The Rotund One Blows It

Christie should not have donned his RINO suit until after he got to Washington:[/B]

Maybe I’m missing something here. The Tea Party Movement gets a lot of coverage, but the media never mentions the RINO Movement. I doubt if it can be called a grass roots movement, but longstanding RINO are being infused with new blood like Marco Rubio and Christie. It’s kind of funny when you realize that Tea Parties can leave the Republican party while RINO are stuck.

That's because there is no such thing as the "RINO Movement". What you call "RINOs" are the conservatives staying true to their philosophical roots who decline to bend over for the hair-on-fire Jerry Falwell/Michele Bachmann wingnuts in your endless and pointless pursuit of Eliminationist wackopolitik.

By the way --- what does Christie's weight have to do with anything?

It will be used against him, should he run for Pres.

Sure, granted. I meant for the OP, how does it influence how he handles the Senate seat.
After all if Christie handled it in a way boldface boy approved, he'd still weigh the same... :eusa_whistle:
Ned reveals how the nutball element seek to destroy America: by limiting the rights of citizens to vote.

My question:
Why do nutballs hate America?


To Dugdale_Jukes: My question:

Does the NEVER-RATIFIED XVII AMENDMENT make stupid people call Thomas Jefferson and James Madison nutballs?

Article I

Section 3 (PARTIAL)

1: The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one Vote.

2: Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at the Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Expiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, the Executive thereof may make temporary Appointments until the next Meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Vacancies.
Ned reveals how the nutball element seek to destroy America: by limiting the rights of citizens to vote.

My question:
Why do nutballs hate America?


To Dugdale_Jukes: My question:

Does the NEVER-RATIFIED XVII AMENDMENT make stupid people call Thomas Jefferson and James Madison nutballs?

[cite from A1, USC snipped]

To your specific question: No idea what stupid people do. My contact with stupid people is limited... :eusa_whistle:

To what appears to be your larger point: There appears to be a XVII amendment to the USC and it appears to address options for senatorial election and succession. Christie appears to have acted within lawful parameters of what most earthlings perceive to be a XVII amendment the the USC.

Some perceptions and a conclusion: My perception is that you are unhappy with many politicians. It is my further perception that you define Reagan and Junebug as conservatives. No human who defines either Reagan or Junebug as a conservative is likely to be happy on the earthly plane because that kind of failure of understanding the facts can only lead to unhappiness about all areas tracking back to either of those Keynesian NeoCon halfwits.

Bottom line: The path to regular smiles in this vale of tears is understanding the foundation elements of faith (political) systems. Look into measurable facts supporting beliefs - ANY beliefs - with an open mind, then follow the facts to dispassionate conclusions, then accept fact-based results. Facts enable one to focus emotion more compellingly, which might not make one happier, but which does make one look more rational, which by definition makes one seem less irrational to others, which in turn improves opinions about one - and THAT can improve one's quality of life, which from time to time could lead to a smile.
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Christie is a Northeastern liberal republican, no doubt about that...

...but I'm not going to fault this decision.

Yes, the 17th amendment in hindsight had the unintended consequence of shifting the balance of our federal system powers too far in favor of the central government...but the 17th amendment was ratified by the states and the system we have now of electing Senators by popular vote is the framework within which we must now work.

Christie was correct to forgo appointment and give the people of New Jersey the same power to elect a their representation as every other American.
Christie is a Northeastern liberal republican, no doubt about that...

...but I'm not going to fault this decision.

Yes, the 17th amendment in hindsight had the unintended consequence of shifting the balance of our federal system powers too far in favor of the central government...but the 17th amendment was ratified by the states and the system we have now of electing Senators by popular vote is the framework within which we must now work.

Christie was correct to forgo appointment and give the people of New Jersey the same power to elect a their representation as every other American.

To Missourian: The XVII Amendment was ratified to most Americans; nevertheless, many believe it was implemented as though it had been ratified. Ditto the XVI Amendment. Remember that progressives held a lot of power in 1913. Also, Socialist rhetoric pulled in a lot of public support but not the majority.

Ratification was a life or death issue to Democrats. The smartest of politicians in that era knew that failing to ratify those two amendments meant the death of the progressive movement. As smart as they were they never saw the harm long-serving senators would do to the country. Ted Kennedy alone served for so long he implemented more of his personal agenda that any ten presidents.

When all is said and done a century has gone by, yet some evidence that it was never ratified managed to survive.

Bottom line: The High Court will never look at the case for obvious reasons. The best hope to right a wrong is to repeal the XVII Amendment as though it had been ratified. It's like divorcing a whore for legal reasons even though you were never married.

Why bother proving it was never ratified? Answer: Proving it will strengthen the case for repeal.

The same thing applies to the XVI Amendment.

Here’s a few links if you’re not familiar with the issue:

Finally, if the immigration bill does not convince you the XVII Amendment should be repealed nothing will.

Senate Digs In for Long Battle on Immigrants
Published: June 9, 2013
OK, Flanders. You like tilting against windmills. Great. We will watch and laugh.

Especially when Christie says something Flanders likes. I predict at that moment the "rotund one" will suddenly and mysteriously shed a hundred pounds ;)
OK, Flanders. You like tilting against windmills. Great. We will watch and laugh.

OK, Flanders. You like tilting against windmills. Great. We will watch and laugh.

Especially when Christie says something Flanders likes. I predict at that moment the "rotund one" will suddenly and mysteriously shed a hundred pounds ;)

To Old Rocks & Pogo: If you two love him so much start a “Draft Christie” movement at the Democrat Convention.
OK, Flanders. You like tilting against windmills. Great. We will watch and laugh.

OK, Flanders. You like tilting against windmills. Great. We will watch and laugh.

Especially when Christie says something Flanders likes. I predict at that moment the "rotund one" will suddenly and mysteriously shed a hundred pounds ;)

To Old Rocks & Pogo: If you two love him so much start a “Draft Christie” movement at the Democrat Convention.

I made no judgement on Christie, boldface-- I just pointed out your fallacy. Now you've responded with a second one.


If you don't like it -- then stop using fallacies. Ain't rocket surgery.

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