The Senate Matters Folks

Stop your damn whining, republicans will keep the senate with a larger margin than they have now. Deal with it.

Not if we get off our asses and VOTE.

There are 90 million eligible voters who didn't vote in 2016.

Don't be one of those.

Did that on Oct 22, BTW, how many more of these get out the vote threads are you planning on starting?

As many as it takes.

Are you saying that encouraging people to vote in a democracy is a bad thing?

The mentally retarded should not be voting.
Court packing means adding more Supreme Court Justices. does not.

And Republicans have been packing the lower courts in unprecedented numbers for two years with uber right wing judges and will only accelerate that oace unless they lose the Senate. matters

Yes it does.
It's our history.
FDR and the Court Packing Plan - Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937. Franklin D Roosevelt was the 32nd American President who served in office from March 4, 1933 to April 12, 1945. One of the important events during his second term of presidency was the Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 known as the "court-packing plan".

FDR packing the court - Bing
Here's what Trump is doing to the judiciary. Call it what you will but it's a MAJOR right wing make over

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

He's doing his constitutionally mandated duty by filling vacancies. Maobama went one step further than that with the DC court of appeals, he added 2 seats.

Read the links and you'll see that Trump is reshaping the courts in to a right wing arm of the Republican Party.

That's a good thing.
If he didn't why did harry have to use the nuclear option, Einstein?

"Harry" had to use the nuclear option on LOWER court picks and CABINET nominations because Republicans were obstructing like madmen.

McConnell nuked the Supreme Court after hold the Scalia seat open for a YEAR
Harry the idiot let the cat out of the bag for lower court picks. You assholes convinced yourselves that a Dem victory was inevitable, and we enjoy watching you squirm ... with great relish! :)

Conventional wisdom is that the Republicans will lose the House and keep the Senate.

That MAY protect our healthcare and retirement...but then it may not.

Trump has been STUFFING ultra right wing judicial appointees in the courts for two years and that will only accelerate if Republicans hold the Senate

These partisan creeps will sit on those courts for a GENERATION.

Get off your asses and VOTE people.


Gee, I think I’ll vote against all Democrats now, I didn’t realize how jacked up their thinking was.
Court packing means adding more Supreme Court Justices. does not.

And Republicans have been packing the lower courts in unprecedented numbers for two years with uber right wing judges and will only accelerate that oace unless they lose the Senate. matters

Yes it does.
It's our history.
FDR and the Court Packing Plan - Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937. Franklin D Roosevelt was the 32nd American President who served in office from March 4, 1933 to April 12, 1945. One of the important events during his second term of presidency was the Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 known as the "court-packing plan".

FDR packing the court - Bing
Here's what Trump is doing to the judiciary. Call it what you will but it's a MAJOR right wing make over

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

He's doing his constitutionally mandated duty by filling vacancies. Maobama went one step further than that with the DC court of appeals, he added 2 seats.

Read the links and you'll see that Trump is reshaping the courts in to a right wing arm of the Republican Party.

Yes, Judges that will rule based on the Constitution, not like the left wing activists Judges who make laws, rather than our legislation.
Just remember that roe vs wade was passed by right wing Justices based on Constitutional rights.
Gee, I think I’ll vote against all Democrats now, I didn’t realize how jacked up their thinking was. were gonna sit this one out ...sure.

That's believable
Gee, I think I’ll vote against all Democrats now, I didn’t realize how jacked up their thinking was. were gonna sit this one out ...sure.

That's believable

I was considering voting for a Democrat for the House, however you have made sure I will vote straight GOP, which I never have done before. Thank you, for pointing out your insane paranoia.
People keep asking why I voted Trump....this is why.

My vote helped secure SCOTUS for our children's future

So when they can't get health care and they have no protections at work and they have to breathe in dirty air and drink dirty water... just remember SCOTUS was out there protecting them.

No one wants dirty air or water.
We all want the same things.
Good healthcare for all, work protections.
It's a matter of how it can be done without bankrupting us all.
We tried the lefts way, not working out very well.
Time to try the rights way.
If that doesn't work out, then vote out both parties and we the people will get new parties.
The Butt Pirate asshole Democrats have a chance of taking control of the House but it is likely that the Republicans will pick up a seat or two in the Senate.

The Republican House was not enough to keep Obama from doing major damage to the US. A Democrat House will not be enough to stop Trump from making this country great again.

The most important thing is the Senate because it can block any shit coming out of a Democrat controlled House. Also, with a couple of the Libtard Justices on the death bed it is important not to have Senate that can prevent Conservative Justices from being appointed. The most important thing for our country in the long run.
A Democrat House will not be enough to stop Trump from making this country great again.

This country is great NOW. It has always been great warts and all.

And we have some MAJOR warts in the Oval Office and Congress.
No one wants dirty air or water.
We all want the same things.
Good healthcare for all, work protections.
It's a matter of how it can be done without bankrupting us all.
We tried the lefts way, not working out very well.
Time to try the rights way.
If that doesn't work out, then vote out both parties and we the people will get new parties.

Newsflash. We DID try it the right's way before we passed the ACA.

And as noted. It sucked pretty bad
A Democrat House will not be enough to stop Trump from making this country great again.

This country is great NOW. It has always been great warts and all.

And we have some MAJOR warts in the Oval Office and Congress.

Obama did everything that he possibly could do to make this country a socialist shithole.

Thank god the American people were great enough in 2016 to understand that Crooked Hillary would have been as bad or worse than that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama.

If Republicans lose the House next week it won't be by as near as great a margin as what happened to that asshole Obama in 2010.

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