The Russia Report This September Will Invigorate America

Will the Russia Report bring justice to lying powermongers, whoever they may be?

  • Yes, it will shed the light of truth on the rampant crimes in Washington, DC.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No, political crimes will go on forever, always protected by legal loopholes

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • I haven't heard anything about the Russia Report, due in September

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I have read about the Russia Report and will accept its findings

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No opinion.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
Those of us who have been paying attention to both sides of the Political Circus going on in Washington have been watching Judicial Watch going after the truth about Spygate, which the left is denying full force. We know that with our ear to the ground, Obama and Clinton and their clandestine Cabal, now in hiding, have tried to obfuscate, use omission about, and flat out absented themselves from the abuses against the Constitution they committed in their quest to ruin without rehabilitation plans for the Trump Presidency to impeach him on a document known as the "Steel Dossier" and its caluminous scandal claims therein, which have all been shown to lack even a shred of truth with the intentional goal of lying, confusing, and infuriating American voters against President Trump and all those in the Make America Great Again campaign.

This September, a new report is coming out called The Russia Report presently, that will show what a wrecked House of Cards that Robert Mueller's Report was, and may shed light on why the FBI leadership skirted its Constitutional Oath in going after a candidate, and with its "insurance policy" farce, went after a sitting President of the United States.

I hope it will answer why the FBI broke the American ways of civility, truth in reporting, and ignoring the plain, evidence that showed it was NOT President Donald J. Trump who colluded with Russia, it was somebody else, and it has been proven that Obama knew this was going on, and H. Clinton did, too. It will show culpability of treason against some pretty higher-ups, most of who will likely flee American shores for at least 2 or 3 decades have passed, if they are still living in the Deep State that they created to pull the Curtain on their crimes so blatant, people might not believe it at first unless they look at and see the truth in the Russia Report, which is due out in September. May the injustices against President Trump fall away and his true leadership gain recognition forever.

May the Russia Report bring about Justice, though the the Heavens may fall, and may it fall on the true villians, who to this day have used high office to deny the truth and commit egregious crimes against the American people.

Edit: Here's the link:
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I think we should arrest Hillary, Bill, and Barack....and allow them to commit suicide in their cells.
I'll agree to turn the cameras off.
You guys....

Hmmm. The absence of not even one single lefty sounding off about Democrat Criminal Mischief must mean they know it, and don't have a clue what to do about cleaning up the Democrat Party of trying to undo a Republican Presidency based on false allegations they created all by themselves and distributed it to persons who knew they were expected to "leak" the information as an October surprise to take suspicion off of the Obama Administration and its Cabinet Head of the State Department, who was none other than rival candidate the former Secretary of State, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Crime is crime, and we must not view holding office as giving royalty privileges to dignitaries who dirtied their hands and reputations in breaking the Constitution's laws, when they should be the most supportive advocates of the United States Constitution that they disrespected by going against its precepts, the founders, and even human dignity. I am appalled at the stories I've heard about how the Obama Administration took the law into their own hands and tried everything in the criminal book to rid the nation of a good American businessman, President Donald Trump, whose goal is to restore the Constitutional obligations of leadership in Washington, DC, and to make America Great Again.

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