issue.
Most people learn everything they know about shooting from TV And the movies.

Some experts that is why people often fall down when shot because that is what people do on TV. Of course some other exerts disagree.

The article below contains a video that requires a discretion warning before watching but relates to the topic under discussion.

Letting your hero Obama off the hook eh ? Of course you would.

I really get tired of trying to help you or enlighten you or trying to straighten you out. Is there any hope for you ?

Whoever they are eh ? So you see no bad among the black race ?? Chicago is just a figment of everybody's imagination eh ??? Go spout your childish nonsense somewhere else, you've lost all credibility here. Whoever they are... Pffft.

Oh, no, I am sure that there is a lot of crime in poor black areas... because of poverty, racism, drug addiction, mental illness going untreated, and of course, the proliferation of guns encouraged by an evil gun industry.

But we aren't going to fix those problems.... so it's kind of silly to hear you whine about them.

The police is a problem we can fix. Fire the bad apples, hold the screwups accountable. Just like any other business or organization would do.
The jury was barred from hearing a lot of exculpatory evidence and still exonerated the young man. Evidence of Joseph Rosenbaum Child Molestation was hidden from the 12 angry men, example given.

I've never seen a trial so rigged against a defendant and that he was still able to vanquish the Child Molestation apologists

Are you fucking retarded?

If anything, the process was rigged in Shooty McFlopsweat's favor. They weren't allowed to consider he was violating curfew or gun laws, no discussion was allowed of his crossing state lines, or where he's caught on tape bragging about how he wished he had his gun to stop graffitti artists, or the tape of him beating up a 14 year old girl.

Heck, the judge wouldn't even allow the prosecution to call the people he murdered "victims".

The trial was limited to only the few moments of the shootings, and not everything he did that led up to them.
Are you fucking retarded?

If anything, the process was rigged in Shooty McFlopsweat's favor. They weren't allowed to consider he was violating curfew or gun laws, no discussion was allowed of his crossing state lines, or where he's caught on tape bragging about how he wished he had his gun to stop graffitti artists, or the tape of him beating up a 14 year old girl.

Heck, the judge wouldn't even allow the prosecution to call the people he murdered "victims".

The trial was limited to only the few moments of the shootings, and not everything he did that led up to them.

The children that Joseph Rosenbaum raped weren't permitted to testify by the judge, that's the facts.

I think the jury really needed to hear what a piece of shit the Chomo you call a "victim" is.

Personally, I think Rosenbaum got off easy.
Grosskreutz should have been arrested as well. The prosecutor gave him a pass, even though he freely admitted in open court that he was in illegal possession of a firearm aiming it at a minor child. Those are felonies, and since Rosenbaum died during the crime, that makes is Felony Murder on the part of Grosskreutz. By all rights, that man should be arrested and put on death row.
The children that Joseph Rosenbaum raped weren't permitted to testify by the judge, that's the facts.

I think the jury really needed to hear what a piece of shit the Chomo you call a "victim" is.

Personally, I think Rosenbaum got off easy.

Rosenbaum‘s past conviction was irrelevant. His past was irrelevant as Rittenhouse knew nothing about Rosenbaum’s past And was not a motive in the shooting, the judge was correct in not allowing the testimony. On a side not, the kids testimony wasn’t necessary because the state’s case was weak from the start.

The prosecution had no real case and then overcharged pretty much sealing a not guilty verdict.
Looks like Kyle is getting some nice nookie.

Oh, no, I am sure that there is a lot of crime in poor black areas... because of poverty, racism, drug addiction, mental illness going untreated, and of course, the proliferation of guns encouraged by an evil gun industry.

But we aren't going to fix those problems.... so it's kind of silly to hear you whine about them.

The police is a problem we can fix. Fire the bad apples, hold the screwups accountable. Just like any other business or organization would do.
It all can be fixed if people like you would stop making ridiculous excuses for the bad people whoever they might be.

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