The Same Israeli Cameraman Filmed Nice Then Munich attack!

When I read the comments here I realize how much people are gangrened by ignorance in politics and security!

They don't know that the Intelligence Services around the world are trained to be filthy and machiavelic and could kill their own citizens if necessary.

Introduction and examples about false flag attacks.

False flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Dude you're wasting your breath.the majority of the posters that have come on your thread and trolled it defending Israel are paid shills sent here by their handlers of Israel to troll threads like this one and in the Israel section. Notice I did not say all of them,just the majority.

And of course being the USA the mob controlled everything and so they stole half the building materials, or made them short measures. The design criteria for the buildings is for a 10% loading straight down, look it up it is on the net, and so just one column going would overstress the rest of the other columns. The failure through heat was never concidered so that was never accounted for, and as anyone who has worked with steel will tell you localised heat causes the molecular structure to alter and become either brittle or soft. In this case the central steel tower were all the lifts were became superheated and the carbon atoms migrated away from the heat turning the steel at that point into iron. This has the effect of explosive failure when the steel literally goes of like a bomb. The 10% load was exceeded on the remaining columns and so they in turn exploded and the tower collapsed straight down. To seed the WTC with explosives would take over 1 year and could only be done on a night, and only in areas already having a refit so the smell of fresh plaster and paint would not be noticed.

Asd I said ask those who know the subject first, and not those who get from a friend of a friend of a friends sons teachers friend.

I posted a video featuring the designers telling it was designed to withstand a jet crash. Also it was in a documentation on German TV. It is official, you don´t need to deny.

I posted a video featuring the designers telling it was designed to withstand a jet crash

They withstood being hit by much larger, heavier jets. You may have noticed they didn't immediately collapse.
The design couldn't stand up to the damage plus the softening of the steel caused by the fires.

So the WTC was designed to collapse perfectly like in a controlled demolition in case of fire?

these trolls ignore bld 7 the crux of the 9/11 coverup commission these shills can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they are. they go into evade mode making up all kinds of lies when you show pics that there were other buildings next to bld 7 that had far more severe damage done to them than bld 7 and far more intense fires yet they all remained standing yet they did not collapse..

everytime they are cornered with those pesky facts,they do this- all the time-:scared1::D:lmao:

because they are incapable of standing toe to toe in a debate so they have to LIE to try and save face just like their handlers instruct them to do so.
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As usual, lots of people trying to divert attention, but none can explain it.

yep,thats what their handlers INSTRUCT them to do. dont try and explain it since they cant counter the facts just try and divert attention away from it and go into another aspect of 9/11.never fails.:biggrin:

as i got done saying thats why you keep seeing them do this-:scared1:

because they cant explain it.:rofl::haha:
The Israelis have been doing this for years, twats that they are.
Rosie and other moronic posters support Israeli's mass murder.

these trolls such as rosie and their ringleader phoenall,they think money that their handlers pay them for trolling these boards,will bring them happiness for their whole lives.

It might for MOST of their lives maybe but in the end,they are going to regret it for participating in this coverup bringing so much negative karma down on themselves they will suffer for it in the end in their last days.thats something they just dont seem to be able to comprehend.:rolleyes:

Its best to put them on your ignore list as I have done. dont do this with them-:trolls:

the more and more you feed them,the more and more you make their handlers happy for taking the bait. dont fall for their game and let them waste your time on them as their handlers want you to.
these trolls such as rosie and their ringleader phoenall,they think money that their handlers pay them for trolling these boards,will bring them happiness for their whole lives.

I wonder if I could get a job as a paid Israeli twat faced bastard.
I wouldn't mind a few extra quid.
because they cant explain it

There goes the money shot.

The idiot posters have to add shit in order to attempt to hide the fact the same person was on hand for both stories.
That immediately begs the question, how the hell did they manage to be in the right places at the right times to see two totally separate lone wolf attacks?

Either an amazing reporter with ESP, or he knew it was going down.
these trolls such as rosie and their ringleader phoenall,they think money that their handlers pay them for trolling these boards,will bring them happiness for their whole lives.

I wonder if I could get a job as a paid Israeli twat faced bastard.
I wouldn't mind a few extra quid.

You already have the twat faced bastard part down........

I don't think it is really fair to call him a bastard.

His parents were probably married for several years before his mother became old enough to bear children.

No. Your conspiracy idiocy is not obvious to me.

Are there more idiots then those who believe Faux News?!

So how the WT7 collapsed?!
And how the same zionazi filmed both Nice and Munich attack?!

So how the WT7 collapsed?!
And how the same zionazi filmed both Nice and Munich attack?!


WT7 was severely damaged by falling debris.
Combined with uncontrolled fires burning for hours, the building first bulged and eventually collapsed.
these trolls such as rosie and their ringleader phoenall,they think money that their handlers pay them for trolling these boards,will bring them happiness for their whole lives.

I wonder if I could get a job as a paid Israeli twat faced bastard.
I wouldn't mind a few extra quid.

Dude would it REALLY be worth selling your soul down the drain for money? these shills that have penetrated this forum obviously think money will buy them happiness but in the end it wont,in the end they will suffer for it greatly participating in this coverup far worse than they can imiagine they are bringing so much negative karma down on themselves.
Its the same thing is if someone offered you a million dollars to kill someone. are you going to do that? If you want TEMPORARY happiness and money is what you think will do that for you go ahead and kill that person but in the end,when its your time,you will suffer for it with the karma you brought on yourself.

I dont believe in god or heaven and hell but i do know karma exists and the next time you come around,you are going to suffer fr your actions in the past.
Not a good tradeoff if you ask me.thats what these idiot shills dont get,they honestly think money is going to buy them happiness but they are going to find out in the end when they take their last breath,they made a major mistake in taking all that money to troll here. they are too stupid to understand that though.

I know you may think money can buy you happiness as they do,but it wont. would you seriously in all good conscience sell your soul down the drain for money? when I say soul i mean suffer extreme bad health problems in your next life obviously since as I obviously am not religious.

Not a good trade off if you ask me.
So how the WT7 collapsed?!
And how the same zionazi filmed both Nice and Munich attack?!


these shills can only sling shit in defeat like the money trolls they are.No matter how desperate they get they can never get around bld 7.:biggrin: their handlers pay them big bucks to come here and embarrass themselves everyday.:biggrin:
these trolls such as rosie and their ringleader phoenall,they think money that their handlers pay them for trolling these boards,will bring them happiness for their whole lives.

I wonder if I could get a job as a paid Israeli twat faced bastard.
I wouldn't mind a few extra quid.

You already have the twat faced bastard part down........

I don't think it is really fair to call him a bastard.

His parents were probably married for several years before his mother became old enough to bear children.
because they cant explain it

There goes the money shot.

The idiot posters have to add shit in order to attempt to hide the fact the same person was on hand for both stories.
That immediately begs the question, how the hell did they manage to be in the right places at the right times to see two totally separate lone wolf attacks?

Either an amazing reporter with ESP, or he knew it was going down.
they can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they
Another stupid barbarian spouting gibberish he gets from conspiracist websites.

I see that the OP calls himself "freeman", I presume after The “freeman” ideology. - A bizarre understanding of the law that has its origins in US right-wing groups, whose anti-government position is based on anti-Semitism, anti-taxation and Thomas Jefferson’s theory that “the government which governs best is the government that governs least.” (And less government, for those who do not espouse socialism, just means freer markets). Of course, much of the justification for this ideology comes from conspiracy theories about Jewish control of government and corporations and secret plots to take away rights granted by the American Revolution. The essence is right-wing, conservative, individualistic and based on conspiracy theory.

Anyway. You guys might pick up a proper history book one of these days, to see that we've been here before. I.e. The Jews of accused of "monumental crimes" . Can you tell me who was the mystery man who said the following in fairly recent modern history vis a vis after the main Christian persecutions of Jews:

1. He said that the motivation of Jewish desire for their own state, and their purposes in creating such a state, was not to do with living there; rather they wanted a central organisation for their international world swindles, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for scoundrels.

2. He said the Jews engaged in ritual murder, and in particular, in killing children.

3. He said that Jews were the real orchestrators of the imperialist power of Great Britain, and the world economy and media.

4. He said he was fighting "capitalist" tendencies, and that the Jews were manipulating the financial system for their own ends in capitalistic intrigues.

5. He said that the Jews were intent on "extermination", "murder", "genocide", "ethnic-cleansing" of the German people (Vernichtung, Ausrottung...).

6. He said that Jews had already accomplished a "genocide" of a people through famine (Holodomr), through a Bolshevik intrigue.

7. He said that "international Jewry" inside and outside Europe" was intent on provoking another World War.

Same ordure. Different day. Round and round we go. Bloody peasants.
Another stupid barbarian spouting gibberish he gets from conspiracist websites.

I see that the OP calls himself "freeman", I presume after The “freeman” ideology. - A bizarre understanding of the law that has its origins in US right-wing groups, whose anti-government position is based on anti-Semitism, anti-taxation and Thomas Jefferson’s theory that “the government which governs best is the government that governs least.” (And less government, for those who do not espouse socialism, just means freer markets). Of course, much of the justification for this ideology comes from conspiracy theories about Jewish control of government and corporations and secret plots to take away rights granted by the American Revolution. The essence is right-wing, conservative, individualistic and based on conspiracy theory.

Anyway. You guys might pick up a proper history book one of these days, to see that we've been here before. I.e. The Jews of accused of "monumental crimes" . Can you tell me who was the mystery man who said the following in fairly recent modern history vis a vis after the main Christian persecutions of Jews:

1. He said that the motivation of Jewish desire for their own state, and their purposes in creating such a state, was not to do with living there; rather they wanted a central organisation for their international world swindles, endowed with its own sovereign rights and removed from the intervention of other states: a haven for scoundrels.

2. He said the Jews engaged in ritual murder, and in particular, in killing children.

3. He said that Jews were the real orchestrators of the imperialist power of Great Britain, and the world economy and media.

4. He said he was fighting "capitalist" tendencies, and that the Jews were manipulating the financial system for their own ends in capitalistic intrigues.

5. He said that the Jews were intent on "extermination", "murder", "genocide", "ethnic-cleansing" of the German people (Vernichtung, Ausrottung...).

6. He said that Jews had already accomplished a "genocide" of a people through famine (Holodomr), through a Bolshevik intrigue.

7. He said that "international Jewry" inside and outside Europe" was intent on provoking another World War.

Same ordure. Different day. Round and round we go. Bloody peasants.

oh look a sock.pretty obvious this guy is a sock the fact he made ONE post and the very first post was to come on here to THIS SECTION and post his propaganda BS and ignore facts.:rofl::lmao::haha:

Hey sock:up_yours::anj_stfu::Boom2::Boom2::bsflag:

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