The Same Israeli Cameraman Filmed Nice Then Munich attack!

Cynthia, she's actually nuttier than you!

What coincidence?! positioned in the right place, right time and with camera! :2up:

Correct he is given a remit and he must follow that or lose his job. So if his editor tells him to go to Germany then he goes to Germany. It does not take much intelligence to realise that the next islamonazi attack will be in Brussels does it, after all the terrorists have told the world just where they will strike next

As if this was some conspiracy, was the same cameraman at the beheading of the french priest?
My cousin was a photographer in Africa and covered famines, massacres and wars. Sometimes you are first on the scene and sometimes you show up days and weeks later to cover the aftermath and followup stories.

Europe, you are there within hours by car, helicopter or plane. If not there when it starts, they are there for the aftermath, investigation and for the stories of survivors and witnesses.
Cynthia, she's actually nuttier than you!

What coincidence?! positioned in the right place, right time and with camera! :2up:

What would his presence at both attacks, if true, do to help Israel more than if he weren't present at either?

Was he the only witness to the attacks? Was he the only one taking pictures? Where are his pictures?
Does his supposed presence make Muslim barbarians look worse than they already look?

The two attackers were drug addict, easy to manipulate by intelligence service!

Muslims in general are easy to manipulate. And you too.
Are you a Muslim, or just stupid?

You finally agree that the attackers are just manipulated scapegoats!

You're a manipulated idiot. A scapegoat is someone falsely blamed.
Muslim terrorists are manipulated into thinking they get to fuck in heaven if they kill.
Killers are still to blame.
funny how they were there to film 911 as well.

Yes, weird how there were photographers in NYC.
There is hours of footage showing the moments.

Can you explain further, in English?
Term ----- refers to
There ----- exists
is ----------- exists (addition)
hours ------ certain timespan
of ----------- referring to
footage ---- video
showing --- content of video
the ---------- 9/11 (addition)
moments -- 911
By statistics, counting the number of cities and surface there is a probability of 0.000001% for a person to be in the right place and right time with camera in two different cities!

It's the same probability for a wind to gather vehicle parts and form a new car! :D
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listen to police scanner and a crew can be on site in less than an hour. Most station use reports from sister stations who are closer to the scene.
something like sky news might have crew used by a number of stations around the world. Some freelance might be used by different magazines, TV and print/online news.

When there are news worthy events like Bastille day, crew would be on hand to cover it. Same for new years or special events, even shows or special performances would attract news crews.

Film crews in one country might be edited by local stations and over voiced by local reporters and commentators against a green screen.

Crew can appear to be in many places at the same time.

magic of the digital age

Why do you care so much about news crew getting around europe by air or van within hours?
funny how they were there to film 911 as well.

Yes, weird how there were photographers in NYC.
There is hours of footage showing the moments.

Can you explain further, in English?
Term ----- refers to
There ----- exists
is ----------- exists (addition)
hours ------ certain timespan
of ----------- referring to
footage ---- video
showing --- content of video
the ---------- 9/11 (addition)
moments -- 911

Yes, the world was watching when the second plane hit.
Why does that strike you as funny?
By statistics, counting the number of cities and surface there is a probability of 0.000001% for a person to be in the right place and right time with camera in two different cities!

It's the same probability for a wind to gather vehicle parts and form a new car! :D

If that guy was even in the second city to be attacked, why does it matter?
We still know it was muslim savages that are to blame. You don't need German photographers
married to Israelis to uncover the Muslim connection.
By statistics, counting the number of cities and surface there is a probability of 0.000001% for a person to be in the right place and right time with camera in two different cities!

It's the same probability for a wind to gather vehicle parts and form a new car! :D

Show the math then, using all variables like police radio traffic picked up by agencies who pass it to jounalists on their books. From a central location in the area he could be on the scene in 20 minutes
funny how they were there to film 911 as well.
funny how they were there to film 911 as well.

Yes, weird how there were photographers in NYC.
There is hours of footage showing the moments.

Can you explain further, in English?
Term ----- refers to
There ----- exists
is ----------- exists (addition)
hours ------ certain timespan
of ----------- referring to
footage ---- video
showing --- content of video
the ---------- 9/11 (addition)
moments -- 911

Yes, the world was watching when the second plane hit.
Why does that strike you as funny?

so true------if not for the first hit, I would have not watched either------If I had a camera---(as to do many normal people)
I would have photo'ed the second hit. I have not seen a photo of the first hit------anyone?
By statistics, counting the number of cities and surface there is a probability of 0.000001% for a person to be in the right place and right time with camera in two different cities!

It's the same probability for a wind to gather vehicle parts and form a new car! :D

If that guy was even in the second city to be attacked, why does it matter?
We still know it was muslim savages that are to blame. You don't need German photographers
married to Israelis to uncover the Muslim connection.

You are just naive dude!:oops:
By statistics, counting the number of cities and surface there is a probability of 0.000001% for a person to be in the right place and right time with camera in two different cities!

It's the same probability for a wind to gather vehicle parts and form a new car! :D

If that guy was even in the second city to be attacked, why does it matter?
We still know it was muslim savages that are to blame. You don't need German photographers
married to Israelis to uncover the Muslim connection.

You are just naive dude!:oops:

No you are when you listen to and believe every piece of islaminazi propaganda that attacks the Jews, even when the propaganda is proven to be false.
When I read the comments here I realize how much people are gangrened by ignorance in politics and security!

They don't know that the Intelligence Services around the world are trained to be filthy and machiavelic and could kill their own citizens if necessary.

Introduction and examples about false flag attacks.

False flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


And only one was done by the Israeli's out of the 42, the rest were mostly American and muslim. So another of your false flag attacks bust wide open.

And why are you going off topic?
By statistics, counting the number of cities and surface there is a probability of 0.000001% for a person to be in the right place and right time with camera in two different cities!

It's the same probability for a wind to gather vehicle parts and form a new car! :D

If that guy was even in the second city to be attacked, why does it matter?
We still know it was muslim savages that are to blame. You don't need German photographers
married to Israelis to uncover the Muslim connection.

You are just naive dude!:oops:

I know, how naive of me to think Muslims are dangerous savages, just because of all the evidence they are dangerous savages.

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