The Rittenhouse Verdict

Thank goodness political nuts weren’t on the juries, tough enough to get a fair trial as it is.

All of those charged we presumed innocen.The burden of proof rests on the prosecution, not the defense and the prosecution in the Rittenhouse, Wilson and Zimmerman could not meet the burden, there was enough reasonable doubt to find them not guilty. In the Aubrey and Potter case there was proof beyond a reasonable doubt and the juries convicted.

The Wilson case had so many conflicting witnesses that reasonable doubt was easy, that and the feds pushed that the case be tried without enough evidence. Zimmerman also pushed by the feds had reasonable doubt in the fact Martin was on top of Zimmerman beating on him and witness testified that was the case. Rittenhouse with the testimony from a victim put reasonable into play.

Aubrey and Potter both were pretty clear cut and clean.
You know, tough guy waived a gun in the kids face...

But at the time he was murdered.

Actually, according to the cop, he was stopped for jaywalking, not for robbing a store. (He didn't actually rob the store, he took merchandise he traded for pot earlier that morning, but never mind.)

16 witnesses said he had his hands up.


You are a very immature brat who lies about this all the time.

His hands were NOT up he was charging and attacking Wilson who shot him in legal and RiGHTEOUS self defense after Brown threatened his life by trying to disarm him.

NO credible witnesses saw anything else and the physical evidence proves yoyu wrong and you KNOW IT

You are a racist liar

He did in fact rob the store. PROVEN on video.
Funny you should mention that.

Do you know who the biggest opponents of putting body cams on every cop are?

Yup, the Police Unions. Funny if video would prove cops innocent of what they are being accused of, they would WELCOME cameras. Shit, they'd probably go out and buy them themselves.

Again, here's the thing... it kind of starts with the police. 83% of homicides in Chicago went unsolved in 2018, but man, the cops were all over proving Jussie Smollett lied.

You want people to come forward and talk to the police, you have to make the police trustworthy again. cart before the horse.

Except a court of law never heard the Wilson case. Instead, you had a DA who decided from the start, it was his job to get Wilson off the hook, no matter what the witnesses said. Show the tape of Brown pushing the store owner (in slow motion to make it look more sinister) but bury the tape where he was trading pot for the cigarettes he was accused of stealing.

Or you could reform the police departments so that the community trusts it again. Maybe end practices like Stop and Frisk and pulling people over for a DWB.
Answer to it all, is to change cultural behavior's that bring about suspicion and the heat. No police officer is getting up in the morning thinking to himself that he is going out to harass or incarcerate, and to kill the black man for being black. Now if a cop is a racist, he'll be found out, and his idiocy will be his downfall, but to suggest that the police force is systemically racist, and that the racist dominate the forces, uhhhhh is just ludicrous today. You writing about and/or thinking in the ways that you think without proof, is doing a disservice to black communities that need every available good officer to patrol and keep them safe. Blood might be on your hands, but you don't care do you ??
Oh, that this child was a big scary black man...
Ooh, a change in strategy, from "he was just a little kid getting picked on" to "Oh, so you're scared of big black men, how racist of you". It is to laugh out loud.
Zimmerman weight 200 lbs.. Trayvon weighed 158. He was smaller and weaker.
Yet he somehow thought it was a good idea to jump Zimmerman. Didn't he realize the hulking Hispanic could squash him like a bug? It is to laugh.
Yes, the white power stucture works very hard to keep blacks off of juries, especially when white men are accused of killing blacks or their allies...

A racist jury found a racist not guilty... whether it be the murderers of Emmet Till or the murderer of Trayvon Martin.
And there's your very convenient excuse, "Dey waz rasis I tells ya, RASIS!". And, of course, if there are black jurors who agree that the defendant is not guilty, they are all sellouts and Uncle Toms. Are the prosecutors in on it too, trying to stack the deck to make sure they lose trials?
It's a behavioral thing as proven by countless video's, body cams, and etc in which differentiates the dealings between black guilty suspect's and white guilty suspect's when have runnins with the law. Oh I know, but the law is racist, so they are the cause of the behavioral problem's aren't they misinformation Joe ??

There are 10 million arrests and 40 million traffic stops a year. Have you reviewed ALL the available body cams, or are you just taking select body cams?
Yet he somehow thought it was a good idea to jump Zimmerman. Didn't he realize the hulking Hispanic could squash him like a bug? It is to laugh.
Better to get beaten up in a fight than ass-raped by a pervert, which is what he thought Zimmerman was.

And there's your very convenient excuse, "Dey waz rasis I tells ya, RASIS!". And, of course, if there are black jurors who agree that the defendant is not guilty, they are all sellouts and Uncle Toms. Are the prosecutors in on it too, trying to stack the deck to make sure they lose trials?

Oh, I think they absolutely are........ We've seen a whole bunch of prosecutors who've put their fingers on the scales for white defendents... Darren Wilson and Timothy Loehmann come to mind. They tried to do with Jason van Dyke, but they appointed a special prosecutor instead.

Answer to it all, is to change cultural behavior's that bring about suspicion and the heat. No police officer is getting up in the morning thinking to himself that he is going out to harass or incarcerate, and to kill the black man for being black. Now if a cop is a racist, he'll be found out, and his idiocy will be his downfall, but to suggest that the police force is systemically racist, and that the racist dominate the forces, uhhhhh is just ludicrous today. You writing about and/or thinking in the ways that you think without proof, is doing a disservice to black communities that need every available good officer to patrol and keep them safe. Blood might be on your hands, but you don't care do you ??

Do you really want me to go through the list of black people killed by cops over no offense or petty offenses? I'd be happy to do it..

Do I think they wake up in the morning thinking that? Nope. Do I think a lot of them don't respect the community? Yup. And yes, I'll be the first one to admit, most cops are good guys.. but the good guys tolerate the bad apples, and that's the problem.

Such as, in the Laquan McDonald Shooting, the officer involved had 20 previous complaints of excessive force, but he still had a job. When he shot this kid (16 times, most of them when he was on the ground) all the other cops on the scene all filed false reports. The brass reviewed the one video (all the other mysteriously disappeared) and called it a good shoot. The city tried to pay off the family.

Yes, it really is the institution that's the problem.
Better to get beaten up in a fight than ass-raped by a pervert, which is what he thought Zimmerman was.
Oh, that's right, you thought he believed Zimmerman was a child molester. Do you really think a fully grown 17 year old is going to be afraid of a child molester? Now, let's look at your standard. You are on record as approving of a young man attacking another man from concealment because he THINKS the other man MIGHT molest him. This at the same time you condemn Rittenhouse for shooting someone who explicitly said he was going to kill Rittenhouse and was trying to grab his firearm. Do you not see the massive disconnect there and how ludicrous your stance is? Who am I kidding, of course you don't see it because you're reacting emotionally, not logically. Based on your standard, I would be justified in hiding around a corner and jumping a young black man who was walking behind me in the same direction because I feared he was a gang member out to rack up some kills. That is monumentally stupid and in no way proves Zimmerman guilty of murder.
Oh, I think they absolutely are........ We've seen a whole bunch of prosecutors who've put their fingers on the scales for white defendents... Darren Wilson and Timothy Loehmann come to mind. They tried to do with Jason van Dyke, but they appointed a special prosecutor instead.
And a "special prosecutor" is different, how? He can't be a racist, can't be in on the vast conspiracy? So convenient, you have a built-in excuse to ignore any verdict you don't like. Just holler "RASISSS" and plug your ears.
Oh, that this child was a big scary black man...

Zimmerman weight 200 lbs.. Trayvon weighed 158. He was smaller and weaker.

Yes, the white power stucture works very hard to keep blacks off of juries, especially when white men are accused of killing blacks or their allies...

A racist jury found a racist not guilty... whether it be the murderers of Emmet Till or the murderer of Trayvon Martin.

If he was giving up, he would be walking towards him... Again, Wilson changed his story a bunch of times.

If he was giving up then he would have complied to Wilson's command to FUCKING STOP.
Or cops go out of their way to NOT shoot white suspects.

Whites don't resist arrest or become belligerent near as often as blacks do.

Blacks have proportionately more encounters with police because they commit proportionately more crime. These encounters are often complicated by the fact that many of them think they're being harassed because they're black even when they aren't.
Quite. What if they were all minority? Intead of five white ladies pummelling this poor woman until she gave in.

Give evidence that this woman was "pummeled" by the white jurors.
There are 10 million arrests and 40 million traffic stops a year. Have you reviewed ALL the available body cams, or are you just taking select body cams?
I wouldn't care if they showed them all, because the results would be the same. Think about it, who is promoting that systemic racism exist in law enforcement across-the-board ? Ok, and with that knowledge, what is that doing to the poor mindsets of those being indoctrinated in the black community by lies, agenda's, and propaganda being used to keep the pot stirred up for political reasons, and the so called revolutionary reasoning ?????
Oh, that's right, you thought he believed Zimmerman was a child molester. Do you really think a fully grown 17 year old is going to be afraid of a child molester? Now, let's look at your standard. You are on record as approving of a young man attacking another man from concealment because he THINKS the other man MIGHT molest him. This at the same time you condemn Rittenhouse for shooting someone who explicitly said he was going to kill Rittenhouse and was trying to grab his firearm. Do you not see the massive disconnect there and how ludicrous your stance is? Who am I kidding, of course you don't see it because you're reacting emotionally, not logically. Based on your standard, I would be justified in hiding around a corner and jumping a young black man who was walking behind me in the same direction because I feared he was a gang member out to rack up some kills. That is monumentally stupid and in no way proves Zimmerman guilty of murder.

And a "special prosecutor" is different, how? He can't be a racist, can't be in on the vast conspiracy? So convenient, you have a built-in excuse to ignore any verdict you don't like. Just holler "RASISSS" and plug your ears.
He is throwing up BS smoke screens, all it is is guess work on his part. Zimmerman was an idiot and Martin should not of circled back around, Martin should not of paid for his judgement error with his life, but Zimmerman shot Martin in self defense. That is the bottom line the prosecution had a very poor case but the feds and media wanted a trial anyway. The Obama got his DOJ to look into a Civil Rights case against Zimmerman and they couldn't even make a case there.
Better to get beaten up in a fight than ass-raped by a pervert, which is what he thought Zimmerman was.

Oh, I think they absolutely are........ We've seen a whole bunch of prosecutors who've put their fingers on the scales for white defendents... Darren Wilson and Timothy Loehmann come to mind. They tried to do with Jason van Dyke, but they appointed a special prosecutor instead.

Do you really want me to go through the list of black people killed by cops over no offense or petty offenses? I'd be happy to do it..

Do I think they wake up in the morning thinking that? Nope. Do I think a lot of them don't respect the community? Yup. And yes, I'll be the first one to admit, most cops are good guys.. but the good guys tolerate the bad apples, and that's the problem.

Such as, in the Laquan McDonald Shooting, the officer involved had 20 previous complaints of excessive force, but he still had a job. When he shot this kid (16 times, most of them when he was on the ground) all the other cops on the scene all filed false reports. The brass reviewed the one video (all the other mysteriously disappeared) and called it a good shoot. The city tried to pay off the family.

Yes, it really is the institution that's the problem.
And the institution of black racism isn't a problem, where as poor blacks end up being led or used instead of being leader's in a lot of communities affected or are found to be vulnerable to it ???

The good cops tolerate the bad apples eh ?? Ok, so is that the same thing that's happening in the black community ? The good black's are tolerating the bad black's, therefore causing themselves to become misidentified by the police when they come into the communities blindly attempting to sort that kind of stuff out ?

Sounds to me like everyone has some doorstep cleaning to do. Until then the bull crap just continues onward, and continues to be used by those who figure out ways to constantly stir the pot like your race baiting president and vice president have done. Wake up dude.
If he was giving up then he would have complied to Wilson's command to FUCKING STOP.

Whites don't resist arrest or become belligerent near as often as blacks do.

Blacks have proportionately more encounters with police because they commit proportionately more crime. These encounters are often complicated by the fact that many of them think they're being harassed because they're black even when they aren't.

Give evidence that this woman was "pummeled" by the white jurors.
Excellent points, can't wait to see his answers.
Actually, according to the cop, he was stopped for jaywalking, not for robbing a store. (He didn't actually rob the store, he took merchandise he traded for pot earlier that morning, but never mind.)

16 witnesses said he had his hands up.

Were his hands up while he was attacking the cop?
I agree with your basic premise however my objective if I ever have to shoot someone to defend my life or health or my family is to stop their attack — not kill them.
If you are in a position where you need to use a firearm to defend yourself, you don't shoot to wound. You don't aim for someone's leg or an arm.

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