The Romney Tapes - the Missing 2 Minutes: Libertarians...

Only a bunch of damned fools would let themselves be distracted by tax return nonsense.

Thread isn't about the tax returns. It's about the missing minutes of the 'secret' tape of Romney speaking. I find what he said during that missing time to be quite interesting - and I am not surprised that the left would prefer no one know what he said.

Funny, I'm the "left" and I don't care a whit. In fact, I think it would be great for Mittens to audit the Fed. Good job for him since he won't be President.

He should show us his taxes first though.

I only think it would be a good idea to audit because there's a slight chance there will be mass shutting-the-fuck-up-about-the-fed once it did happen.
Question of the libertarians... have you heard what Romney said about the Fed?

I know now why MaJones cut that shit... they really don't want Americans hearing that.

Assuming you have heard it, do you now still believe that Romney is some liberal in sheep's clothing? I would have thought you'd be cheering him on.
No link but what he said about the fed... the left really don't want people to hear that.

I think you should research it for yourself. Find the unedited tape and hear what he said about the Fed, Russia and China. Interesting stuff... and definitely not something that the ObamaNation want Americans to know.

You fucking started the thread, you daft twit. Put up or shut up.

This is not your board... you don't get to 'shut' anyone 'up'. Just pointing out facts.

Secondly, I don't believe in spoon feeding people - I think people should find their own sources and pay attention to facts... people should care enough to find out for themselves and not expect other people to provide them with information. Lazy ass.
In business this thread would be labelled as a classic example of "bait and switch!"

- "California Girl" starts a thread summarizing the 2 missing minutes of the Romney speech

- she fails to provide any links to substantiate her claims

- "California Girl" proceeds to direct others to find the video clip whixh she should have provided in post #1

- she states that she doesn't "believe in spoon feeding people" when her lack of links challenged

- "California Girl" then refers to those who didn't provide the video clip upon which her whole thread is based as a "Lazy ass"

What a sorry excuse for a thread, especially for someone credited with 49,211 posts. I've heard of slow learners but since when has it become acceptanle to denigrate others for not providing the links that you are either unwilling or unable to provide youself?

I repectfully nominate "California Girl's" performance in this thread for "The Worst of the Worst" Award!
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That's not the tape though, is it. Do try and find out things for yourself instead of parroting crap.

So let me get this straight, you make a thread asking libertarians how we feel about the missing 2 minutes of Mitt's speech and won't post a link to the missing 2 minutes?

Whatever 'source' I post from will be some hack site... and the source will be the subject instead of what Romney said.. so go find it using whatever source suits you and listen to it. Not rocket science.

Are you having fun, little girl?? You really need to find another way to get attention. I know you just love this!!!
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Shoot the source, but that's the same that I got... just not from Beck.... but the content is the point.

Lol so you whine about sources and then use beck....what a twit.

That's my point... whatever source I give, someone is gonna bitch about it. Hence, i prefer people to find their own... but that intelligence flies gently and far over your little head.

no the point was just you whining about Jones while using beck,Its amusing, if not sad.

I got your "point" awhile ago, It was stupid. Present the evidence upfront instead of stalling and looking like a fool.

It would show how confident you are in your assertions. Not some flake who has to be pushed in order to provide a source, and still attempt to blame other people as being lazy, and how you don't want to think for them.

Newsflash kiddo your not thinking for them, you are providing evidence for people to make their opinion. Im sorry you don't seem to understand such a simple concept.

At least your lesbian twin Political chic will link her shit.

Shoot the source, but that's the same that I got... just not from Beck.... but the content is the point.

Lol so you whine about sources and then use beck....what a twit. you whine about no link and then bash the link when given...what a twit

yeah he said nothing of value. Not really sure why anyone would be fearing this opinion of his.
You are really sick. Where's the VIDEO to your manufactured bullshit?

I thought about this as well, and then realized it doesn't matter if this is actually from the missing time or not. It's clearly Mitt Romney talking about what Cali Girl wanted to talk about in this thread.

It's audio of the same meeting... it's just not what the left want people to hear... and, having listened to it, I can see why. I kind of hope you can see why too.

but he didnt really say anything... you whine about no link and then bash the link when given...what a twit

yeah he said nothing of value. Not really sure why anyone would be fearing this opinion of his.

no one is 'fearing' anything...i'm mocking your duplicity

No i bashed Caligirl for her constant bashing of sources, and yet she had to go use beck.

You would think with someone of her "caliber" and "big talk" she would have had a better source. She said how she had to dig and dig and eventually found it. You know why she didnt post it in the first place? Because its from Becks website.
yeah he said nothing of value. Not really sure why anyone would be fearing this opinion of his.

no one is 'fearing' anything...i'm mocking your duplicity

No i bashed Caligirl for her constant bashing of sources, and yet she had to go use beck.

You would think with someone of her "caliber" and "big talk" she would have had a better source. She said how she had to dig and dig and eventually found it. You know why she didnt post it in the first place? Because its from Becks website.

i you're bashing sources

hypocrite much?
I didn't hear a word about him saying they should audit the fed on the tape....I did hear him say interest rates are going to have to go up....

I'm sure that will make businesses uneasy....and consumers uneasy and hurt the struggling housing market....

But those of us that have savings that we don't want to put in to the stock market, and those nearing retirement and those in retirement will be happy campers earning more than the 0.5 - 1.0% on our CD's....
I didn't hear a word about him saying they should audit the fed on the tape....I did hear him say interest rates are going to have to go up....

I'm sure that will make businesses uneasy....and consumers uneasy and hurt the struggling housing market....

But those of us that have savings that we don't want to put in to the stock market, and those nearing retirement and those in retirement will be happy campers earning more than the 0.5 - 1.0% on our CD's....

The speech, however, contained other statements which addressed more policy issues, most notably about the Federal Reserve. He cited John Whitehead, the former head of both Goldman Sachs and the New York Federal Reserve, who said that the result of the Fed’s current actions and direction would be a rise in interest rates and the potential of bankruptcy for the US.

Mitt Romney

Yeah. This is nothing but bullshit. Interest rates aren't going anywhere for a long time, as long as the labor market is deep in the shit.

Huh. Looks like I got the summary of what was actually said a bit further back. I still believe the analysis is incorrect.
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