The Rittenhouse Verdict

People are tired of being held hostage by violent, destructive, subhuman pieces of shit such as you and those whose side you take against us.

Except 83% of homicides are not career criminals, they are people who got into altercations with their family, friends or neighbors.

Sure, we have a higher crime rate than other industrialized nations, but that's because we've decided that grinding poverty is acceptable in the world's richest country, the mentally ill don't deserve treatment, and we need to treat addiction as a criminal problem instead of a medical one. (Unless you are Rush Limbaugh, of course.)

The thing is, you want to treat the symptom I want to treat the disease.
Then maybe they should reform their racist police departments... that would fix the problem.

One is not contingent on the other. Destruction of property is not necessary to effect change.
Frankly, it's fairly unlikely my property would be damaged by a protestor, but I'm getting pretty sick and tired of paying taxes to settle "whoopsies" from Officer McShooty...

Chicago paid out 118 MILLION in settling police misconduct claims in 2018. Who gets to pay for that?

Who gets to pay for the damage and higher insurance premiums?
Except 83% of homicides are not career criminals, they are people who got into altercations with their family, friends or neighbors.

Sure, we have a higher crime rate than other industrialized nations, but that's because we've decided that grinding poverty is acceptable in the world's richest country, the mentally ill don't deserve treatment, and we need to treat addiction as a criminal problem instead of a medical one. (Unless you are Rush Limbaugh, of course.)

The thing is, you want to treat the symptom I want to treat the disease.
Problem is you're no Doctor. You couldn't put a bandaid on a scratch, much less attempt to save a nation that is out of control.
One is not contingent on the other. Destruction of property is not necessary to effect change.

Unfortunately, it is. White people, being objectively awful, only care about "justice' when someone threatens things they care about. We didn't pass civil rights legislation because Dr. King preached passive resistance, we did it because Malcolm X threatened to burn the country to the ground.

And at the end of the day, they both were murdered...

Who gets to pay for the damage and higher insurance premiums?

Oh, we pay for that, too... but again, wouldn't be necessary if we fixed the problems when they asked nicely.

Problem is you're no Doctor. You couldn't put a bandaid on a scratch, much less attempt to save a nation that is out of control.

Except we've identified the cause of the problems, we just don't deal with them.

The causes of Crime in America.

1) Racism
2) Poverty
3) Addiction
4) Mental illness
5) Gun Proliferation.

EVERY LAST ONE OF THESE IS FIXABLE. The Europeans have done it. They have nowhere near our crime rates.

We just refuse to do it. We just wring our hands when some mentally ill person who was self-medicating goes out and commits a horrible crime with a gun he never should have been able to buy.
Unfortunately, it is. White people, being objectively awful, only care about "justice' when someone threatens things they care about. We didn't pass civil rights legislation because Dr. King preached passive resistance, we did it because Malcolm X threatened to burn the country to the ground.

And at the end of the day, they both were murdered...

Oh, we pay for that, too... but again, wouldn't be necessary if we fixed the problems when they asked nicely.

Except we've identified the cause of the problems, we just don't deal with them.

The causes of Crime in America.

1) Racism
2) Poverty
3) Addiction
4) Mental illness
5) Gun Proliferation.

EVERY LAST ONE OF THESE IS FIXABLE. The Europeans have done it. They have nowhere near our crime rates.

We just refuse to do it. We just wring our hands when some mentally ill person who was self-medicating goes out and commits a horrible crime with a gun he never should have been able to buy.
Wow, Mormon Bob, such insight...

Come to think of it, the Jedis were kind of a cult, too, weren't they?
Unfortunately, it is. White people, being objectively awful, only care about "justice' when someone threatens things they care about. We didn't pass civil rights legislation because Dr. King preached passive resistance, we did it because Malcolm X threatened to burn the country to the ground.

Nope, that’s just an excuse.
And at the end of the day, they both were murdered...

If shooting someone who attacks you without provocation is murder, so be it. Call it what you will but I will kill to defend me and mine.
Oh, we pay for that, too... but again, wouldn't be necessary if we fixed the problems when they asked nicely.

Looks like we’re paying either way, so what difference does it make?
He probably will stay home next time, but im glad he didnt that time. It pleases me that he killed those dirt bags. My only regret is that arm-guy and that dude who kicked him survived.
That so-called "jump-kick" man, literally dodged a couple of bullets. Huber would have survived had he not grabbed that rifle and held on.
No more guns for that idiot.

This is nothing to celebrate, this is an atrocity.
He broke no laws by "crossing state lines". He was legally able to carry that weapon in Kenosha and that's why the judge dropped that charge. But I suppose you know better than a WI judge. The "atrocity" was the lawless scum who that governor allowed to run wild with no restraint. My guess is that a LOT of these rioters learned a powerful lesson from all this. Don't eff around with an armed individual. The little pervert gnome asked for what he got, LITERALLY ASKED.
Nope, that’s just an excuse.

Nope, it's a simple reality.. you kick someone enough times, eventually they are going to kick back. We've been kicking these folks for 400 years. People like you don't even want to talk about it in the classroom.


If shooting someone who attacks you without provocation is murder, so be it. Call it what you will but I will kill to defend me and mine.

Um, okay. We aren't talking about someone attacking your house (where your gun is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy) We are talking about someone who went to an ongoing riot with a bunch of racists armed with a gun he had no business owning, and then murdering someone, then murdering antoher person and wounding a third when they tried to take him into custody.

Looks like we’re paying either way, so what difference does it make?

Let's see now, doing the right thing and it not happening again in the future... those would be good reasons.

How about restoring trust in the police. You know, where people in the community will actually report things rather than worry the cops will overreact and shoot some kid over a petty offense like breaking into truck cabs (Laquan McDonald) or playing with a toy gun in a park (Tamir Rice) or passing a fake $20 by mistake (George Floyd).

It's a sad commentary that in some communities, there is more respect for the gangs than the police.
A topic worthy of discussion -- after you prove your claim true.
Proof? They don't NEED no stinkin' proof. They KNOW what he had going on in his brain. The part they consistently skim over is the fact that all three of these thugs would have never had a problem if they'd just left KR alone. These idiots that want to crucify KR, seem to fully believe that the rioters had EVERY RIGHT to do what they were doing and no one had any right to get in their way. Turns out... they were WRONG.
The thing is, you want to treat the symptom I want to treat the disease.
That's a noble ambition. What are you DOING to make things better? Rittenhouse came to clean up graffiti and help a business owner try to keep thugs from burning it down. I assume your solution only involves using other people's money and has an element of compulsion in it?
If shooting someone who attacks you without provocation is murder, so be it. Call it what you will but I will kill to defend me and mine.
They DO seem to have a mental block around that concept. It's just hypocrisy. As long as people leave me and mine alone, I welcome the "diversity" of their opinions. When they attempt to compel my obedience through threats, somebody gonna get hurt.
Nope, it's a simple reality.. you kick someone enough times, eventually they are going to kick back. We've been kicking these folks for 400 years. People like you don't even want to talk about it in the classroom.

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Um, okay. We aren't talking about someone attacking your house (where your gun is 43 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy) We are talking about someone who went to an ongoing riot with a bunch of racists armed with a gun he had no business owning, and then murdering someone, then murdering antoher person and wounding a third when they tried to take him into custody.

Let's see now, doing the right thing and it not happening again in the future... those would be good reasons.

How about restoring trust in the police. You know, where people in the community will actually report things rather than worry the cops will overreact and shoot some kid over a petty offense like breaking into truck cabs (Laquan McDonald) or playing with a toy gun in a park (Tamir Rice) or passing a fake $20 by mistake (George Floyd).

It's a sad commentary that in some communities, there is more respect for the gangs than the police.
One thing that can be said about you old Joe, is that you are a master at spewing bull crap in hopes to convince the crowd that up is now down, and down is now up.

It's interesting because you ain't no dummy, but you are a master leftist troll who unfortunately is a leftist troll that just loves to stir up the pot, yet without adding any content worth stirring.

I don't understand why you get the time of day here, because it's obvious what you do.
Proof? They don't NEED no stinkin' proof. They KNOW what he had going on in his brain. The part they consistently skim over is the fact that all three of these thugs would have never had a problem if they'd just left KR alone. These idiots that want to crucify KR, seem to fully believe that the rioters had EVERY RIGHT to do what they were doing and no one had any right to get in their way. Turns out... they were WRONG.

The only people who died that night or were seriously injured were people KR killed or injured. If KR had just stayed the fuck home, no one would have died and the Kenosha riots would have been a footnote in the Awful Summer of 2020.

Now, you can make an argument about Rosenbaum, who was a mentally ill person who probably never should have been out on the street that night. But once he shot Rosenbaum, everyone else he shot at was rightfully doing what people should do when they see an active shooter, try to detain him for the police.

That's a noble ambition. What are you DOING to make things better? Rittenhouse came to clean up graffiti and help a business owner try to keep thugs from burning it down. I assume your solution only involves using other people's money and has an element of compulsion in it?

Sorry, man, you aren't going to fix America's social ills by cleaning up grafitti, or having some punk running amok with an AR-15.

As far as what I've done. I served 11 years in the US Army. I've done more than most of you have... which is why it breaks my heart to see you people fucking it up.
One thing that can be said about you old Joe, is that you are a master at spewing bull crap in hopes to convince the crowd that up is now down, and down is now up.

Yet you never are able to refute one point I bring up...

It's interesting because you ain't no dummy, but you are a master leftist troll who unfortunately is a leftist troll that just loves to stir up the pot, yet without adding any content worth stirring.
Not at all. Up until 12 years ago, I used to be a Republican... then I realized working person voting Republican is like a Chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. The fact you guys let the complete crazies take over your party is part of the problem.

I don't understand why you get the time of day here, because it's obvious what you do.

Some of you are just gluttons for punishment?

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