The Romney Tapes - the Missing 2 Minutes: Libertarians...

The whole thing about interest rate spikes has been wrong for the past 4 years. More than 12 years if you consider Japan.
I see CG came back to the thread but didn't bother explain why Mitt's silly words about the Fed were meaningful to anyone.

I see CG came back to the thread but didn't bother explain why Mitt's silly words about the Fed were meaningful to anyone.


FEAR her!!! she will come and her wraith will be horrible and full of fire and brimstone...But she won't actually bring the brimstone or fire. You have to supply your own materials and research for that. She did all the hard work herself and isnt going to share.

CG is a Stepford wingnut child, as shown by her zombie-like defense of NaziCons.
I just finished watching Oregon stomp Arizona 49-0. Sort of reminded me of this thread...
if that taped 2 minutes is all that was missed, NOT MUCH meaningful was missed.
Question of the libertarians... have you heard what Romney said about the Fed?

I know now why MaJones cut that shit... they really don't want Americans hearing that.

Assuming you have heard it, do you now still believe that Romney is some liberal in sheep's clothing? I would have thought you'd be cheering him on.
No link but what he said about the fed... the left really don't want people to hear that.

You fucking started the thread, you daft twit. Put up or shut up.

This is not your board... you don't get to 'shut' anyone 'up'. Just pointing out facts.

Secondly, I don't believe in spoon feeding people - I think people should find their own sources and pay attention to facts... people should care enough to find out for themselves and not expect other people to provide them with information. Lazy ass.
In business this thread would be labelled as a classic example of "bait and switch!"

- "California Girl" starts a thread summarizing the 2 missing minutes of the Romney speech

- she fails to provide any links to substantiate her claims

- "California Girl" proceeds to direct others to find the video clip whixh she should have provided in post #1

- she states that she doesn't "believe in spoon feeding people" when her lack of links challenged

- "California Girl" then refers to those who didn't provide the video clip upon which her whole thread is based as a "Lazy ass"

What a sorry excuse for a thread, especially for someone credited with 49,211 posts. I've heard of slow learners but since when has it become acceptanle to denigrate others for not providing the links that you are either unwilling or unable to provide youself?

I repectfully nominate "California Girl's" performance in this thread for "The Worst of the Worst" Award!

I, without respect at all, nominate you as 'fucking moron who didn't read the whole thread. I provided a link - because, unlike me, most posters in this thread appear too fucking lazy, or too fucking stupid, to find a source they find acceptable.

Seriously, you are a jackass.
CG is a Stepford wingnut child, as shown by her zombie-like defense of NaziCons.

Anyone who needs to insult 6 million dead people for political point scoring is really not worthy of attention... and when that person is such a hack that they howl about right wing sources at the same time as linking to the left wing equivalent of FNC, that person needs serious help. That's you - delusional.... utterly delusional.
I see the LOLberals took over this one.....

It's like, "hey libertarians...." suddenly every LOLberal in the forum shows up to "debate" Mitt Romney. If party supporters spent half the time talking about and criticizing their candidate than they did the opposition, we might actually have an informed group around here. But instead, it's all about pointing out the competition.

Really funny actually. In that sad kind of way.
And i found the source acceptable. Mitt is saying what he is saying. Whether it came from the missing two minutes or not. Regardless, it's just pillow talk from the Bernanke supporter.
I see CG came back to the thread but didn't bother explain why Mitt's silly words about the Fed were meaningful to anyone.


Unlike you, Ravi... I encourage people to use whatever brain they have left to think for themselves. I appreciate that some - apparently including you - are more interested in partisan bullshit than anything that might require use of your brain. Pity.
And i found the source acceptable. Mitt is saying what he is saying. Whether it came from the missing two minutes or not. Regardless, it's just pillow talk from the Bernanke supporter.

You clearly haven't really researched Romney at all. And but 'research' I don't mean you tube surfing his words... I mean really getting an understanding of who he is.
I've read his plans. I've studied his time as Mass. Gov. I've listened to what he has to say. One thing I'm not going to do to "understand who he is", is suck his cock. He's gotten plenty of play in my decision making. He's inconsistent. At best.
I see CG came back to the thread but didn't bother explain why Mitt's silly words about the Fed were meaningful to anyone.


Unlike you, Ravi... I encourage people to use whatever brain they have left to think for themselves. I appreciate that some - apparently including you - are more interested in partisan bullshit than anything that might require use of your brain. Pity.

How does not providing a link because you're afraid people will dismiss your source like you do everyone else's "make people think"?

My favorite moments on this board are the "you're partisan" pot meet kettle moments.
I see CG came back to the thread but didn't bother explain why Mitt's silly words about the Fed were meaningful to anyone.


Unlike you, Ravi... I encourage people to use whatever brain they have left to think for themselves. I appreciate that some - apparently including you - are more interested in partisan bullshit than anything that might require use of your brain. Pity.


And again she can't say why Mitten's words were important.

I, without respect at all, nominate you as 'fucking moron who didn't read the whole thread. I provided a link - because, unlike me, most posters in this thread appear too fucking lazy, or too fucking stupid, to find a source they find acceptable.

Seriously, you are a jackass.

yes after much protesting did you finally provide a link to audio ( not video ) of romrom saying nothing of value.

None of us are lazy twit, we just wanted you to back up your claims and not flake out like you commonly do in threads.
And i found the source acceptable. Mitt is saying what he is saying. Whether it came from the missing two minutes or not. Regardless, it's just pillow talk from the Bernanke supporter.

You clearly haven't really researched Romney at all. And but 'research' I don't mean you tube surfing his words... I mean really getting an understanding of who he is.

He wont bother cause Romney isnt a Paul so he makes pre judgements about him.....He is a lot like a progressive in that.
And i found the source acceptable. Mitt is saying what he is saying. Whether it came from the missing two minutes or not. Regardless, it's just pillow talk from the Bernanke supporter.

You clearly haven't really researched Romney at all. And but 'research' I don't mean you tube surfing his words... I mean really getting an understanding of who he is.

He wont bother cause Romney isnt a Paul so he makes pre judgements about him.....He is a lot like a progressive in that.


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