The Russians Are Not Our Friends

The Russians can be my friends...

8 days a week!
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks
We need to be much more worried about the British.
They’re going to be talking about Russia the entire Trump presidency. I’ve never seen anything more pathetic
The Benghazi hoax was pretty damn pathetic dude.

Doesn't get any worse than that.
Americans dying while Obama watched was a hoax?
It must be democrats using the film no one ever heard of as the hoax.

Putin has been extremely patient with us. Remember when he asked obama if he really intended to support the insane muslims that ripped open the bodies of the dead and ate their still warm organs?

Putin warns West not to arm organ-eating Syrian rebels - Reuters

Russia has tried to warn us against the destructive democrats. Putin tried to warn us against socialism. Putin told shitstain obama that they tried socialism and it didn't work.

Putin warns US to eschew socialism
Aw chm
The shitstain's ears must have been stuffed with black or he is too stepnfetchit to understand.

Now democrats want the loyalty of Americans. Hell no. Do you actually expect to be thought of as better than Russia? Really? When Putin tells Americans to pay black people for doing nothing get back to me.

Gads democrats have become insufferable.

The Mueller report goes into great detail about the Russian involvement in US elections, and the Trump cult refuses to believe it.

Trump himself admits the Russians got him elected, and the Trump cult still doesn't believe it.

Trump cult, your DearLeader himself said we liberals have been absolutely correct. Of course, he walked it back, but the damage was done. He accidentally told the truth. That cat's out of the bag, and it's not going back in.

Trump cultists, you've all been running cover for a hostile foreign power for years now. That's no longer debatable. Do you have any regrets about betraying your country like that, or do you only regret getting busted?

The Trump cultist philosophy is displayed below. There's no doubt that all of the Trump cultists here agree with the sentiment. Look at the post just above, made by an open traitor to the USA. Needless to say, no liberal would ever say "I'd rather be Russian than Republican", as we're not traitors.


Educated folks that pay attention to history KNOW that Mueller is a spook.

His report is and complex work of disinformation.

IOW, it is an elaborate HOAX.


Only suckers would read it and continue to believe anything in it. Intelligent folks knew what went on and why he had no choice but to punt.
IOW, it is an elaborate HOAX.

Not all Trump cultists are traitors like Tipsycatlover. Some are brainless conspiracy kooks.

That's right. The FBI, which busted its butt to put Trump in office, is now working to put Trump out of office. That makes total sense. Wouldn't it just have been simpler to not put Trump in office in the first place?
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks

Who rapes and kills more Americans....Russia or Mexico?
Who costs American taxpayers more...Russia or Mexico?
Who’s stealing jobs from the American underclass...Russia or Mexico?
Who’s causing mass degradation in American communities...Russia or Mexico?
Who has a greater influence in our democracy...Russia or Mexico?

Link us to your posts showing you’ve bad-mouthed Mexico so we know we can take you serious with this “Russia” shit.
Thanks in advance.
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks

Yeah when our cia is overthrowing Russia satellite countries right next to their border and hanging sanctions on them trying to take over their pipeline to Europe, you'd get pissed too. Seriously though, why are y'all so stupid?
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks
facebook ad attack pffft
theyre not your friends
theyre not your enemy either
theyre russians
theyre competitors on the world stage looking out for thier own interests ..

why its so wrong for the United states to do the same i have no idea

the democrats and rinos should try it sometime for a nice change of pace
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks
Spare us the sanctimonious horseshit. Your heroes tried to stage a coup against an legally elected American president. None of your horseshit about Putin is 1/100 as scary or dangerous as that.
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks
facebook ad attack pffft
theyre not your friends
theyre not your enemy either
theyre russians
theyre competitors on the world stage looking out for thier own interests ..

why its so wrong for the United states to do the same i have no idea

the democrats and rinos should try it sometime for a nice change of pace

France is just as threatening to us as Russia
Last edited:
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks
facebook ad attack pffft
theyre not your friends
theyre not your enemy either
theyre russians
theyre competitors on the world stage looking out for thier own interests ..

why its so wrong for the United states to do the same i have no idea

the democrats and rinos should try it sometime for a nice change of pace

France is is just as threatening to us as Russia

so many frog jokes
head exploding
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks
facebook ad attack pffft
theyre not your friends
theyre not your enemy either
theyre russians
theyre competitors on the world stage looking out for thier own interests ..

why its so wrong for the United states to do the same i have no idea

the democrats and rinos should try it sometime for a nice change of pace

France is just as threatening to us as Russia
France is not trying to undermine democracy around the world
They’re going to be talking about Russia the entire Trump presidency. I’ve never seen anything more pathetic
The Benghazi hoax was pretty damn pathetic dude.

Doesn't get any worse than that.

Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast lied...stand down orders were given and weapons were given to CIA sponsored ISIS, a proxy army, to use against Syria. Don't blame me for your blind stupidity. I don't have a cyber seeing eye dog to give your dumb ass.
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks

Still upset the Soviet Union broke up, comrade?

The Mueller report goes into great detail about the Russian involvement in US elections, and the Trump cult refuses to believe it.

Trump himself admits the Russians got him elected, and the Trump cult still doesn't believe it.

Trump cult, your DearLeader himself said we liberals have been absolutely correct. Of course, he walked it back, but the damage was done. He accidentally told the truth. That cat's out of the bag, and it's not going back in.

Trump cultists, you've all been running cover for a hostile foreign power for years now. That's no longer debatable. Do you have any regrets about betraying your country like that, or do you only regret getting busted?

The Trump cultist philosophy is displayed below. There's no doubt that all of the Trump cultists here agree with the sentiment. Look at the post just above, made by an open traitor to the USA. Needless to say, no liberal would ever say "I'd rather be Russian than Republican", as we're not traitors.


Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you change your vote

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