
Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I like anyone who makes the left squeal like snowflake/crybabies...
The Seditious Left
Prosecute the Berkeley rioters by enforcing federal law.
February 6, 2017
Matthew Vadum

The violent uprising at UC Berkeley last week, sparked by Milo Yiannopoulos’s Freedom Center-sponsored speech on “sanctuary campuses,” could have been put down by authorities by enforcing existing federal law, but they didn’t act.

They let Berkeley burn.

Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin (D) seemed to green-light the riots, employing the twisted leftist logic of the radicals who turned the campus into a war zone.

“Using speech to silence marginalized communities and promote bigotry is unacceptable,” he tweeted, in a reference to Yiannopoulos. “Hate speech isn't welcome in our community.”

Hours into the rioting Wednesday no arrests had been made by the police. In all, only three arrests were made.

The Daily Californian, the Berkeley student newspaper, along with much of the media, downplayed the politically motivated violence. Of the three arrests, reporter Chantelle Lee wrote, “UCPD has arrested one suspect at the Milo Yiannopoulos protests Wednesday night and two suspects in an unrelated incident Thursday morning.”

She wrote that 19-year-old Edward Thomas Kuo, “who is not affiliated with the campus, was arrested Wednesday night on suspicion of remaining ‘in the place of a riot,’” according to a UCPD spokeswoman. “We had given a dispersal order,” the spokeswoman said. “He remained in the area and was blocking the path of the police, who were trying to move a skirmish line along.”

The “unrelated incident Thursday” Lee writes of wasn’t unrelated at all. Officers arrested Oakland resident Devonte Gaskin, 28, and San Francisco resident Sean Seuss, 27, when they were observed “assaulting two (individuals who) self-identified as Berkeley College Republicans, who were giving interviews to the media on Sproul Plaza.”

And whatever may the campus Republicans have been talking to the media about? Take a guess.

The rioting was all too predictable. Berkeley campus police gave the rioters permission to run amok by following a no-arrest policy, Yiannopoulos’s tour security coordinator Tej Gill told Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM satellite radio. “The police effectively did nothing, nothing while we were there,” he said.

Gill, a U.S. Navy SEAL, continued:

It just fuels the fire, the no arrest thing, hands off policy, every time they do this and they do it successfully with no arrest, no trouble, there’s no consequences and if there’s no consequences why stop? Each time they’re gonna get stronger and stronger.

Preventing riots isn’t hard, according to Gill.


The Obama administration went further than any other administration in history in rationalizing and normalizing rioting, dressing it up with noble-sounding descriptors like social justice and community organizing.

Insurrection has been the stock-in-trade of the Left ever since the 1960s. That era’s radicals took over the Democratic Party and alienated it from its natural working-class roots. The New Left rioted against the Vietnam War, capitalism, racism, and anything identifiably American.

McCarthy continues:


The rioters cannot be reasoned with.

They must be arrested and imprisoned.

“Sedition and its related pathologies must be prosecuted, McCarthy writes. “Equally important, they must be condemned. Without that, there cannot be a pluralistic, flourishing society.”

Americans must get their country back.

The Seditious Left
I like anyone who makes the left squeal like snowflake/crybabies...
The Seditious Left
Prosecute the Berkeley rioters by enforcing federal law.
February 6, 2017
Matthew Vadum

The violent uprising at UC Berkeley last week, sparked by Milo Yiannopoulos’s Freedom Center-sponsored speech on “sanctuary campuses,” could have been put down by authorities by enforcing existing federal law, but they didn’t act.

They let Berkeley burn.

Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin (D) seemed to green-light the riots, employing the twisted leftist logic of the radicals who turned the campus into a war zone.

“Using speech to silence marginalized communities and promote bigotry is unacceptable,” he tweeted, in a reference to Yiannopoulos. “Hate speech isn't welcome in our community.”

Hours into the rioting Wednesday no arrests had been made by the police. In all, only three arrests were made.

The Daily Californian, the Berkeley student newspaper, along with much of the media, downplayed the politically motivated violence. Of the three arrests, reporter Chantelle Lee wrote, “UCPD has arrested one suspect at the Milo Yiannopoulos protests Wednesday night and two suspects in an unrelated incident Thursday morning.”

She wrote that 19-year-old Edward Thomas Kuo, “who is not affiliated with the campus, was arrested Wednesday night on suspicion of remaining ‘in the place of a riot,’” according to a UCPD spokeswoman. “We had given a dispersal order,” the spokeswoman said. “He remained in the area and was blocking the path of the police, who were trying to move a skirmish line along.”

The “unrelated incident Thursday” Lee writes of wasn’t unrelated at all. Officers arrested Oakland resident Devonte Gaskin, 28, and San Francisco resident Sean Seuss, 27, when they were observed “assaulting two (individuals who) self-identified as Berkeley College Republicans, who were giving interviews to the media on Sproul Plaza.”

And whatever may the campus Republicans have been talking to the media about? Take a guess.

The rioting was all too predictable. Berkeley campus police gave the rioters permission to run amok by following a no-arrest policy, Yiannopoulos’s tour security coordinator Tej Gill told Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM satellite radio. “The police effectively did nothing, nothing while we were there,” he said.

Gill, a U.S. Navy SEAL, continued:

It just fuels the fire, the no arrest thing, hands off policy, every time they do this and they do it successfully with no arrest, no trouble, there’s no consequences and if there’s no consequences why stop? Each time they’re gonna get stronger and stronger.

Preventing riots isn’t hard, according to Gill.


The Obama administration went further than any other administration in history in rationalizing and normalizing rioting, dressing it up with noble-sounding descriptors like social justice and community organizing.

Insurrection has been the stock-in-trade of the Left ever since the 1960s. That era’s radicals took over the Democratic Party and alienated it from its natural working-class roots. The New Left rioted against the Vietnam War, capitalism, racism, and anything identifiably American.

McCarthy continues:


The rioters cannot be reasoned with.

They must be arrested and imprisoned.

“Sedition and its related pathologies must be prosecuted, McCarthy writes. “Equally important, they must be condemned. Without that, there cannot be a pluralistic, flourishing society.”

Americans must get their country back.

The Seditious Left
The majority are speaking.
I like anyone who makes the left squeal like snowflake/crybabies...
The Seditious Left
Prosecute the Berkeley rioters by enforcing federal law.
February 6, 2017
Matthew Vadum

The violent uprising at UC Berkeley last week, sparked by Milo Yiannopoulos’s Freedom Center-sponsored speech on “sanctuary campuses,” could have been put down by authorities by enforcing existing federal law, but they didn’t act.

They let Berkeley burn.

Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin (D) seemed to green-light the riots, employing the twisted leftist logic of the radicals who turned the campus into a war zone.

“Using speech to silence marginalized communities and promote bigotry is unacceptable,” he tweeted, in a reference to Yiannopoulos. “Hate speech isn't welcome in our community.”

Hours into the rioting Wednesday no arrests had been made by the police. In all, only three arrests were made.

The Daily Californian, the Berkeley student newspaper, along with much of the media, downplayed the politically motivated violence. Of the three arrests, reporter Chantelle Lee wrote, “UCPD has arrested one suspect at the Milo Yiannopoulos protests Wednesday night and two suspects in an unrelated incident Thursday morning.”

She wrote that 19-year-old Edward Thomas Kuo, “who is not affiliated with the campus, was arrested Wednesday night on suspicion of remaining ‘in the place of a riot,’” according to a UCPD spokeswoman. “We had given a dispersal order,” the spokeswoman said. “He remained in the area and was blocking the path of the police, who were trying to move a skirmish line along.”

The “unrelated incident Thursday” Lee writes of wasn’t unrelated at all. Officers arrested Oakland resident Devonte Gaskin, 28, and San Francisco resident Sean Seuss, 27, when they were observed “assaulting two (individuals who) self-identified as Berkeley College Republicans, who were giving interviews to the media on Sproul Plaza.”

And whatever may the campus Republicans have been talking to the media about? Take a guess.

The rioting was all too predictable. Berkeley campus police gave the rioters permission to run amok by following a no-arrest policy, Yiannopoulos’s tour security coordinator Tej Gill told Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM satellite radio. “The police effectively did nothing, nothing while we were there,” he said.

Gill, a U.S. Navy SEAL, continued:

It just fuels the fire, the no arrest thing, hands off policy, every time they do this and they do it successfully with no arrest, no trouble, there’s no consequences and if there’s no consequences why stop? Each time they’re gonna get stronger and stronger.

Preventing riots isn’t hard, according to Gill.


The Obama administration went further than any other administration in history in rationalizing and normalizing rioting, dressing it up with noble-sounding descriptors like social justice and community organizing.

Insurrection has been the stock-in-trade of the Left ever since the 1960s. That era’s radicals took over the Democratic Party and alienated it from its natural working-class roots. The New Left rioted against the Vietnam War, capitalism, racism, and anything identifiably American.

McCarthy continues:


The rioters cannot be reasoned with.

They must be arrested and imprisoned.

“Sedition and its related pathologies must be prosecuted, McCarthy writes. “Equally important, they must be condemned. Without that, there cannot be a pluralistic, flourishing society.”

Americans must get their country back.

The Seditious Left
The majority are speaking.
Can you hear us now?
I like anyone who makes the left squeal like snowflake/crybabies...
The Seditious Left
Prosecute the Berkeley rioters by enforcing federal law.
February 6, 2017
Matthew Vadum

The violent uprising at UC Berkeley last week, sparked by Milo Yiannopoulos’s Freedom Center-sponsored speech on “sanctuary campuses,” could have been put down by authorities by enforcing existing federal law, but they didn’t act.

They let Berkeley burn.

Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin (D) seemed to green-light the riots, employing the twisted leftist logic of the radicals who turned the campus into a war zone.

“Using speech to silence marginalized communities and promote bigotry is unacceptable,” he tweeted, in a reference to Yiannopoulos. “Hate speech isn't welcome in our community.”

Hours into the rioting Wednesday no arrests had been made by the police. In all, only three arrests were made.

The Daily Californian, the Berkeley student newspaper, along with much of the media, downplayed the politically motivated violence. Of the three arrests, reporter Chantelle Lee wrote, “UCPD has arrested one suspect at the Milo Yiannopoulos protests Wednesday night and two suspects in an unrelated incident Thursday morning.”

She wrote that 19-year-old Edward Thomas Kuo, “who is not affiliated with the campus, was arrested Wednesday night on suspicion of remaining ‘in the place of a riot,’” according to a UCPD spokeswoman. “We had given a dispersal order,” the spokeswoman said. “He remained in the area and was blocking the path of the police, who were trying to move a skirmish line along.”

The “unrelated incident Thursday” Lee writes of wasn’t unrelated at all. Officers arrested Oakland resident Devonte Gaskin, 28, and San Francisco resident Sean Seuss, 27, when they were observed “assaulting two (individuals who) self-identified as Berkeley College Republicans, who were giving interviews to the media on Sproul Plaza.”

And whatever may the campus Republicans have been talking to the media about? Take a guess.

The rioting was all too predictable. Berkeley campus police gave the rioters permission to run amok by following a no-arrest policy, Yiannopoulos’s tour security coordinator Tej Gill told Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM satellite radio. “The police effectively did nothing, nothing while we were there,” he said.

Gill, a U.S. Navy SEAL, continued:

It just fuels the fire, the no arrest thing, hands off policy, every time they do this and they do it successfully with no arrest, no trouble, there’s no consequences and if there’s no consequences why stop? Each time they’re gonna get stronger and stronger.

Preventing riots isn’t hard, according to Gill.


The Obama administration went further than any other administration in history in rationalizing and normalizing rioting, dressing it up with noble-sounding descriptors like social justice and community organizing.

Insurrection has been the stock-in-trade of the Left ever since the 1960s. That era’s radicals took over the Democratic Party and alienated it from its natural working-class roots. The New Left rioted against the Vietnam War, capitalism, racism, and anything identifiably American.

McCarthy continues:


The rioters cannot be reasoned with.

They must be arrested and imprisoned.

“Sedition and its related pathologies must be prosecuted, McCarthy writes. “Equally important, they must be condemned. Without that, there cannot be a pluralistic, flourishing society.”

Americans must get their country back.

The Seditious Left
The majority are speaking.
Can you hear us now?
No you, oh idiotic one.
I like anyone who makes the left squeal like snowflake/crybabies...
The Seditious Left
Prosecute the Berkeley rioters by enforcing federal law.
February 6, 2017
Matthew Vadum

The violent uprising at UC Berkeley last week, sparked by Milo Yiannopoulos’s Freedom Center-sponsored speech on “sanctuary campuses,” could have been put down by authorities by enforcing existing federal law, but they didn’t act.

They let Berkeley burn.

Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin (D) seemed to green-light the riots, employing the twisted leftist logic of the radicals who turned the campus into a war zone.

“Using speech to silence marginalized communities and promote bigotry is unacceptable,” he tweeted, in a reference to Yiannopoulos. “Hate speech isn't welcome in our community.”

Hours into the rioting Wednesday no arrests had been made by the police. In all, only three arrests were made.

The Daily Californian, the Berkeley student newspaper, along with much of the media, downplayed the politically motivated violence. Of the three arrests, reporter Chantelle Lee wrote, “UCPD has arrested one suspect at the Milo Yiannopoulos protests Wednesday night and two suspects in an unrelated incident Thursday morning.”

She wrote that 19-year-old Edward Thomas Kuo, “who is not affiliated with the campus, was arrested Wednesday night on suspicion of remaining ‘in the place of a riot,’” according to a UCPD spokeswoman. “We had given a dispersal order,” the spokeswoman said. “He remained in the area and was blocking the path of the police, who were trying to move a skirmish line along.”

The “unrelated incident Thursday” Lee writes of wasn’t unrelated at all. Officers arrested Oakland resident Devonte Gaskin, 28, and San Francisco resident Sean Seuss, 27, when they were observed “assaulting two (individuals who) self-identified as Berkeley College Republicans, who were giving interviews to the media on Sproul Plaza.”

And whatever may the campus Republicans have been talking to the media about? Take a guess.

The rioting was all too predictable. Berkeley campus police gave the rioters permission to run amok by following a no-arrest policy, Yiannopoulos’s tour security coordinator Tej Gill told Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM satellite radio. “The police effectively did nothing, nothing while we were there,” he said.

Gill, a U.S. Navy SEAL, continued:

It just fuels the fire, the no arrest thing, hands off policy, every time they do this and they do it successfully with no arrest, no trouble, there’s no consequences and if there’s no consequences why stop? Each time they’re gonna get stronger and stronger.

Preventing riots isn’t hard, according to Gill.


The Obama administration went further than any other administration in history in rationalizing and normalizing rioting, dressing it up with noble-sounding descriptors like social justice and community organizing.

Insurrection has been the stock-in-trade of the Left ever since the 1960s. That era’s radicals took over the Democratic Party and alienated it from its natural working-class roots. The New Left rioted against the Vietnam War, capitalism, racism, and anything identifiably American.

McCarthy continues:


The rioters cannot be reasoned with.

They must be arrested and imprisoned.

“Sedition and its related pathologies must be prosecuted, McCarthy writes. “Equally important, they must be condemned. Without that, there cannot be a pluralistic, flourishing society.”

Americans must get their country back.

The Seditious Left
The majority are speaking.
Can you hear us now?
No you, oh idiotic one.
I can't hear you....
I like anyone who makes the left squeal like snowflake/crybabies...
The Seditious Left
Prosecute the Berkeley rioters by enforcing federal law.
February 6, 2017
Matthew Vadum

The violent uprising at UC Berkeley last week, sparked by Milo Yiannopoulos’s Freedom Center-sponsored speech on “sanctuary campuses,” could have been put down by authorities by enforcing existing federal law, but they didn’t act.

They let Berkeley burn.

Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin (D) seemed to green-light the riots, employing the twisted leftist logic of the radicals who turned the campus into a war zone.

“Using speech to silence marginalized communities and promote bigotry is unacceptable,” he tweeted, in a reference to Yiannopoulos. “Hate speech isn't welcome in our community.”

Hours into the rioting Wednesday no arrests had been made by the police. In all, only three arrests were made.

The Daily Californian, the Berkeley student newspaper, along with much of the media, downplayed the politically motivated violence. Of the three arrests, reporter Chantelle Lee wrote, “UCPD has arrested one suspect at the Milo Yiannopoulos protests Wednesday night and two suspects in an unrelated incident Thursday morning.”

She wrote that 19-year-old Edward Thomas Kuo, “who is not affiliated with the campus, was arrested Wednesday night on suspicion of remaining ‘in the place of a riot,’” according to a UCPD spokeswoman. “We had given a dispersal order,” the spokeswoman said. “He remained in the area and was blocking the path of the police, who were trying to move a skirmish line along.”

The “unrelated incident Thursday” Lee writes of wasn’t unrelated at all. Officers arrested Oakland resident Devonte Gaskin, 28, and San Francisco resident Sean Seuss, 27, when they were observed “assaulting two (individuals who) self-identified as Berkeley College Republicans, who were giving interviews to the media on Sproul Plaza.”

And whatever may the campus Republicans have been talking to the media about? Take a guess.

The rioting was all too predictable. Berkeley campus police gave the rioters permission to run amok by following a no-arrest policy, Yiannopoulos’s tour security coordinator Tej Gill told Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM satellite radio. “The police effectively did nothing, nothing while we were there,” he said.

Gill, a U.S. Navy SEAL, continued:

It just fuels the fire, the no arrest thing, hands off policy, every time they do this and they do it successfully with no arrest, no trouble, there’s no consequences and if there’s no consequences why stop? Each time they’re gonna get stronger and stronger.

Preventing riots isn’t hard, according to Gill.


The Obama administration went further than any other administration in history in rationalizing and normalizing rioting, dressing it up with noble-sounding descriptors like social justice and community organizing.

Insurrection has been the stock-in-trade of the Left ever since the 1960s. That era’s radicals took over the Democratic Party and alienated it from its natural working-class roots. The New Left rioted against the Vietnam War, capitalism, racism, and anything identifiably American.

McCarthy continues:


The rioters cannot be reasoned with.

They must be arrested and imprisoned.

“Sedition and its related pathologies must be prosecuted, McCarthy writes. “Equally important, they must be condemned. Without that, there cannot be a pluralistic, flourishing society.”

Americans must get their country back.

The Seditious Left
The majority are speaking.
Can you hear us now?
No you, oh idiotic one.
I can't hear you....

That's because you don't know the difference between buttocks and headphones.
Tweets align with Left’s anti-American, anti-capitalist, anti-white, anti-police agenda.
March 6, 2017

Joseph Klein


Leftists who hate Donald Trump have tried to tie the bomb threats, acts of vandalism in Jewish cemeteries and other anti-Semitic acts over the last year to President Trump and his supporters. As usual, contrary facts do not matter to leftists and their colleagues in the fake news media.

Case in point is the individual arrested last Friday who was accused of making the widely reported multiple bomb threats against Jewish community centers across the country and sending a threat to the Anti-Defamation League in New York City. The alleged perpetrator’s name is Juan Thompson, aged 31. His evident motive was to exact revenge on his Jewish ex-girlfriend for ditching him last year. Thompson allegedly tried to blame his ex-girlfriend for the bomb threats.

Juan Thompson does not fit the mainstream media’s fake news narrative of a rising tide of anti-Semitism and racism sweeping the country due to the supposed bigoted rhetoric of President Trump and the white supremacists who purportedly support him. In his own words, Thompson tweeted last year that he was “*reverting* to Islam.” Thompson had his own personal demons that were apparently driving him to threaten Jewish targets and pin the blame on his Jewish ex-girlfriend. And, ironically, Thompson himself had practiced his own version of fake news as a journalist for an Internet news website before he was fired last year for reportedly making up quotes and sources for fabricated stories.

Putting aside his personal background and reasons for allegedly launching his threats against the Jewish community centers and ADL, Thompson was certainly not swayed by the rhetoric of Donald Trump. Indeed, Thompson holds the same vehement anti-Trump views that the Left relishes. In one tweet, for example, Thompson wrote, “Donald Trump is the perfect example of how dumb, incompetent wealthy white ppl can fail upward.” In another tweet, Thompson was even more brutal in his criticism of Donald Trump: “#Trump is not insane. That's a slur against ppl who actually suffer w/mental health issues. He is simply a racist/sexist/capitalist monster.”

Thompson also had no use for Donald Trump’s supporters. In January, he tweeted in response to a poll showing that 42% of Americans approved of President Trump’s job performance: “42% of Americans are filthy fascist appeasers and they should be taken out along with Trump.”

Moreover, Thompson does not fit the white supremacist profile of Trump supporters put forward by the Left and their friends in the mainstream media. To the contrary, Thompson is a black extremist, who appears to buy into the anti-white, anti-police Black Lives Matter rhetoric. “White cops are the same everywhere. They're an evil ppl,” he tweeted last month. In another tweet, Thompson wrote, “The white media is repulsive. Provocateur is what they call white supremacists b/c, at their core, they support the agenda.” In yet another of his prolific hate-filled anti-white tweets, he declared, "White f[******] ppl are always the victims. We've had 500+ years of being terorrized (sic) by your vile ilk.”

Thompson also does not fit the media’s stereotype of a right wing xenophobe who advocates closed borders and mass deportations of illegal immigrants. “You are a bigot. And no--humans are human. To hell with your borders,” he tweeted in response to someone whom had expressed what Thompson evidently considered bigoted anti-immigrant rhetoric.

Thompson is not a defender of the privileged 1 percenters. “I believe every millionaire and billionaire should be robbed of their wealth,” he tweeted. “We don't want America like NY, we want it like Havana,” he wrote in another tweet. “Jealousy of rich ppl will get me nowhere, but an organized revolt that seizes their wealth will liberate me and you,” declared Thompson the revolutionary.


Anti-Semitism is a centuries-old phenomenon. Sadly, it is rising today, in Europe and in the United States. The Left’s attempt to politicize anti-Semitism as part of its campaign to delegitimize the Trump presidency not only does a disservice to the victims of anti-Semitic attacks. It conceals the anti-Semitism flowing out of what David Horowitz has called the unholy alliance between radical Islam and the Left.

Leftist Trump Hater Arrested for Bomb Threats Against Jewish Community Centers
A fascist movement professes its own opposition to “fascism.”
March 23, 2017

Discover The Networks


Refuse Fascism (RF)—which was one of the organizations responsible for the ugly anti-Milo riots at UC Berkeley last month—was established shortly after the November 2016 U.S. presidential election in which Republican Donald Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton. The creators of RF were Revolutionary Communist Party members Carl Dix, Sunsara Taylor (an advisory board member with World Can't Wait), and Andy Zee (a spokesman for the Manhattan-based Revolution Books shop managed by the Maoist activist C. Clark Kissinger).


In an effort to prevent a Trump presidency from even getting off the ground, the RF manifesto exhorted leftist agitators nationwide to pour into the streets by “the tens of millions,” so as to “create … a profound political crisis” that would stop “the fascist regime” from being “able to take the reins of government.” But when Trump's January 2017 inauguration ultimately proceeded on schedule, RF shifted its objective to “driving from office” Trump and his “Legion of Doom” cabinet of “white supremacists, woman haters, science deniers, religious fundamentalist zealots, and war mongers.”


RF is part and parcel of the radical leftist movement of lawless thugs whom David Horowitz recently described as follows: “They are not 'sore losers,' as many had surmised when their hysterical attacks on Trump as an American Hitler began; they are an army of saboteurs bent on destroying the government the voters preferred.”

The Anti-Trump Anarchists
April 16, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The New Republic went from a respectable publication to a social justice sewer. This is just another example of how low the social justice sewer flows.

When Hannah Black and her co-signers call for the destruction of this painting, try not to interpret them as book-burners doing the work of censorship.

Hannah Black is a British "artist" with a white mother and whose father was half-Jamaican and half-Irish who specializes in black identity. Black wrote a letter to the Whitney demanding that a painting of Emmett Till be destroyed (yes, destroyed) "because it is not acceptable for a white person to transmute Black suffering into profit and fun".

Black (who appears to be 3/4 white) goes on to rant about "the white gaze". The rest is the crazed hateful garbage you increasingly expect from the identity politics of the left.


This sad, disgusting racist freak show is another demonstration of how the left is eating itself. How its madness and racism are driving out anyone with a gram of decency and leaving behind white people who are making a career out of hating white people... while denouncing white people for exploiting black people by hating white people. If you can parse this madness, you too can be on the left.

New Republic Publishes Insane Racist Call to Destroy Painting
Everybody knows how the alt left is, they call you all kinds of names/things, the only problem they literally act out their violence. They are all they call you X10...

The Left’s incitement to violence leads to terrorism.
June 15, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The Democratic National Committee announced that Resistance Summer would begin in June. James Hodgkinson, a Bernie Sanders volunteer, delivered by opening fire on Republicans playing baseball.

Hodgkinson had spent the weeks before the shooting staring at the site of his future attack and working on his laptop. What was he doing on his laptop? Ranting about Trump and Republicans.

The left-wing terrorist who opened fire on Republicans practicing for a charity baseball game, an event to which they had brought their children, didn’t come up with his own ideas. His Facebook pages were dumpsters rotting with reposted left-wing hate. There was Bill Moyers' Resistance plan along with Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Rachel Maddow, Robert Reich and Noam Chomsky.

They helped shape Hodgkinson’s conviction that Republicans had to be destroyed. Or as the title of a Facebook group that he belonged to put it, “Terminate the Republican Party.”


In her “Resistance” video, former Attorney General Lynch spoke of blood, marching and dying. At Eugene Simpson Stadium Park, the 10-year-old son of Congressman Barton huddled under a bench. Congressman Wenstrup, an Iraq War veteran, struggled to provide aid to the wounded Scalise.

That’s what Lynch’s bleeding and dying looks like. This is what the left’s Resistance really looks like. Democrats, liberals and even leftists ought to take a good look to see if that’s what they really want.

Killing Republicans to Save Health Care and the Planet
June 15, 2017
Trump-Hatred and the Death Fears of the Boomer Left
By James Lewis

If the prospect of hanging in a fortnight concentrates the mind wonderfully, that goes even more for the Boomer left, who are now reaching their '70s. That would include Hillary, Bill, John Kerry, and Bernie Sanders, as well as those cuddly twins, Jim Comey and Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

The Boomer left were the generation of Free Love, the glorious sixties, and the Age of Aquarius. This is why John Kerry considers the jihad against us too 19th-century for words. He's sure it must all be a big misunderstanding, and if we just tell them we love them, they'll stop killing us.

Hillary has her very own Muslim Brotherhood indoctrinee as her closest confidante, Huma Abedin, who helped to run her treacherous email channel to any hacker in the world, including the Russians, the Israelis, the North Koreans, the Chinese, the Iranians, and a couple of doped up kids at MIT.

Everybody hacked into Hillary's amateur server, just to limber up their fingers on a cold morning.

That included big, big foreign donors to the Clinton Foundation, including Ikhwan supporters who want to kill us.

The most obvious reason for Hillary's email setup was to give cover to global influence-peddlers and agents, the same folks who bought missile launching secrets for China from Bill Clinton, before he was impeached and had his heart attack. Never forget that Bill betrayed this country for money, and Hillary is his twin sister.

Comey's and Mueller's attack on POTUS are an obvious effort to distract and cover up the flagrant jihadist infiltration of the Obama years. If Robert Mueller were a patriot, he would be going after Comey, Brennan, and Clapper, plus Huma and Valerie Jarrett. Hell, he would go after Hillary or BHO. Guess what: Mueller is in cahoots with the Three Stooges.

Read more: Articles: Trump-Hatred and the Death Fears of the Boomer Left

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