The Ryan Budget Includes Devastating Health Care Cost Increases for Seniors

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
The Ryan Budget Includes Devastating Health Care Cost Increases for Seniors?Again | Center for American Progress

The fiscal year 2014 House Republican budget resolution—released today by Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)—is strikingly similar to last year’s plan in its treatment of our nation’s Medicare program. The misguided budget proposes replacing traditional Medicare benefits for seniors with a voucher toward the premium of an insurance plan provided by a private insurer or Medicare starting in 2024.
As our analysis of last year’s nearly identical Ryan plan illustrates, House Republicans’ premium-support plan would not only create a death spiral—in which less-healthy beneficiaries leave the traditional Medicare plan, causing premiums to rise and resulting in more beneficiaries leaving the program, causing premiums to rise again—but it would also result in substantially higher premiums for seniors, forcing them to pay as much as $1,200 more each year by 2030, and as much as $5,900 more each year by 2050. As a Center for American Progress Action Fund report details, seniors will face steep increases in their health care costs during retirement under a Medicare premium-support plan. The first seniors hit by these changes could pay up to $59,500 more during retirement, with those who will be eligible for Medicare in 2050—and are currently 28 years old—paying up to $331,200 more.
These radical changes are unnecessary. Evidence is mounting that the growth in health care costs is slowing down, thanks in part to systemic changes that are underway. As a result, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office recently revised its projection for Medicare spending downward by $137 billion over the next decade.
These radical changes are unnecessary.


Evidence is mounting that the growth in health care costs is slowing down, thanks in part to systemic changes that are underway. As a result, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office recently revised its projection for Medicare spending downward by $137 billion over the next decade.

Conservatives will never allow facts to get in the way of dogma.
Can we wait for the OP to explain oneself before responding please? It lets him get off the hook.
What's to explain. These guys keep talking about how irrelevant this proposal is. Yet they keep talking about it. Why?
Since Seniors use the most healthcare services, Republicans believe it's their responsibly to pay more even thou they have the less income. I'm surprised they didn't ask seniors to pay even more.
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The Center for American Progress is a left wing loon propaganda site. In fact Ryan's plan saves SS and Medicare for seniors, makes no changes for current senors and folks over 55, and has common sense solutions to programs that simply are not sustainable.

Nor is Obamacare sustainable, which is nothing but a fiscal BOMB hanging over our heads.

For Obama to just say "deficits don't matter" as a solution only reveals the depth of his incompetence, and lack of qualifications for his job.

AND in fact seniors will lose under Obamacare, as will the entire nation's citizens. Some 700 billion was stolen from Medicare to pay for it, and Medicare Advantage will be gone.
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What Ryan's plan involved is a voucher system. The voucher increase annually and the increase is tied to the CPI which measures inflation. Seniors would purchase the healthcare insurance from private healthcare insurers. That's it in a nutshell.
Will it cost seniors more? Using historical facts, the answer is certainly yes. From 1999 to 2009, the cost of healthcare insurance increased 131%. During that same time period inflation was 28.8%. So during that time period if Ryan's plan had been in place, their voucher would have increased by 28.8% but their new Ryan Medicare would have increased 102.2% more.
So who wins? Private insurance companies! Who loses, the seniors.


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What's to explain. These guys keep talking about how irrelevant this proposal is. Yet they keep talking about it. Why?

No one says it’s ‘irrelevant.’

When Congressional republicans propose ending Medicare and replacing it with a voucher program that will leave many seniors unable to pay for health insurance, and consequently without healthcare, along with repealing the ACA, it’s extremely relevant.
The Center for American Progress is a left wing loon propaganda site. In fact Ryan's plan saves SS and Medicare for seniors, makes no changes for current senors and folks over 55, and has common sense solutions to programs that simply are not sustainable.

Nor is Obamacare sustainable, which is nothing but a fiscal BOMB hanging over our heads.

For Obama to just say "deficits don't matter" as a solution only reveals the depth of his incompetence, and lack of qualifications for his job.

AND in fact seniors will lose under Obamacare, as will the entire nation's citizens. Some 700 billion was stolen from Medicare to pay for it, and Medicare Advantage will be gone.
Only if you consider phasing out Medicare as saving it

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