The SCOTUS just took a crap on the US Constitution

Are you just pasting sentence fragments together because this comment makes absolutely no sense whatsoever?
If it's too much for you, we can take it one word at a time in front of the others. After all, that beats the theologian who demands no talking from the pulpit.

BOSTON - Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey is among those criticizing Monday's Supreme Court ruling that sided with a Washington state high school football coach who lost his job for praying after games.

The court ruled 6-3 in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District that the free exercise and free speech clauses of the First Amendment protect an individual engaging in religious expression.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereo
Sorry commie, the Court did their job. You just arent used to seeing it done.

BOSTON - Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey is among those criticizing Monday's Supreme Court ruling that sided with a Washington state high school football coach who lost his job for praying after games.

The court ruled 6-3 in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District that the free exercise and free speech clauses of the First Amendment protect an individual engaging in religious expression.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereo
Is a single person praying after a football game the same thing as an establishment of religion?

BOSTON - Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey is among those criticizing Monday's Supreme Court ruling that sided with a Washington state high school football coach who lost his job for praying after games.

The court ruled 6-3 in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District that the free exercise and free speech clauses of the First Amendment protect an individual engaging in religious expression.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereo
So letting him engage in a Constitutional right is "taking a crap on the constitution?"
Lolz thats a pretty huge fail
Another absurd argument that excludes science. The religious addicts have no right to accumulate to exacerbate epidemiology.

You're just plain wrong.

The First Amendment not only explicitly affirms and protects religious freedom, but also the freedom to peaceably assemble.

And there is nothing anywhere in the Constitution that states or even implied that government has any authority to make up a fake crisis like the #CoronaHoax2020, and use it as an excuse to violate any rights protected by the Constitution.

BOSTON - Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey is among those criticizing Monday's Supreme Court ruling that sided with a Washington state high school football coach who lost his job for praying after games.

The court ruled 6-3 in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District that the free exercise and free speech clauses of the First Amendment protect an individual engaging in religious expression.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereo
Congress can make no law prohibiting the free EXERCISE there of.

Praying is exercising that right. Whether you agree with public prayer or not, that is irrelevant to the right to freely practice one's religion.
And maybe don’t pretend to know what was in his mind.
When Jesus said to not do as the hypocrites do, do you think that he expected us not to recognize hypocrisy?

No, he knew that people would look at the hypocrites and recognize the hypocrisy of their actions. He didn't use that example and then expect us to all assume the hypocrites weren't hypocrites because we didn't know what was in their mind.

I'm sure the reaction to Jesus at the time was, "I wonder who it is Jesus is referring to? I see those people over there praying on the street corners but they're not hypocrites because I don't know what's in their minds... Nah... Jesus must be wrong."

Or do you think that Jesus understood that we are capable of seeing and recognizing the hypocrisy of praying in public for the public recognition.
The only problem is, is that I am a Christian. I don't twist the Lord's words to cover for my behavior. I know I am not perfect but I admit and own my imperfections and my sins. I don't pretend that the Bible doesn't say what it says and that Jesus didn't mean what he said. When Jesus' words and my actions differ, it's 100% on me and not on his inability to communicate clearly.

BOSTON - Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey is among those criticizing Monday's Supreme Court ruling that sided with a Washington state high school football coach who lost his job for praying after games.

The court ruled 6-3 in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District that the free exercise and free speech clauses of the First Amendment protect an individual engaging in religious expression.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereo
Why does the truth always send you ghouls spiraling into a fit of lie filled stupid?
The only problem is, is that I am a Christian. I don't twist the Lord's words to cover for my behavior. I know I am not perfect but I admit and own my imperfections and my sins. I don't pretend that the Bible doesn't say what it says and that Jesus didn't mean what he said. When Jesus' words and my actions differ, it's 100% on me and not on his inability to communicate clearly.
Your quote is incorrect. Yes, Jesus is arguing against (the image of prayer [italics]), and xians have a desire to be recognized as members of a protection racket. They have a desire to antagonize all those who are not members of the protection racket via the scopic drive, an arrogant form of pornography. Otherwise, for future potential recruits to this mafia, moral posturing serves as decoy.

Yours is heresay: it cannot be established what god is being prayed to, or even if there is a prayer underway. No moving lips were documented, either, though it certainly looks like a prayer underway.

'But I'm an atheist and I regularly quote the bible to argue against government prayer. In Matthew 6:5, Jesus condemns public prayer as hypocrisy: "And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen." As an atheist, I use the bible to convince believers not to abuse their public office to promote their personal religion, pointing to the words of their own savior in his Sermon on the Mount. Like Paine and Lincoln, I write to my audience.'
(Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American, p. 112)
I'm not an atheist; I'm a Christian. I completely agreed with the Court's ruling. I always defend religion, anybody's religion to the point that they do not harm others or infringe on the rights of others. Praying in public, seeing prayers, even knowing that government leaders are religious people and their experiences and religion are part of who they are does not interfere with anyone's rights and no one is harmed by it.

I guess the difference between you and me is that I believe Matthew. My quote is not incorrect unless you are claiming that the Bible is wrong. My quote is exactly what Matthew documented that Jesus said. Are you calling Matthew a liar? Are you saying Jesus didn't say it?
Which means the state cannot prevent someone from praying in a public place.
But what about due process in the 5th Amendment, gun controller? If there's a court hearing and the Court says the person is stripped of their 1st Amendment rights... Because, you know... Due process, gun controller.

You're such a fucking hypocrite.
But what about due process in the 5th Amendment, gun controller? If there's a court hearing and the Court says the person is stripped of their 1st Amendment rights... Because, you know... Due process, gun controller.
You choose to not understand what you are taught.
You choose to not understand what you are taught.
You claim that the Government can take any right from anyone if they follow due process - which the government gets to specify. You claim there is absolutely no limits to what rights the government can strip and, if they strip it, they can't infringe or restrict your right because now you don't have the right - the government stripped it. In fact, according to you, the government can strip your right to due process ahead of stripping all other rights and then they don't even need due process in order to strip every right you ever thought you had.

You said that shit. So, no, I don't understand what you think you're teaching. But I provided you the words of the Founders to counter your idiotic ideas but you continue to stand by them with your one-line smart-ass comments.
Which means the state cannot prevent someone from praying in a public place.

The First Amendment does not prohibit praying; anyone can pray in school at any time by just closing their eyes and going for it. What numerous rulings and statues have upheld over the years is that a representative of the government (such as a public school coach) cannot promote any one religion over another. The logical conclusion is that he cannot lead others in prayer or deliver sermons or anything, but as long as he was just silently praying to himself, regardless of where, any interference by other government reps would constitute "prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

And, as it turns out ...
He started coaching at the school in 2008 and initially prayed alone on the 50-yard line at the end of games. Students started joining him, and over time he began to deliver a short, inspirational talk with religious references. Kennedy did that for years and also led students in locker room prayers. The school district learned what he was doing in 2015 and asked him to stop out of concerns the district could be sued for violating students’ religious freedom rights.

He stopped leading students in prayer in the locker room and on the field but wanted to continue kneeling and praying on the field himself after games. The school asked him not to do so while still “on duty” as a coach after the games. When he continued, the school put him on paid leave. The head coach of the varsity team later recommended he not be rehired because, among other things, he failed to follow district policy.
... that's exactly what he was doing.

I'm good with this.

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