The Sad, Bitter Truth About Tea Baggers...

That is exactly right. When you consider that the average CEO only made 30 times as much as the average American in 1980 and now make over 300 times as much as the average American, of course they are going to be paying more taxes because they are making all of the fucking money.

Yes, I know, tea bagger stupid mother fuckers -- those CEOs "earned" a 1000% pay raise over the last 30 years. Fucking unsophisticated trailer trash suckers, all of you.
I gladly admit it -- I'm not nearly as "sophisticated" as you are. :lol:

In other words, you agree that CEOs have earned a 1000% pay raise over the past 30 years and that liberals, blacks, and illegal immigrants are the real source of the problems in this country, not greed. That rich Repug cock in your mouth must be some damn good stuff.
You probably need to understand that I'm under no obligation to defend the asinine stereotypes you use instead of thinking.
LOL, I Remember when the "boyking" Obama won, Kerry won Ohio was strutting his stuff telling people "WE WON" get over it.

now look at him Today..he's one angry, foul mouthed little whiny hating Liberal BRAT.

way friggen funny.:lol:
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So let me get this straight -- you spend all day giving hand jobs to your tea bagger buttfuck buddies that spew horseshit all day with absolutely no evidence to back-up shit, but you want me to provide a link for one statistic? I know, I know...that's just how you teabagger pussies roll.

Whatever, here's a link --

Wealth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, yeah, you trailer trash tea baggers enjoy sucking all forms of rich Repug cock -- the inherited and "earned" wealth variety. :lol:
Your stupid-assed Wiki link shows absolutely no credible proof that 50% of wealthy people inherited it.

In fact, there is scads of very credible evidence to show that about 85% of American millionaires earned their fortunes on their own.

But I guess making shit up is just how dirtbag trolls like you roll, huh?

Whatever, dickhead, you haven't provided any "credible proof" to support your position, either.

Your definition of "earn" and my definition of "earn" are vastly different -- you probably believe CEOs have "earned" a 1000% pay raise over the past 30 years because it is your tea bagger peasant duty to protect the wealth of the rich. Yes, it's not in your best economic interest to protect the wealth of the richest 1%, but they are your intellectual and moral superiors, after all. You simply have no choice in the matter. Sad, but true.
CEOs are only a small cross section of millionaires, pinhead....It's pretty much common knowledge, for all who care to seek it anyways, that America's rich are no less than 85+% first generation self-made wealthy.

We can go even further and calculate the break-down of self-made millionaires versus millionaires that inherited their money: 1 out every 27 households in the United States consists of self-made millionaires and 1 out every 250 consists of millionaires who inherited their money. Put another way, self-made millionaires outnumber those who inherited their money by 9-1.

American Millionaires Back to Pre-Crisis Levels!

But thanks for serving up that hanging strawman, asshelmet. :lol:
You only need check his rep to see what members here think of KWO. :lol::lol: Funny shit, the source is Rolling Stone. :lol:

YouTube - Cover Of The Rolling Stone-Dr.Hook

Yep, my source is Rolling Stone, an award winning magazine for excellence in journalism. Your "sources" are fucking Repug assclowns like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly.

Now we know a major reason why I'm 100 times smarter than you, lightweight tea bagger bitch.

Thanks for confirming your stupidity. Just pretty much the rest of the board knows I don't do 'sources'.

Your IQ doesn't even reach room temperature, little one.

You don't do 'sources'? Shit, you don't do 'thinking' or 'reading' either, you stupid ass lightweight bitch. You think your worthless opinions matter more than facts. Which is why you are an idiot tea bagger in the first place.
You only need check his rep to see what members here think of KWO. :lol::lol: Funny shit, the source is Rolling Stone. :lol:

YouTube - Cover Of The Rolling Stone-Dr.Hook

Yep, my source is Rolling Stone, an award winning magazine for excellence in journalism. Your "sources" are fucking Repug assclowns like Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly.

Now we know a major reason why I'm 100 times smarter than you, lightweight tea bagger bitch.

Hahaha...Rolling Stone? If you feel that Rolling Stone is a good source of information then you must think that the Daily Show is real news.

The Rolling Stone is just a bunch of hippies from the 60s who just want to sell magazines. Right now they're struggling to remain relevant because once their stories hit the newsstand they're already old news. You can thank those backstabbers for ruining the career of a great general and helping the Taliban win a war against a President that fears a military victory. Good Job Rolling Stone.

And I wonder who is the judge of excellence in journalism? The New York Times?

Don't make me laugh.

Did you say something, assfuck?? I noticed you still haven't explained how someone can be anti-government and still work for the government, like the stupid old man in the article. You avoid questions you can't answer like the little tea bagger pussy bitch that you are.

Hahaha...Rolling Stone? If you feel that Rolling Stone is a good source of information then you must think that the Daily Show is real news.

Rolling Stone is an excellent source of information. The Daily Show is comedy, just like those assclowns Glen Beck and Sean Hannity on Fox News. A major reason why I'm so much smarter than you is that I read Rolling Stone AND I realize that Fox News is NOT real news, unlike a non-thinking unsophisticated teabagger dipshit such as yourself.

Right now they're struggling to remain relevant because once their stories hit the newsstand they're already old news. You can thank those backstabbers for ruining the career of a great general and helping the Taliban win a war against a President that fears a military victory.

More contradictions from the tea bagger dipshit. Rolling Stone is "irrelevant", yet somehow they ended the career of a 4-star general? Pretty remarkable feat for an irrelevant magazine. Fucking retard.

And why the fuck couldn't Bush defeat the Taliban after 7 years? Are you going to avoid answering that question too, tea bagger pussy?

McCrystal ruined his own career. He shot his mouth off like the idiot that he is and he got spanked for it. And this "great general" was directly involved in the cover-up of the true cause of Pat Tillman's death and he was reprimanded for it. A fucking idiot like you would consider this fraud a "great general".
Your stupid-assed Wiki link shows absolutely no credible proof that 50% of wealthy people inherited it.

In fact, there is scads of very credible evidence to show that about 85% of American millionaires earned their fortunes on their own.

But I guess making shit up is just how dirtbag trolls like you roll, huh?

Whatever, dickhead, you haven't provided any "credible proof" to support your position, either.

Your definition of "earn" and my definition of "earn" are vastly different -- you probably believe CEOs have "earned" a 1000% pay raise over the past 30 years because it is your tea bagger peasant duty to protect the wealth of the rich. Yes, it's not in your best economic interest to protect the wealth of the richest 1%, but they are your intellectual and moral superiors, after all. You simply have no choice in the matter. Sad, but true.

CEOs are only a small cross section of millionaires, pinhead....It's pretty much common knowledge, for all who care to seek it anyways, that America's rich are no less than 85+% first generation self-made wealthy.

We can go even further and calculate the break-down of self-made millionaires versus millionaires that inherited their money: 1 out every 27 households in the United States consists of self-made millionaires and 1 out every 250 consists of millionaires who inherited their money. Put another way, self-made millionaires outnumber those who inherited their money by 9-1.

American Millionaires Back to Pre-Crisis Levels!

But thanks for serving up that hanging strawman, asshelmet. :lol:

CEOs are only a small cross section of millionaires

Don't matter how big the group is, idiot. You are talking about a very high concentration of wealth in the hands of a few people, which is not good for our democracy. Of course, you peasant tea baggers suckers are proponents of feudalism, since you love defending the wealth of your rich Repug feudal lords. So your dislike of democracy does make sense.

We can go even further and calculate the break-down of self-made millionaires versus millionaires that inherited their money: 1 out every 27 households in the United States consists of self-made millionaires and 1 out every 250 consists of millionaires who inherited their money. Put another way, self-made millionaires outnumber those who inherited their money by 9-1.

So 4% (1 out of 27) of households are millionaires? Then this doesn't constitute the wealthiest 1% - 2% of Americans, does it? Therefore, you cannot claim that I'm incorrect. It's very possible that 50% of the wealthiest 1% of Americans have inherited their wealth.
We can go even further and calculate the break-down of self-made millionaires versus millionaires that inherited their money: 1 out every 27 households in the United States consists of self-made millionaires and 1 out every 250 consists of millionaires who inherited their money. Put another way, self-made millionaires outnumber those who inherited their money by 9-1.

So 4% (1 out of 27) of households are millionaires? Then this doesn't constitute the wealthiest 1% - 2% of Americans, does it? Therefore, you cannot claim that I'm incorrect. It's very possible that 50% of the wealthiest 1% of Americans have inherited their wealth.
And all those Blue Blood rich elites who inherited their wealth are Democrats, don't you know! :cuckoo: (Rockefeller, Mellon Scaife, DuPont, etc. all Dems) :cuckoo:

April 8, 2010
RUSH: Now, the super rich, they're protected by their friends in Congress.* The people that are rich with no income.* You ever wonder why all these rich Democrats always support tax increases?* 'Cause they don't pay them, either, because they don't have earned income.* I'm talking about the super rich who inherited a bunch of money or worked for a lot of money and then retired and have that nest egg of gazillions of dollars and it earns investment income.

October 6, 2010
Making Complex Understandable: On the Rich Versus the Wealthy
RUSH: This term rich is used to encompass and include way, way, way too many people, and it is done to the benefit of the Democrat Party because there's well-to-do, there's rich, there's upper middle class, there's filthy rich, there's wealthy, there's the idle wealthy,* and then there is the elite blue-bloods who inherited great fortunes. And remember, behind every fortune is a great crime.* But that's a subject for another day.
You just gotta love it when a lefty accuses Republicans and Conservatives of being Fascist.

The Thug in Chief Obama with the help of his COMRADES IN ARMS just took over all our health care AGAINST THE WILL OF THE POEOPLE.

so just WHO is the PARTY of FASCIST.

people better wake up, starting in NOVEMBER.
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Did the will of the people direct him to take over banks, automakers, health care, energy/industry, the internet?

I guess not, or he would not be in the predicament he is in.

Umm the Bank stuff was republican led. Bush passed that. Didn't McCain support TARP?
Did the will of the people direct him to take over banks, automakers, health care, energy/industry, the internet?

I guess not, or he would not be in the predicament he is in.

Umm the Bank stuff was republican led. Bush passed that. Didn't McCain support TARP?

So did Obama.

Did Bush put limits on bank employee's compensation, break contracts with auto dealers, tell the coal industry they were finished?
You just gotta love it when a lefty accuses Republicans and Conservatives of being Fascist.

The Thug in Chief Obama with the help of his COMRADES IN ARMS just took over all our health care AGAINST THE WILL OF THE POEOPLE.

so just WHO is the PARTY of FASCIST.

people better wake up, starting in NOVEMBER.
CON$ervoFascists had no problem with Bush becoming president AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE and going to war in Iraq AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE and opposing embryonic stem cell research AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, but now suddenly the Fascists care about the will of the people. Oh the hypocrisy!
You just gotta love it when a lefty accuses Republicans and Conservatives of being Fascist.

The Thug in Chief Obama with the help of his COMRADES IN ARMS just took over all our health care AGAINST THE WILL OF THE POEOPLE.

so just WHO is the PARTY of FASCIST.

people better wake up, starting in NOVEMBER.
CON$ervoFascists had no problem with Bush becoming president AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE and going to war in Iraq AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE and opposing embryonic stem cell research AGAINST THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE, but now suddenly the Fascists care about the will of the people. Oh the hypocrisy!

LOL, you just run with that.:lol:

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