The Rocket’s Red Glare


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
In anger's place I suggest a resolute commitment to freedom, truth, and God​

By Jim ONeill
February 23, 2013

“It wasn’t just the United States in revolution. There were dozens of countries around the world in revolt against their ruling classes, and it was costing billions of dollars for the U.N. to finance all of the peacekeeping forces. Even in China—there was a growing insurgency against the communist regime. The world was on fire against their ruling classes.”—Jerry Oliver “The Diary”

“Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom. The cause of liberty, the cause of America, cannot succeed with any lesser effort.”—John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) 35th President of the United States.

As faithful readers know, I have written in the past about the need for radical change in America—a revolution if you will—a peaceful revolution if at all possible, but a revolution in any event.

Despite daily attacks on the US Constitution, and the numerous affronts to our “unalienable rights” and freedoms, I have counseled against anger. I decided some time ago that our situation is much too grave, and freedom’s position too precarious, to allow ourselves the dubious luxury of righteous indignation—as justified as it may seem.

In anger’s place I suggest a resolute commitment to freedom, truth, and God. An attitude that is, in a word, “frosty.” An implacable but detached dedication to accomplishing that which is necessary to preserve the light of freedom.

It is still my fervent hope that, even at this late date, violent revolution and its attendant bloodshed and suffering can be avoided. In the past my stratagems for avoiding violence have run the gamut from the mundane (secession) to the esoteric (raising consciousness). But what if all efforts at resolving things peacefully fail and bloody revolution is thrust upon us—what then?

What then indeed. There have been a number of “what if” scenarios written about in the past, but the situation is always shifting, morphing, and in constant flux, so that ideas and plans which are useful and cutting edge one day, can be unhelpful and even harmful the next. Nonetheless, some “what if” scenarios or “guesstimates” have been written that form a reasonable prediction of what a future violent revolution might hold in store for us. One such “reasonable guesstimate” is Jerry Oliver’s book “The Diary,” and I will turn to it in a moment to discuss what “we the people” may well come to experience should violent revolution move from fiction into fact (from now on when I write “revolution” in this article I mean violent revolution, not peaceful ).

Before beginning a discussion on the possible form and direction a future revolution might take, it would behoove us to remind ourselves of a few facts. One fact worthy of consideration is that there are a number of veterans in America who, by virtue of costly lessons learned while fighting insurgents in foreign countries, have acquired a first-rate knowledge of how to conduct effective guerilla operations against a much larger and more powerful enemy force.

If you think that the fighting capabilities of Third World insurgents has been impressive, wait until you get a load of an American patriot fighting for his or her country on American soil—you ain’t seen nothing yet.


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The Rocket?s Red Glare
"In anger’s place I suggest a resolute commitment to freedom, truth, and God"

is that an Osama Bin Laden quote?

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