The same day Trump Warns Mueller About Digging into his Finances, that's Exactly What He Does.

Again, you guys are the ones who loves Russia, since you seem to like their methods.
If a cop came to your door and started asking questions about your finances, relationships, information about your career.....would you comply?
So in your book, all the government needs is accusation...and if you don't comply - you aren't being transparent. guys are the ones that are acting like Russians.

Yes, they're looking at Trump's finances, because he's the President. They're not doing this just for the fun of it.

Every other candidate except Trump has made thei tax returns public going back 20 or more years prior to running for President. Trump has refused to be transparent about his finances. It's high time he was forced to make these disclosures.

Why is Trump so afraid of this investigation if there's nothing to hide?

And once again you guys reiterate my point.
There is no law stating a candidate has to show returns. None. Nada. Not one.
This is actually a fairly new trend started by Nixon, before him no one did.
You may not like it, I may not like it - but AGAIN - you cannot hold someone legally accountable for something that is not ILLEGAL!!!!
You want him to be FORCED to comply with something that he is not legally obligated to do!!!

What is wrong with you people?
The extremely powerful arm of the Federal Government used their power to assist Obama's candidacy, and was PROVEN they did it..........and your outrage....f*cking crickets. The main stream media....outraged? No.
This is pathetic. If you want to live in a country where people can be investigated and scrutinized because you don't like them...then it is YOU that loves the Russians.
why do you think Trump is so adamant with not releasing his tax returns?
What do you think he's hiding?
DT; I have no business dealings with Russia.
DON Jr: We get most of our money from Russia,
Clear enough?
Do I need to draw you a picture?

But if he'd kept Putin away from his campaign, and not accepted Putin's help, there'd be nothing there.
Incorrect. There is so much more evidence than that. Why did 6 of Trump's staff secretly meet with Russians, not disclose it and then when caught lie about it?

Because that is what campaign people do. I expect nothing less. And I strongly suspect that if we knew HALF of what goes on behind campaign doors we would all be carrying pitch forks.
You think this is the first time this kind of shit has happened? really?
You do know that Obama's campaign met with several foreign think they were swapping golf scores and recipes? Why would Obama's campaign people meet with them? We don't know because no one asked.
What information did Hillary get from Ukranian officials trying to get info on Trump??? Huh?? We don't know because no one is asking.
Trump is being targeted. Like no one else. That should bother you. But of course it doesn't, because you don't like him and you don't want to know what Hillary and Obama interest at all.
Yes, they're looking at Trump's finances, because he's the President. They're not doing this just for the fun of it.

Every other candidate except Trump has made thei tax returns public going back 20 or more years prior to running for President. Trump has refused to be transparent about his finances. It's high time he was forced to make these disclosures.

Why is Trump so afraid of this investigation if there's nothing to hide?

And once again you guys reiterate my point.
There is no law stating a candidate has to show returns. None. Nada. Not one.
This is actually a fairly new trend started by Nixon, before him no one did.
You may not like it, I may not like it - but AGAIN - you cannot hold someone legally accountable for something that is not ILLEGAL!!!!
You want him to be FORCED to comply with something that he is not legally obligated to do!!!

What is wrong with you people?
The extremely powerful arm of the Federal Government used their power to assist Obama's candidacy, and was PROVEN they did it..........and your outrage....f*cking crickets. The main stream media....outraged? No.
This is pathetic. If you want to live in a country where people can be investigated and scrutinized because you don't like them...then it is YOU that loves the Russians.
why do you think Trump is so adamant with not releasing his tax returns?
What do you think he's hiding?
DT; I have no business dealings with Russia.
DON Jr: We get most of our money from Russia,
Clear enough?
Do I need to draw you a picture?

But if he'd kept Putin away from his campaign, and not accepted Putin's help, there'd be nothing there.
Incorrect. There is so much more evidence than that. Why did 6 of Trump's staff secretly meet with Russians, not disclose it and then when caught lie about it?

Because that is what campaign people do. I expect nothing less. And I strongly suspect that if we knew HALF of what goes on behind campaign doors we would all be carrying pitch forks.
You think this is the first time this kind of shit has happened? really?
You do know that Obama's campaign met with several foreign think they were swapping golf scores and recipes? Why would Obama's campaign people meet with them? We don't know because no one asked.
What information did Hillary get from Ukranian officials trying to get info on Trump??? Huh?? We don't know because no one is asking.
Trump is being targeted. Like no one else. That should bother you. But of course it doesn't, because you don't like him and you don't want to know what Hillary and Obama interest at all.
Was there any allegation Obama's people failed to legally disclose their meetings?
Was there any allegation Obama's people failed to legally disclose their meetings?

How can you ask that when no one asked the question?
So your only interest is that the meeting be disclosed?
Do you even care that no one went to jail over the IRS scandal?? No you don't. REAL campaign crimes were committed - openly and unapologeticly...with direct, indisputable ties to Obama's administration and demands from the 5 month long media blitz campaign...nothing.
But we have Trump, and because the left wing media hates him....we only have suspicion...and they whip you guys into a frenzy.
Was there any allegation Obama's people failed to legally disclose their meetings?

How can you ask that when no one asked the question?
So your only interest is that the meeting be disclosed?
Do you even care that no one went to jail over the IRS scandal?? No you don't. REAL campaign crimes were committed - openly and unapologeticly...with direct, indisputable ties to Obama's administration and demands from the 5 month long media blitz campaign...nothing.
But we have Trump, and because the left wing media hates him....we only have suspicion...and they whip you guys into a frenzy.
As you said, it's not a crime to meet. The crime occurs when one lies on the disclosure. And it would also be a crime to accept value, but I don't recall anyone alleging that about Obama.
Yes, they're looking at Trump's finances, because he's the President. They're not doing this just for the fun of it.

Every other candidate except Trump has made thei tax returns public going back 20 or more years prior to running for President. Trump has refused to be transparent about his finances. It's high time he was forced to make these disclosures.

Why is Trump so afraid of this investigation if there's nothing to hide?

And once again you guys reiterate my point.
There is no law stating a candidate has to show returns. None. Nada. Not one.
This is actually a fairly new trend started by Nixon, before him no one did.
You may not like it, I may not like it - but AGAIN - you cannot hold someone legally accountable for something that is not ILLEGAL!!!!
You want him to be FORCED to comply with something that he is not legally obligated to do!!!

What is wrong with you people?
The extremely powerful arm of the Federal Government used their power to assist Obama's candidacy, and was PROVEN they did it..........and your outrage....f*cking crickets. The main stream media....outraged? No.
This is pathetic. If you want to live in a country where people can be investigated and scrutinized because you don't like them...then it is YOU that loves the Russians.
why do you think Trump is so adamant with not releasing his tax returns?
What do you think he's hiding?
DT; I have no business dealings with Russia.
DON Jr: We get most of our money from Russia,
Clear enough?
Do I need to draw you a picture?

But if he'd kept Putin away from his campaign, and not accepted Putin's help, there'd be nothing there.
Incorrect. There is so much more evidence than that. Why did 6 of Trump's staff secretly meet with Russians, not disclose it and then when caught lie about it?
Try reading that again. If Trump's team never met with putin, your answer is in front of you.
These investigations aren't only about Trump. It's about his staff and why they were obsessed with meeting with Russians while Russia was interfering with our election.
Nixon's administration had more indictments and convictions than any other president. They couldn't get the goods on him but they certainly did on his staff.

And to think DT wasn't notified when junior had an 8 person meeting with Russians to get dirt on Hilary I have some swampland in Jersey to sell you.
As you said, it's not a crime to meet. The crime occurs when one lies on the disclosure. And it would also be a crime to accept value, but I don't recall anyone alleging that about Obama.

Thank You!!....your making my point again.
Of course no one asked that with Obama!!! They didn't ask a f*cking thing for 8 years!!
Where have you been?
And yes I notice all of you will not even talk about the IRS scandal that was so eloquently brushed under the rug. REAL campaign laws broken. REAL indisputable ties to Obama cabinet members...REAL cooperation between the IRS and officials. And no outrage. You don't even care.
You know the Kremlin denied that Trump and Putin had a secret meeting at the G20.
Was there any allegation Obama's people failed to legally disclose their meetings?

How can you ask that when no one asked the question?
So your only interest is that the meeting be disclosed?
Do you even care that no one went to jail over the IRS scandal?? No you don't. REAL campaign crimes were committed - openly and unapologeticly...with direct, indisputable ties to Obama's administration and demands from the 5 month long media blitz campaign...nothing.
But we have Trump, and because the left wing media hates him....we only have suspicion...and they whip you guys into a frenzy.
Newsflash : the Senate, House and Mueller's investigation are all run by republicans.
Oops there goes your bogus talking points.
Yeah.., Trump really intimidated Bob Mueller..

The U.S. special counsel investigating possible ties between the Donald Trumpcampaign and Russia in last year’s election is examining a broad range of transactions involving Trump’s businesses as well as those of his associates, according to a person familiar with the probe.

FBI investigators and others are looking at Russian purchases of apartments in Trump buildings, Trump’s involvement in a controversial SoHo development in New York with Russian associates, the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow and Trump’s sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch in 2008, the person said.

The investigation also has absorbed a money-laundering probe begun by federal prosecutors in New York into Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions

Trump is Bob Mueller's bitch.

I hope he fires his ass.
Why do people come to public forums and refuse to answer questions?

I guess in order not to incriminate themselves.
Yeah.., Trump really intimidated Bob Mueller..

The U.S. special counsel investigating possible ties between the Donald Trumpcampaign and Russia in last year’s election is examining a broad range of transactions involving Trump’s businesses as well as those of his associates, according to a person familiar with the probe.

FBI investigators and others are looking at Russian purchases of apartments in Trump buildings, Trump’s involvement in a controversial SoHo development in New York with Russian associates, the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow and Trump’s sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch in 2008, the person said.

The investigation also has absorbed a money-laundering probe begun by federal prosecutors in New York into Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions

Trump is Bob Mueller's bitch.

I hope he fires his ass.
I do too. Then we have a cut and dry impeachable offense..
Was there any allegation Obama's people failed to legally disclose their meetings?

How can you ask that when no one asked the question?
So your only interest is that the meeting be disclosed?
Do you even care that no one went to jail over the IRS scandal?? No you don't. REAL campaign crimes were committed - openly and unapologeticly...with direct, indisputable ties to Obama's administration and demands from the 5 month long media blitz campaign...nothing.
But we have Trump, and because the left wing media hates him....we only have suspicion...and they whip you guys into a frenzy.
Newsflash : the Senate, House and Mueller's investigation are all run by republicans.
Oops there goes your bogus talking points.

The Republicans would like to see him go is my surprise look... :doubt:
Trump, whether he is a clown or no clown, idiot or genius....Washington was not happy an non-establishment candidate won. That is very dangerous to the way things are supposed to be done.
Yeah.., Trump really intimidated Bob Mueller..

The U.S. special counsel investigating possible ties between the Donald Trumpcampaign and Russia in last year’s election is examining a broad range of transactions involving Trump’s businesses as well as those of his associates, according to a person familiar with the probe.

FBI investigators and others are looking at Russian purchases of apartments in Trump buildings, Trump’s involvement in a controversial SoHo development in New York with Russian associates, the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow and Trump’s sale of a Florida mansion to a Russian oligarch in 2008, the person said.

The investigation also has absorbed a money-laundering probe begun by federal prosecutors in New York into Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Mueller Expands Probe to Trump Business Transactions

Trump is Bob Mueller's bitch.

All of this could have been avoided if Trump started out transparent, instead he has done everything he can to block , interfere, and deny since day one, he has brought this on himself..

Again, you guys are the ones who loves Russia, since you seem to like their methods.
If a cop came to your door and started asking questions about your finances, relationships, information about your career.....would you comply?
So in your book, all the government needs is accusation...and if you don't comply - you aren't being transparent. guys are the ones that are acting like Russians.

Yes, they're looking at Trump's finances, because he's the President. They're not doing this just for the fun of it.

Every other candidate except Trump has made thei tax returns public going back 20 or more years prior to running for President. Trump has refused to be transparent about his finances. It's high time he was forced to make these disclosures.

Why is Trump so afraid of this investigation if there's nothing to hide?

And once again you guys reiterate my point.
There is no law stating a candidate has to show returns. None. Nada. Not one.
This is actually a fairly new trend started by Nixon, before him no one did.
You may not like it, I may not like it - but AGAIN - you cannot hold someone legally accountable for something that is not ILLEGAL!!!!
You want him to be FORCED to comply with something that he is not legally obligated to do!!!

What is wrong with you people?
The extremely powerful arm of the Federal Government used their power to assist Obama's candidacy, and was PROVEN they did it..........and your outrage....f*cking crickets. The main stream media....outraged? No.
This is pathetic. If you want to live in a country where people can be investigated and scrutinized because you don't like them...then it is YOU that loves the Russians.
" fairly new trend"
Started in 1972. Lol

There was no proof whatsoever that Obama used the IRS to help his candidacy. There were a lot of Teaparty groups asking for tax exempt status. An overzealous IRS employee used political search words to find possible political organizations for further scrutiny but no evidence that Obama ordered it.

Yet another example of Republican rumours being proven false but conservatives continue to spout them as if they're true.
Was there any allegation Obama's people failed to legally disclose their meetings?

How can you ask that when no one asked the question?
So your only interest is that the meeting be disclosed?
Do you even care that no one went to jail over the IRS scandal?? No you don't. REAL campaign crimes were committed - openly and unapologeticly...with direct, indisputable ties to Obama's administration and demands from the 5 month long media blitz campaign...nothing.
But we have Trump, and because the left wing media hates him....we only have suspicion...and they whip you guys into a frenzy.
Newsflash : the Senate, House and Mueller's investigation are all run by republicans.
Oops there goes your bogus talking points.

The Republicans would like to see him go is my surprise look... :doubt:
Trump, whether he is a clown or no clown, idiot or genius....Washington was not happy an non-establishment candidate won. That is very dangerous to the way things are supposed to be done.
4th time asked.
What do u think Trump is hiding by not releasing his taxes?
As you said, it's not a crime to meet. The crime occurs when one lies on the disclosure. And it would also be a crime to accept value, but I don't recall anyone alleging that about Obama.

Thank You!!....your making my point again.
Of course no one asked that with Obama!!! They didn't ask a f*cking thing for 8 years!!
Where have you been?
And yes I notice all of you will not even talk about the IRS scandal that was so eloquently brushed under the rug. REAL campaign laws broken. REAL indisputable ties to Obama cabinet members...REAL cooperation between the IRS and officials. And no outrage. You don't even care.
Oh no one EVER raised questions about Obama. Of course. He skated. JFC
Why do people come to public forums and refuse to answer questions?

I guess in order not to incriminate themselves.

I answered every question you asked, but because it isn't what you expect - you don't have the sincerity of thought to even see it as an answer.
You want to have rock fights. That is why you are here. And when someone comes here and challenges your just stand there with rocks in your pockets and blink
All of this could have been avoided if Trump started out transparent, instead he has done everything he can to block , interfere, and deny since day one, he has brought this on himself..

Again, you guys are the ones who loves Russia, since you seem to like their methods.
If a cop came to your door and started asking questions about your finances, relationships, information about your career.....would you comply?
So in your book, all the government needs is accusation...and if you don't comply - you aren't being transparent. guys are the ones that are acting like Russians.

Yes, they're looking at Trump's finances, because he's the President. They're not doing this just for the fun of it.

Every other candidate except Trump has made thei tax returns public going back 20 or more years prior to running for President. Trump has refused to be transparent about his finances. It's high time he was forced to make these disclosures.

Why is Trump so afraid of this investigation if there's nothing to hide?

And once again you guys reiterate my point.
There is no law stating a candidate has to show returns. None. Nada. Not one.
This is actually a fairly new trend started by Nixon, before him no one did.
You may not like it, I may not like it - but AGAIN - you cannot hold someone legally accountable for something that is not ILLEGAL!!!!
You want him to be FORCED to comply with something that he is not legally obligated to do!!!

What is wrong with you people?
The extremely powerful arm of the Federal Government used their power to assist Obama's candidacy, and was PROVEN they did it..........and your outrage....f*cking crickets. The main stream media....outraged? No.
This is pathetic. If you want to live in a country where people can be investigated and scrutinized because you don't like them...then it is YOU that loves the Russians.
" fairly new trend"
Started in 1972. Lol

There was no proof whatsoever that Obama used the IRS to help his candidacy. There were a lot of Teaparty groups asking for tax exempt status. An overzealous IRS employee used political search words to find possible political organizations for further scrutiny but no evidence that Obama ordered it.

Yet another example of Republican rumours being proven false but conservatives continue to spout them as if they're true.
If they didn't have lies and conspiracy theories they'd be forced to talk about Trump's failed agenda..

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