The Second Coming!


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
In whatever capacity Donald Trump resurfaces in comes the near future the statist left element within the Democrat political party will be putting on an even greater show of doom & gloom than in this last election. Look for an attempt to build a MAGA political party out of super conservatives & a conservative movement to stomp out RINO's(near impossible to do). Also be on the lookout for a conservative constituency backlash against the RNC corporation. With Donald Trump on the scene yet again it's bound to be another emotionally charged powder keg leading up to the Greatest Show On Earth... the midterm elections!

As H.G. Wells warned about 100 years ago, voting is susceptible to fraud. That said, Trump did nothing for White people during his 4 years.
All these big plans by trump's Nazis fail to factor in their wannabe führer's legal problems.

Since he can no longer hide behind presidential immunity, state, federal, and international lawsuits, both civil and criminal, await your wannabe führer. But, these cases will be heard before real judges and juries, not a bunch of crooked and corrupt Republican politicians, terrified of trump's 74 million Nazis.

In whatever capacity Donald Trump resurfaces in comes the near future the statist left element within the Democrat political party will be putting on an even greater show of doom & gloom than in this last election. Look for an attempt to build a MAGA political party out of super conservatives & a conservative movement to stomp out RINO's(near impossible to do). Also be on the lookout for a conservative constituency backlash against the RNC corporation. With Donald Trump on the scene yet again it's bound to be another emotionally charged powder keg leading up to the Greatest Show On Earth... the midterm elections!


Please, by all means, make every four years 1912.
The desperation and panic on the part of the Democrat Party shows that they are guilty and we are on to them. The thieves, extortioners, and murderers that they are, we have put them to fear of being held to account for their crimes. That which they tried to conceal is revealed in the light of day.

1912? Democrat running against a Progressive stooge candidate? No way! Dems have been committing organized wholesale voter fraud, stealing ballots, and stuffing the ballot box for over 100 years now. The day of reckoning is coming. It will be Doomsday for Democrats.

Day of wrath and doom impending.
David's word with Sibyl's blending,
Heaven and earth in ashes ending.
Lo, the book, exactly worded,
Wherein all hath been recorded,
Thence shall judgment be awarded.
When the Judge his seat attaineth,
And each hidden deed arraigneth,
Nothing unavenged remaineth.
All these big plans by trump's Nazis fail to factor in their wannabe führer's legal problems.

Since he can no longer hide behind presidential immunity, state, federal, and international lawsuits, both civil and criminal, await your wannabe führer. But, these cases will be heard before real judges and juries, not a bunch of crooked and corrupt Republican politicians, terrified of trump's 74 million Nazis.


I know the MSM has told you leftists Trump will be charged with everything from rape to tax evasion. When are you morons going to figure out they lie to you. It's just smear to get dems elected.

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