The Rob Porter fallout has thrown President Trump's White House into unprecedented chaos

I am waiting for the POTUS and his allies to say something, anything, to the tens, or hundreds of people who have made these accusations. Why does he think that these women are liars, but his male buddies are not? In the Porter case, we have three people who were in intimate relationships with Porter and they all said the same things about him. In the moore case, there were as many as nine people who came forward to accuse him, and several more corroborating their stories. Why does trump toss these people's accusations off as "mere" and "false"? Just why does he do this? It is a very rare individual indeed, who confesses to what he or she is accused of.

And yes, I have seen men with Jekyl-and-Hyde personalities that revealed themselves to the women in their lives. I was there, years ago, when one said that he would tell the police that his wife (they lived in our group house) fell down the stairs. Problem: I had the room at the top of the stairs, no one fell down those stairs, and he was a bald-faced liar trying to bully his wife.
It's no surprise that confessions are rare. What is surprising is that anyone is stupid enough to lie about this stuff. It's a well documented fact that women lie all the time about it, especially when they are getting a divorce. It's a standard tactic to get a better settlement, especially when it involves child custody. A picture of the woman with a black eye proves nothing. We don't even know if the photo was taken at the same time as the incident supposedly occured. Your assumption that accused men are automatically guilty shows why SJW snowflakes shouldn't be allowed to vote. You lack the capacity to commit logic.

In short, you're a dumbass.
It is no where near a "well-documented fact." Just where is this documentation? How many actually guilty men also lie? BTW: In the Porter case, there does not seem to be any children or any child-custody dispute. I remember the FBI coming to my office to interview me when my ex was up for a security clearance. I did not even know that they were coming until they showed up at my place of business. I just answered their questions and told them what I knew about him. I did not have anything bad to report.
You're assumption that female people automatically lie is the problem. If I should not be allowed to vote, neither should you. Your "logic" fails as a matter of course. It has no logic to it.
I haven't said women automatically lie, you worthless piece of shit. However, plenty of them do. Your "logic" consists entirely of lying about what I said. That's ironic considering you're trying to claim that women never lie.

Here is some of the documentation, you lying douchebag:

Believe Her! The Woman Never Lies Myth

Where is your material on how many men lie about things like this? Or are you completely blind to male lying in these circumstances? Where do your "well-documented facts"?

What "lies" do men tell about domestic abuse?

Calling me a "lying douchebag" or "worthless piece of shit" does nothing but expose yourself and the quality of your character or lack thereof.

It's a simple statement of fact. Douchebags should be told they are douchebags.
Isn't it odd how the justice system doesn't agree with you.

The justice system does agree with me. However, commie mayor DeBlasio doesn't.

So like the lying turd you are, they are free and not guilty!
Gettng their convictions overturned doesn't prove they are innocent, moron.

DNA usually does.

The DNA didn't exonerate them, dumbfuck.

"White Republican voters are sick and tired of feminazis telling them they can't treat women like chattel. They're tired of being told that women have intrinsic worth and that men are not inherently superior. They're tired of having to act like women matter. President Trump doesn't think they do so why should white Republican voters have to pretend otherwise? It's not fair!"

Get your blasphemy on here: SUNDAY MORNING BLASPHEMY! 2/11/2018

‘A shocking disgrace’: Orrin Hatch’s hometown paper rips him to shreds for defending alleged wife abuser
The Salt Lake Tribune took aim at Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch (R) over the weekend after he sided with a White House staffer who was accused of domestically abusing two ex-wives.

More proof that leftwingers are fascists who believe people should be hung without a trial.

Extremist are bad! Everyone deserves a trial, period.
The justice system does agree with me. However, commie mayor DeBlasio doesn't.

So like the lying turd you are, they are free and not guilty!
Gettng their convictions overturned doesn't prove they are innocent, moron.

DNA usually does.

The DNA didn't exonerate them, dumbfuck.

"White Republican voters are sick and tired of feminazis telling them they can't treat women like chattel. They're tired of being told that women have intrinsic worth and that men are not inherently superior. They're tired of having to act like women matter. President Trump doesn't think they do so why should white Republican voters have to pretend otherwise? It's not fair!"

Get your blasphemy on here: SUNDAY MORNING BLASPHEMY! 2/11/2018

What is this trash supposed to prove?

All it proves is that you're a moron.

Perhaps one day in the far off future you might post an actual fact. We won't be holding our breath.
Brian Krassenstein‏ @krassenstein
Just a reminder that Our President has been accused of - Raping his Wife - Walking in on Naked Teens at Miss Univ. Dressing room - Admitting to grabbing women by the Pussy - Raping a 13-year-old child - Raping, groping or sexually assaulting 17 other women Yet no one cares

10:41 AM - 11 Feb 2018
Brian Krassenstein‏ @krassenstein
Just a reminder that Our President has been accused of - Raping his Wife - Walking in on Naked Teens at Miss Univ. Dressing room - Admitting to grabbing women by the Pussy - Raping a 13-year-old child - Raping, groping or sexually assaulting 17 other women Yet no one cares

10:41 AM - 11 Feb 2018

It's all bullshit, of course. There was no limit on how low the Clinton propaganda machine was willing to go. That's all you have proven.
Ohio Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown, who is up for re-election in 2018, was accused by his ex-wife of “assault.” Brown’s ex-wife claims that the Senator threw her up against a wall and showed “physical violence and abusive nature.”


Wow a democrat senator!
Brian Krassenstein‏ @krassenstein
Just a reminder that Our President has been accused of - Raping his Wife - Walking in on Naked Teens at Miss Univ. Dressing room - Admitting to grabbing women by the Pussy - Raping a 13-year-old child - Raping, groping or sexually assaulting 17 other women Yet no one cares

10:41 AM - 11 Feb 2018

It's all bullshit, of course. There was no limit on how low the Clinton propaganda machine was willing to go. That's all you have proven.
He hasn't been accused of "Walking in on Naked Teens at Miss Univ. Dressing room". He has BRAGGED about it.
I am waiting for the POTUS and his allies to say something, anything, to the tens, or hundreds of people who have made these accusations. Why does he think that these women are liars, but his male buddies are not? In the Porter case, we have three people who were in intimate relationships with Porter and they all said the same things about him. In the moore case, there were as many as nine people who came forward to accuse him, and several more corroborating their stories. Why does trump toss these people's accusations off as "mere" and "false"? Just why does he do this? It is a very rare individual indeed, who confesses to what he or she is accused of.

And yes, I have seen men with Jekyl-and-Hyde personalities that revealed themselves to the women in their lives. I was there, years ago, when one said that he would tell the police that his wife (they lived in our group house) fell down the stairs. Problem: I had the room at the top of the stairs, no one fell down those stairs, and he was a bald-faced liar trying to bully his wife.
You know how it is with wives and black eyes

They tend to walk into things. Women can be very clumsy.

Trump realizes that
some of these liberal banshee women will hit you in the fist with their eye real hard ...Rob Porter suffered injuries to his fist that way ...
I heard that Porter told Trump that he never did what the women were blaming him of... and Trump believed his aide, until the picture came out..
Then he knew Porter was lying to him, and he has been really angry..

Now this is why Kelly is in trouble for not looking into it deeper for Trump..


It is likely that Porter did it. But why? The two choices is he is an asshole and needs to be charged with battery or he acted in self defense. This is why this should go to trial.

Well if I was innocent I would be suing the wife's..his whole life is toast now..But I can guarantee that he won't, because he is a Wife Beater..and lied to Trump.


Actually I bet he told Rump the truth and Rump did not care until the pics came out!

It doesn't matter what a lying snowflake SJW like you believes unless you can prove it.

You prove nothing ever, spew your bluster and bullshit use naughty language and think you "prove" something. Your a partisan hack and a big pussy. Keep doing what you do, your cheap entertainment.
Well we know you never prove anything. And cheap is always a leftist.
Isn't it odd how the justice system doesn't agree with you.

The justice system does agree with me. However, commie mayor DeBlasio doesn't.

So like the lying turd you are, they are free and not guilty!
Gettng their convictions overturned doesn't prove they are innocent, moron.

DNA usually does.

The DNA didn't exonerate them, dumbfuck.


Ann Coulter, LMFAO!
It is likely that Porter did it. But why? The two choices is he is an asshole and needs to be charged with battery or he acted in self defense. This is why this should go to trial.

Well if I was innocent I would be suing the wife's..his whole life is toast now..But I can guarantee that he won't, because he is a Wife Beater..and lied to Trump.


Actually I bet he told Rump the truth and Rump did not care until the pics came out!

It doesn't matter what a lying snowflake SJW like you believes unless you can prove it.

You prove nothing ever, spew your bluster and bullshit use naughty language and think you "prove" something. Your a partisan hack and a big pussy. Keep doing what you do, your cheap entertainment.
Well we know you never prove anything. And cheap is always a leftist.

You're not even entertaining just a maroon.
Well if I was innocent I would be suing the wife's..his whole life is toast now..But I can guarantee that he won't, because he is a Wife Beater..and lied to Trump.


Actually I bet he told Rump the truth and Rump did not care until the pics came out!

It doesn't matter what a lying snowflake SJW like you believes unless you can prove it.

You prove nothing ever, spew your bluster and bullshit use naughty language and think you "prove" something. Your a partisan hack and a big pussy. Keep doing what you do, your cheap entertainment.
Well we know you never prove anything. And cheap is always a leftist.

You're not even entertaining just a maroon.
And you are consistent
I am waiting for the POTUS and his allies to say something, anything, to the tens, or hundreds of people who have made these accusations. Why does he think that these women are liars, but his male buddies are not? In the Porter case, we have three people who were in intimate relationships with Porter and they all said the same things about him. In the moore case, there were as many as nine people who came forward to accuse him, and several more corroborating their stories. Why does trump toss these people's accusations off as "mere" and "false"? Just why does he do this? It is a very rare individual indeed, who confesses to what he or she is accused of.

And yes, I have seen men with Jekyl-and-Hyde personalities that revealed themselves to the women in their lives. I was there, years ago, when one said that he would tell the police that his wife (they lived in our group house) fell down the stairs. Problem: I had the room at the top of the stairs, no one fell down those stairs, and he was a bald-faced liar trying to bully his wife.
It's no surprise that confessions are rare. What is surprising is that anyone is stupid enough to lie about this stuff. It's a well documented fact that women lie all the time about it, especially when they are getting a divorce. It's a standard tactic to get a better settlement, especially when it involves child custody. A picture of the woman with a black eye proves nothing. We don't even know if the photo was taken at the same time as the incident supposedly occured. Your assumption that accused men are automatically guilty shows why SJW snowflakes shouldn't be allowed to vote. You lack the capacity to commit logic.

In short, you're a dumbass.
It is no where near a "well-documented fact." Just where is this documentation? How many actually guilty men also lie? BTW: In the Porter case, there does not seem to be any children or any child-custody dispute. I remember the FBI coming to my office to interview me when my ex was up for a security clearance. I did not even know that they were coming until they showed up at my place of business. I just answered their questions and told them what I knew about him. I did not have anything bad to report.
You're assumption that female people automatically lie is the problem. If I should not be allowed to vote, neither should you. Your "logic" fails as a matter of course. It has no logic to it.
I haven't said women automatically lie, you worthless piece of shit. However, plenty of them do. Your "logic" consists entirely of lying about what I said. That's ironic considering you're trying to claim that women never lie.

Here is some of the documentation, you lying douchebag:

Believe Her! The Woman Never Lies Myth

Where is your material on how many men lie about things like this? Or are you completely blind to male lying in these circumstances? Where do your "well-documented facts"?

What "lies" do men tell about domestic abuse?

Calling me a "lying douchebag" or "worthless piece of shit" does nothing but expose yourself and the quality of your character or lack thereof.

It's a simple statement of fact. Douchebags should be told they are douchebags.

Name-calling is never a substitute for facts. Your contention seems to be that all people who are making complaints about Porter, Moore, and others are lying, but you don't ever produce any evidence that they are dishonest, or that you have any sort of "inside" information whatsoever or are familiar with any of the parties involved.

I think that the idea that men never lie, while women always lie, is a complete myth. Consistent with your approach to this situation, no one could ever be an eye-witness and be believable. Moreover, any talk about "due process" is absolutely absurd. As I stated above, the FBI comes to see everybody listed as a contact on a person's application for a security clearance. It is not a legal proceeding. The agents just ask you if you have any information that would be compromising to the subject. There is no reason to lie or cover anything up.

What needs to be discussed are all the reports that people who are victimized by someone else's misconduct are being told that they should not say anything about what happened to them because it might have a negative impact on the perp's career, as if the perp's career, not his/her treatment of the victim, is the most important factor in the equation. This crap is even being pushed by people who laughably call themselves "religious."

You make assertions about these witnesses' credibility, but have nothing to back it up with.
The justice system does agree with me. However, commie mayor DeBlasio doesn't.

So like the lying turd you are, they are free and not guilty!
Gettng their convictions overturned doesn't prove they are innocent, moron.

DNA usually does.

The DNA didn't exonerate them, dumbfuck.


Ann Coulter, LMFAO!

I knew you were going to say that. Prove the case she laid out is faulty. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.
It's no surprise that confessions are rare. What is surprising is that anyone is stupid enough to lie about this stuff. It's a well documented fact that women lie all the time about it, especially when they are getting a divorce. It's a standard tactic to get a better settlement, especially when it involves child custody. A picture of the woman with a black eye proves nothing. We don't even know if the photo was taken at the same time as the incident supposedly occured. Your assumption that accused men are automatically guilty shows why SJW snowflakes shouldn't be allowed to vote. You lack the capacity to commit logic.

In short, you're a dumbass.
It is no where near a "well-documented fact." Just where is this documentation? How many actually guilty men also lie? BTW: In the Porter case, there does not seem to be any children or any child-custody dispute. I remember the FBI coming to my office to interview me when my ex was up for a security clearance. I did not even know that they were coming until they showed up at my place of business. I just answered their questions and told them what I knew about him. I did not have anything bad to report.
You're assumption that female people automatically lie is the problem. If I should not be allowed to vote, neither should you. Your "logic" fails as a matter of course. It has no logic to it.
I haven't said women automatically lie, you worthless piece of shit. However, plenty of them do. Your "logic" consists entirely of lying about what I said. That's ironic considering you're trying to claim that women never lie.

Here is some of the documentation, you lying douchebag:

Believe Her! The Woman Never Lies Myth

Where is your material on how many men lie about things like this? Or are you completely blind to male lying in these circumstances? Where do your "well-documented facts"?

What "lies" do men tell about domestic abuse?

Calling me a "lying douchebag" or "worthless piece of shit" does nothing but expose yourself and the quality of your character or lack thereof.

It's a simple statement of fact. Douchebags should be told they are douchebags.

Name-calling is never a substitute for facts. Your contention seems to be that all people who are making complaints about Porter, Moore, and others are lying, but you don't ever produce any evidence that they are dishonest, or that you have any sort of "inside" information whatsoever or are familiar with any of the parties involved.

I think that the idea that men never lie, while women always lie, is a complete myth. Consistent with your approach to this situation, no one could ever be an eye-witness and be believable. Moreover, any talk about "due process" is absolutely absurd. As I stated above, the FBI comes to see everybody listed as a contact on a person's application for a security clearance. It is not a legal proceeding. The agents just ask you if you have any information that would be compromising to the subject. There is no reason to lie or cover anything up.

What needs to be discussed are all the reports that people who are victimized by someone else's misconduct are being told that they should not say anything about what happened to them because it might have a negative impact on the perp's career, as if the perp's career, not his/her treatment of the victim, is the most important factor in the equation. This crap is even being pushed by people who laughably call themselves "religious."

You make assertions about these witnesses' credibility, but have nothing to back it up with.
You keep misrepresenting my position. That's how we know you're a douchebag.

I never claimed that all women are liars or that men always tell the truth. Because I dispute your moronic position that women always tell the truth doesn't mean I take the opposite position. I never claimed any of the positions that you attribute to me.

Why even bother having this discussion if you're only going to make claims that we all know are lies? Nothing you post is true. You're a congenital liar - the perfect snowflake, in other words.

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