The Run on the Banks has begun....

No, if that were to happen, then your money would be worthless anyway, do you understand? All you can do is proceed ahead with knowledge that deposits of $250,000 or less are insured, if that insurance were to cease, then its because there is no point in insuring such at all as it is worthless!

This is precisely what is gonna happen, sooner or later, its entirely unavoidable as Biden and his handlers intend to print more money, and that action will serve to usher in what we refer to as, "hyper-inflation," when hyper-inflation sets in, you can have millions of dollars and it will serve you up nothing, this is why the most valuable assets at this point are hard commodities, true items of value, not fiat currency with as much real value as the money included in every game of Monopoly!

Most people will be unable to obtain those things, what they will require are the means to secure selves food, shelter, and protection, fishing poles, firearms, ammunition, utensils, ect ect. How many people do you think it is living in the major metros, how many of them know how to fish, hunt, clean and prepare game, or even possess means for doing so? Around 5-10% of them, thats it, everyone else is most likely unable, or ill-prepared to do so, those people will die very swiftly if they are severed from traditional societal means of obtaining such, very swiftly!

This is exactly what Deagle forecasted in 2014, they explained that the die off wasn't due to covid in 2019, but rather to the complete collapse of western financial system, and how soft and incapable the vast majority of these nations populations would prove out at securing all of the above, such was predicated upon the collapse of Soviet Union, whose population was far tougher, more prepared to eek out existence in wake of total governmental/financial collapse, and still they experienced a massive die off, that die off was never reported upon in western media.

In the United States, a good 80% of the population is totally dependent upon the supply chain for survival, and that 80% are almost certainly incapable of securing food, water, shelter, protection absent that supply chain....
You can be a Democrat and leave your money in the banks or you can be an American and take your money out of the banks and put it in something else that will be worth money later. It is up to you.
You can be a Democrat and leave your money in the banks or you can be an American and take your money out of the banks and put it in something else that will be worth money later. It is up to you.
MMMMMMMMMMM. The owners may not let you .
Just the regional banks, and that is by design! They are doing this, Biden and his handlers, to secure the avenue of their new digital currency, that is exactly what we are witness too, none of the heavies are in any trouble at all! You need to be armed, and able to secure food, few in the major metros are able to do so....

This is precisely what Deagle forecasted back in 2014 to Obama, and that right there should have been folks clue-in to what they had prepared for their futures. They began the process for this back when Obama was still illegally in office, this is it, and you might recall that Deagle predicted a massive decline in US population(over 200 million), indeed in all of western civilizations population, such was and is predicated upon the near complete inability of all urban dwellers to secure food and protection!

You folks were all warned what was coming, the die off is set to reach peak by 2025, some 200-million men, women, and children....BTW, this is not me, I am not some conspiracy buff, this is them, they said so! :eek-52:

This is one theory.
You can be a Democrat and leave your money in the banks or you can be an American and take your money out of the banks and put it in something else that will be worth money later. It is up to you.

Sorry GS. Inflation rate that came out today is still killing our money no matter where it's put.

Magic 8-ball predicts STAGFLATION for many upcoming years.
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name them
This is one of them


The Federal Reserve Banks are not a part of the federal government, but they exist because of an act of Congress. Their purpose is to serve the public. So is the Fed private or public?

The answer is both. While the Board of Governors is an independent government agency, the Federal Reserve Banks are set up like private corporations. Member banks hold stock in the Federal Reserve Banks and earn dividends. Holding this stock does not carry with it the control and financial interest given to holders of common stock in for-profit organizations. The stock may not be sold or pledged as collateral for loans. Member banks also elect six of the nine members of each Bank's board of directors.

B of A depositors moved their deposits to Wells Fargo.

Wells Fargo depositors moved their deposits to B of A :D

It's the same philosophy as bugging out when TSHTF.

Florida people will be heading to Minnesota...I'll be heading to florida.

I guess we'll hi-5 eachother around KC :113:
This is one of them


The Federal Reserve Banks are not a part of the federal government, but they exist because of an act of Congress. Their purpose is to serve the public. So is the Fed private or public?

The answer is both. While the Board of Governors is an independent government agency, the Federal Reserve Banks are set up like private corporations. Member banks hold stock in the Federal Reserve Banks and earn dividends. Holding this stock does not carry with it the control and financial interest given to holders of common stock in for-profit organizations. The stock may not be sold or pledged as collateral for loans. Member banks also elect six of the nine members of each Bank's board of directors.

That’s a Federal Reserve Bank that was created by Congress by the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
A run on the banks has begun....

Every major and minor bank is now seeing their depositors grab their cash and run... Even though Joe told them their money would be safe they do not believe the lie...


The Fed started buying massive amounts of bonds (and MBS) off the big banks just in time for the value of those bonds to tank. Smells like yet another mahoosive bailout.
Or bail-ins, for those who didn't see this coming mile off...
The infuriating thing is that those same banks that offloaded their crappy bonds and MBS to the Fed will buy them back at discounted prices from the Fed during QT.
A run on the banks has begun....

Every major and minor bank is now seeing their depositors grab their cash and run... Even though Joe told them their money would be safe they do not believe the lie...

Didn't Trump learn from Bush's mistake? Didn't Bush deregulate the banks and that bit us in the ass?

Senate Democrats who supported a rollback of regulations on mid-sized banks under President Donald Trump defended their vote despite the collapse of two key banks last week that set off fears of another costly financial crisis.

And who are these stupid Democrats who went along?
It's the same philosophy as bugging out when TSHTF.

Florida people will be heading to Minnesota...I'll be heading to florida.

I guess we'll hi-5 eachother around KC :113:
Wisconsin here. On the north-south axis, the capitalist axis, none in their right mind will want to face the northern winters while economically stressed. The flow will likely go one way only, mimicking the major pathology, California.

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