the science of creation


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2022
I will throw a bone to the creationists.

I don't yet know if it's a real bone, it's too early to decide.

But this bone comes with a concrete physical theory, which means it can be tested experimentally.

So let's get real about this creation stuff.

The first question is WHAT is being created?

It isn't energy. Physics tells us that energy is conserved. It's neither created nor destroyed.

What we're looking for is an "irreversible" process, where something is created but never destroyed.

We have a clue. There is something in physics that pretty much everyone agrees on - it's the Second Law of Thermodynamics. (The first law is that energy is conserved).

The Second Law states the "entropy always increases". (I'm paraphrasing). Something is being created. What is it?

The answer is: INFORMATION.

Time for a little physics. Quantum mechanics tells us that quanta are fundamentally in an indeterminate state. They're in a "superposition", you can't really tell what state they're in.

But once we make a MEASUREMENT, the indeterminate state "collapses", resulting in one and only one outcome. What is that outcome? It is INFORMATION. The measurement has resulted in the creation of new information. We now know something we didn't know before.

The physics is a lot deeper than this, but let's just stop here. We can make an observation though: the creation of information is an IRREVERSIBLE process.

Information is the life force. There is no life without information.

I'll offer this view of quantum information theory for your consideration: the Hilbert cube.

Quantum mechanics is formulated in "Hilbert space", which is an infinite set of coordinates that describe wave functions. The amazing thing is, that the infinite Hilbert space is topologically equivalent to the open interval (0,1). The mathematician Cantor showed that these two spaces have the same cardinality, and that there is a direct one-to-one mapping between them.

So now, a challenge to the creationists: design an experiment to prove that something is being created.

I give you this clue: a measurement results in the creation of information. Locally, in the system consisting of the observer and that which is being observed.

Here's another clue, from the Wiki page:

"The compactness of the Hilbert cube can ... be proved without the axiom of choice by constructing a continuous function from the ... Cantor set onto the Hilbert cube".

The Cantor set and the Hilbert cube are both "nowhere dense". Yet they are topologically compact.

Okay creationists, ball's in your court. I've done what I can to help you.

Now, design the experiment. If it works, you might get a Nobel prize.

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