The Scimitar versus the money is on the Scimitar

Current events have always been a source of study in public schools.
Pedophiles should be beaten to death on national TV. It would probably be better than what the Scimitar has in store for them.
"Not that there's anything wrong with that" started it all.

Truth be told there was a lot wrong with that and you see where "acceptance" has led us.
Thses LGBTQ xyz ad infinitum wanks are wading into leathal territory.... they had better back the fuck off. They have no idea where they are going or what they are starting with this particular issue. This isn't like Christian fundamentalism at all.
Thses LGBTQ xyz ad infinitum wanks are wading into leathal territory.... they had better back the fuck off. They have no idea where they are going or what they are starting with this particular issue. This isn't like Christian fundamentalism at all.
I'm rooting for swan dives off of tall buildings.....I won't even be mad. ;)
I thought the rage of the day had moved onto "you support pedo child trafficking if you don't watch this film!" Come on guys, get with the program.
New day, new rage.

Here we have deranged conservative stereotypes pitted against each other in a triggered fever dream battle to the death.

Not that there's anything wrong with that!


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