The Second Act of the Flynn Case Has Begun...and It's a Total Circus


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
I, for one, am shocked that some retired judge who is working for the law firm representing the Department of Justice’s top Trump resister, Sally Yates, said that Michael Flynn committed perjury and is a bad, bad, man (sarc.). John Gleeson laid out his case for his besieged colleague Judge Emmet Sullivan over the fiasco that has become the Michael Flynn case


Weird how you left out that it was co-written by the defense attorney for Sally Yates, who is being investigated by federal authorities for her role in the Russia Collusion Hoax. …

Matthew Daly


WASHINGTON (AP) _ Ex-judge appointed to review Michael Flynn case says Justice Department request to dismiss charges is 'abuse of power'

BJ -
Same Corrupt People from the previous administration still being corrupt.
Shock, no not really. - Obama ran the most corrupt admin. in US history.
Flynn either lied about lying or just plain old lied, under oath to a judge, more than once...Flynn is still in a little trouble either way.
You just got to love the irony. The case is an abuse of power but of course the idea of dismissing it is an abuse of power.
Trump fired him for lying and now it is no longer a lie...
No one said it was not a lie but in the real world you don't get to persecute people for made up propaganda. You don't get to try and have people lie because of nothing more then lieing on a FISA warrant.
Compare that to Hillary and her lies about not having confidential documents on her server.
This is a good thing!

I feel bad for Flynn but this circus had declassified huge amounts of documents (more being declass'd as I type this...more coming out today & tomorrow).

The more TDS this judge displays, the closer obama gets to the hangmans noose!

Keep going your're doing just fine!

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