The Russians Are Not Our Friends

Russia has no friends, only tolerated allies to further their own goals, then they'll turn on those said allies when the time is right. Russia is for Russia only and no one else.

Whether or not they influenced our elections, they are relishing in our civil turmoil over it.

The future of this country is doomed and has been for many years.....long before Trump, Obama, Bush Jr or Sr.

Any nation that purposefully forgets it's history, it's people, values and laws is headed to failure. And when that happens, it will be our own fault....not Russia, Mexico, China, Trump or Obama but 'We the People'
Russia gave the Trumpbots their emperor, they know it and love them for it. Authoritarians live and die by the adage that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Trumpbots are convinced that their fellow Americans are their worst enemy. We are kind of fortunate that Trump is such a lousy tactician because these people can be talked into anything.
Your drivel

Is boring as fuck
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks

No, Herr Lesh. Russia is not your friend. But they can be a dangerous overt enemy. It’s best to negotiate smartly.
IOW, it is an elaborate HOAX.

Not all Trump cultists are traitors like Tipsycatlover. Some are brainless conspiracy kooks.

That's right. The FBI, which busted its butt to put Trump in office, is now working to put Trump out of office. That makes total sense. Wouldn't it just have been simpler to not put Trump in office in the first place?

Sometimes I'm not sure it is worth replying to you.

You have no critical thought at all. Your entire reality revolves around what the establishment tell you.

This report, the whole report, all of it. It is one giant distraction.

I'm glad they have you believing it is about Trump. That is that whole purpose, and you fell for it. Nice job.

You have no critical thought at all. Your entire reality revolves around what the establishment tell you.

Noted. I spanked you, and you've been reduced to power-whining at me. It's nothing I haven't seen before many times.

Russia is a hostile nation that has cyberattacked the USA. Those in the USA who back Russia are traitors.

And you're claiming that the FBI, which busted its butt to put Trump in office, is now part of a conspiracy to get Trump out of office. As that conspiracy theory is hilariously stupid, everyone is now laughing at you.
You have no critical thought at all. Your entire reality revolves around what the establishment tell you.

Noted. I spanked you, and you've been reduced to power-whining at me. It's nothing I haven't seen before many times.

Russia is a hostile nation that has cyberattacked the USA. Those in the USA who back Russia are traitors.

And you're claiming that the FBI, which busted its butt to put Trump in office, is now part of a conspiracy to get Trump out of office. As that conspiracy theory is hilariously stupid, everyone is now laughing at you.
Ad hominem attacks are not "spankings"

They are fallacies.

You have rebutted no arguments because your intellect is dull and you lack the ability to form all arguments of your own.

I already told you, this has nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with a lie about the "Russians."

I have already had this discussion. Many times with hyper-partisan, programmed folks like you.

It is all the same, whether it be Crepitus, McRocket, etc. You name the delusional lefty that thinks the Mueller report is legit, none of them have an argument for why prima facie evidence, which was clearly topical, and definitely more important than a raid on Cohen or Stone, yet it was excluded from investigation, why?

It was a scam, a fiction.



Your logic makes absolutely no sense. So if Mueller is a liar, all the more reason to go read the work of a deceiver? WTF?!?

Mueller is a lying spook. He has been a spook all his life. That is his job.

The premises that the report is based on are lies. I already told you this.

It is counter intelligence propaganda. I don't know how many times I have to tell folks this.[/QUOTE]
Lol @ fiction.

You fools will believe anything if it supports your bias.[/QUOTE]

First, YOU know I am non-partisan, I have no bias. I see the establishment as corrupt. Is Trump corrupt? Sure. Is the FBI corrupt? Of course, it is in the pocket of the the establishment. And the DNC? Them too. All forces are moving ALL the players toward a policy goal.

Don't you think YOU will believe anything as well, if it will support YOUR bias?

With that said, why did the special counsel not do a thorough investigation? Why was raiding the home of Stone and Cohen more important than PROVING, conclusively that Russians did, indeed, do the deed? It wasn't, that was just a prima facie assumption. If you really know your shit, you would know there was not objective, conclusive PROOF of this.

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

What is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired by DNC has Ties to Hillary Clinton, a Ukrainian Billionaire and Google

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack

IOW, you are not even questioning the agenda of the spook, whose report it was, when he didn't even pursue all leads. :dunno:

He has an agenda. It is YOUR partisanship, and YOUR bias that is clouding your POV on this. You hate Trump so much you are willing to throw out your progressive ethics and throw in with a neo-con warmongering spook? Seriously? :71:

I don't give a shit about Trump, I care about the national interest."

I never got a response to this post from Crepitus when he launched Ad hominems on my sourcing. . .if you care to. . . . You can take up the mantle.
Stop telling me to read the Muller report, Congress read it
If you wish, you can attempt one based on the ARGUMENTS. No one has yet wished to do so. They are solid.

The report is a distraction and a fiction by the establishment to create war hysteria only. Nothing will ever happen to Trump.

It is meant to get you to relinquish your internet freedoms and acquiesce on a more aggressive posture toward Russia.

You have no critical thought at all. Your entire reality revolves around what the establishment tell you.

Noted. I spanked you, and you've been reduced to power-whining at me. It's nothing I haven't seen before many times.

Russia is a hostile nation that has cyberattacked the USA. Those in the USA who back Russia are traitors.

And you're claiming that the FBI, which busted its butt to put Trump in office, is now part of a conspiracy to get Trump out of office. As that conspiracy theory is hilariously stupid, everyone is now laughing at you.

Who rapes and kills more Americans....Russia or Mexico?
Who costs American taxpayers more...Russia or Mexico?
Who’s stealing jobs from the American underclass...Russia or Mexico?
Who’s causing mass degradation in American communities...Russia or Mexico?
Who has a greater influence in our democracy...Russia or Mexico?

Link us to your posts showing you’ve bad-mouthed Mexico so we know we can take you serious with this “Russia” shit.
Thanks in advance.
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks


Timothy Snyder Speaks, Ep. 1: Russia Defeats America

Timothy Snyder

46K views 1 year ago

Recorded on November 8, 2017 In the first episode of "Timothy Snyder Speaks," historian and author Timothy Snyder discusses ...
Who rapes and kills more Americans....Russia or Mexico?

Neither. Countries don't rape people, dumbass.

You're just not very bright.

And Mexico is an ally, Russia is an enemy, and you run cover for the enemy. Just making it clear where we all stand. You're a traitor, and I'm not.
Funny how the left now sees Russia as threat I remember a very different reaction from them in regards to Russia when Mitt Romney called Russia our biggest geopolitical threat in 2012. The then President responed with the 1980s called and wants their foreign policy back and the rest of the left responded with similar mockery so you will understand if some find the lefts concern over Russia now more than a little phony and self serving.
We all need to step back a minute

Putin attacked us. He used his (cyber) military to do it. That is not a question. Responsible people know this to be fact. It is not in dispute.

Putin is an ex KGB Colonel and FSB Director. He runs the largest Mafia style criminal organization on the planet and Trump is kissing his ass at every opportunity.

Putin (not unlike Trump) has one concern. Making himself as rich and powerful as possible and he has destroyed the nascent democracy that came out of the collapse of the Soviet Union. And part of making himself more powerful is making Russia a global power . That means reconstituting the Soviet Empire and of course using KGB tactics and military force to do it

That is NOT in our interest. In fact Putin sees our country as an enemy and he uses that to rile up the populace. He also see our President as a "friend". A friend he helped gain power.

How convenient to have a friend as President of the country you see as an enemy huh?

And guess what? Every responsible person understands that the attacks our elections (and OUR democracy) are ongoing and increasing.

The Dem House passed legislation to try and combat that. The GOP Senate won't even take up a vote on that legislation.

Trump is doing nothing and saying nothing.

We have a problem folks
Who rapes and kills more Americans....Russia or Mexico?

Neither. Countries don't rape people, dumbass.

You're just not very bright.

And Mexico is an ally, Russia is an enemy, and you run cover for the enemy. Just making it clear where we all stand. You're a traitor, and I'm not.

What a retarded bullshit spin...Enrique is that posting from Tijuana right now?
We need to step back for a minute and consider that the Russians have been involved in cyber attacks on the U.S. since Al Gore invented the freaking internet. It's no secret but all of a sudden the democrat party and the phony mainstream media decided to use the issue to attack the President of the United States. You almost gotta laugh that democrats have become stooges for foreign agents bent on overthrowing the results of a lawful election and to top it off the former head of the CIA has become a tool of foreign enemies and doing more for the Russians in propaganda value by attacking the President than they could do for themselves. Something is rotten in the intelligence agencies and the Trump administration has to start indicting the leadership.
Who rapes and kills more Americans....Russia or Mexico?
Who costs American taxpayers more...Russia or Mexico?
Who’s stealing jobs from the American underclass...Russia or Mexico?
Who’s causing mass degradation in American communities...Russia or Mexico?
Who has a greater influence in our democracy...Russia or Mexico?

Link us to your posts showing you’ve bad-mouthed Mexico so we know we can take you serious with this “Russia” shit.
Thanks in advance.

Who rapes and kills more Americans....Russia or Mexico? US Federal Government
Who costs American taxpayers more...Russia or Mexico? US Federal Government
Who’s stealing jobs from the American underclass...Russia or Mexico? US Federal Government
Who’s causing mass degradation in American communities...Russia or Mexico? US Federal Government
Who has a greater influence in our democracy...Russia or Mexico? Israel

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