The Russian Trail Leads To The Democratics

guess who isnt under investigation - yup, the Democratics


Which is really weird considering all of the evidence we have shows democrat criminality.
Well then you and whoever else has all this evidence should give it to Trump's DOJ.

It is very, very clear that the doj belongs to the swamp.

Oh, of course. I should have guessed. :rolleyes:

Okay, why don't you and whoever has "all this evidence" take it to a state IG? I mean, come on, you have "all this evidence" after all.

Yes. It is self evident. No member of the swamp is being prosecuted. They are ALL getting passes. Immunity here, immunity there, the only reason why wiener got nailed is because huma wanted to get rid of him (not that I blame her, I wouldn't want to be married to that creep either, and this way she gets custody of the kid, guaranteed) they didn't bother to record any of the conversations with the shrilary and her aids in direct violation of every investigative procedure known to man... So yeah, the swamp lives.
The Russian Trail Leads To The Democratics

guess who isnt under investigation - yup, the Democratics


Which is really weird considering all of the evidence we have shows democrat criminality.
Well then you and whoever else has all this evidence should give it to Trump's DOJ.

It is very, very clear that the doj belongs to the swamp.

Oh, of course. I should have guessed. :rolleyes:

Okay, why don't you and whoever has "all this evidence" take it to a state IG? I mean, come on, you have "all this evidence" after all.

Yes. It is self evident. No member of the swamp is being prosecuted. They are ALL getting passes. Immunity here, immunity there, the only reason why wiener got nailed is because huma wanted to get rid of him (not that I blame her, I wouldn't want to be married to that creep either, and this way she gets custody of the kid, guaranteed) they didn't bother to record any of the conversations with the shrilary and her aids in direct violation of every investigative procedure known to man... So yeah, the swamp lives.

Who are "all these people" that are getting immunity?

Paul Manafort sent to jail, pending trial - CNNPolitics.

Accused Russian agent ordered held in jail after prosecutors release dramatic allegations
Everything involving Russia leads directly back to the Dumbocrats...

Romney: Obama stopped missile defense shield 'as a gift to Russia'

The above idiot ONLY reads the headlines and forgets the question marks,,,,LOL

From the above citation

........Romney’s comments are partially accurate. Yes, Obama ended the missile shield planned in Poland and Czech Republic, but the U.S. will address the ballistic missile threat with Aegis missiles in Eastern Europe by 2018......
Supposedly removing the missile shield from Europe was talked about at the Helsinki summit.
guess who isnt under investigation - yup, the Democratics
Guess who is doing the investigations? "Yup", the Dumbocrats!

Guess who is the party of corruption and lawlessness that allows them to investigate legal activities and cover up criminal activities? "Yup", the Dumbocrats!
Was that before or after Russia hacked into, stole and weaponized information from Americans in order to affect the outcome of a National US election?
Neither. It was actually during. When MaObama gave his own National Security team direct orders to "stand down". Another interesting fact that the left is unaware of because MSNBC has an agenda.
Was that before or after Russia hacked into, stole and weaponized information from Americans in order to affect the outcome of a National US election?

Screen Shot 2018-07-22 at 4.42.27 PM.png
Was that before or after Russia hacked into, stole and weaponized information from Americans in order to affect the outcome of a National US election?
You people love to crow that "Hitlery won the popular vote" but then in the next breath you claim that Russia "influenced the election". When you combine that with MaObama's order to his national security team to allow Russia to keep hacking, it becomes painfully obvious that you people are inadvertently admitting to the fact that the Dumbocrats were in bed with Russia. Oops!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Which is really weird considering all of the evidence we have shows democrat criminality.
Well then you and whoever else has all this evidence should give it to Trump's DOJ.

It is very, very clear that the doj belongs to the swamp.

Oh, of course. I should have guessed. :rolleyes:

Okay, why don't you and whoever has "all this evidence" take it to a state IG? I mean, come on, you have "all this evidence" after all.

Yes. It is self evident. No member of the swamp is being prosecuted. They are ALL getting passes. Immunity here, immunity there, the only reason why wiener got nailed is because huma wanted to get rid of him (not that I blame her, I wouldn't want to be married to that creep either, and this way she gets custody of the kid, guaranteed) they didn't bother to record any of the conversations with the shrilary and her aids in direct violation of every investigative procedure known to man... So yeah, the swamp lives.

Who are "all these people" that are getting immunity?

Paul Manafort sent to jail, pending trial - CNNPolitics.

Accused Russian agent ordered held in jail after prosecutors release dramatic allegations

Thanks for proving my point.
The above idiot ONLY reads the headlines and forgets the question marks,,,,LOL

[Refering to P@triot
From the above citation

........Romney’s comments are partially accurate. Yes, Obama ended the missile shield planned in Poland and Czech Republic, but the U.S. will address the ballistic missile threat with Aegis missiles in Eastern Europe by 2018......

Here is what Poland had to say about failed President Barack Hussein Obama reneging on his promise to keep President Bush's promise to arm Poland and the Czech Republic with defensive missiles.


Translated from Polish to English, ZDRADA means BETRAYAL.

Yep, our allies sure did love President Obama.
Was that before or after Russia hacked into, stole and weaponized information from Americans in order to affect the outcome of a National US election?
Neither. It was actually during. When MaObama gave his own National Security team direct orders to "stand down". Another interesting fact that the left is unaware of because MSNBC has an agenda.

Not really all that interesting, but nothing is stopping Russian Troll Nunes from looking into it. More interesting is why Mitch McChinless refused to make a bipartisan statement on the Russian interference before the election.
More interesting is why Mitch McChinless refused to make a bipartisan statement on the Russian interference before the election.
He probably didn’t know. MaObama had the least transparent administration in U.S. history. Even the left-wing media acknowledged as much.
Did anything result from that meeting?
When Trump Jr. is framed into a meeting with a Russian, the left is goes into a perpetual state of complete and total hysteria.

When MaObama secretly meets with Russians over and over and over, the left casually states “yeah....well.....uh......did anything come of that meeting”?

Yes. I would submit to you that the entire Dumbocrat collusion with Russia came out of that meeting. MaObama tells is National Security team to “stand down” with regards to Russian hacking. Shortly thereafter, MaObama’s DoJ (AG Loretta Lynch) sneaks Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya into the country without a Visa (granting her “special exception”). She then “magically” ends up with the personal contact information for Donald Trump Jr.
I'm curious. Russia is a Communist, anti-gun state. Why would they support the NRA? It makes no sense.
More interesting is why Mitch McChinless refused to make a bipartisan statement on the Russian interference before the election.
He probably didn’t know. MaObama had the least transparent administration in U.S. history. Even the left-wing media acknowledged as much.

Trump is beating Obama as the least transparent...

Off-camera, no audio broadcast: White House keeps undermining press briefing

US sets new record for censoring, withholding gov't files

Trump’s White House on defensive over transparency

And the big one...
Unlike the left, I believe deeply in the facts and the truth. I think it’s important to recognize that the heavily redacted Carter Paige FISA warrant does appear to support a legitimate case for the warrant. And it’s relevant to recognize that it was approved by Republican-appointed justices (I would call it “important” but considering the Republican’s desperate attempts to stop the Trump train, it’s not entirely implausible that they had a bias).

In any case, what a shame for CNN that their reputation is completely shot. They got caught in half a dozen major scandals in which they blatantly fabricated information. This is the type of journalism they should have been doing all along. Now, almost nobody is tuned in to see what they are reporting.

All trails from Russia lead directly to the Dumbocrats...
Those are just some of the highlights from the day that Fusion GPS founder Glenn Simpson - paid by Hillary Clinton's campaign to find dirt on her GOP rival - met secretly with a top Justice Department official, right after Trump won the 2016 election.
Hitlery pays foreigners for “dirt” and the left is silent. The Trump campaign merely meets with someone who reached out to them and the left feigns outrage.

The handwritten notes exposing what Fusion GPS told DOJ about Trump

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