The Senate Matters Folks

Who actively wants dirty water, dirty air and on and on, no one, it is a dishonest campaign smear by the left.

You mean that they don't openly admit it?

Are you paying attention to how Trump wants us to use more coal? Um, yeah, guy, coal means more dirty water and more dirty air...

Thanks to clean coal technologies it isn't.
What is clean coal technology?
Clean coal?

Where do they make that? China?
Conventional wisdom is that the Republicans will lose the House and keep the Senate.

That MAY protect our healthcare and retirement...but then it may not.

Trump has been STUFFING ultra right wing judicial appointees in the courts for two years and that will only accelerate if Republicans hold the Senate

These partisan creeps will sit on those courts for a GENERATION.

Get off your asses and VOTE people.

Thanks guy that makes my vote for sure. I guess if what you say is true I ll vote for the Repubs
Wow you figured out Republican Presidents put conservative judges in the courts just like Democrat Presidents put liberal judges in them no one gets anything past you.
Just like?

After blocking Dems from seating moderate and liberal judges in an alarming way when Obama was President...Republicans have packed the courts in unprecedented numbers with UBER conservatives...and if they keep the Senate that pace will only accelerate
They are actually moderately conservative at best. YOU are just so far left that a moderate scares the juice out of you.

Trump has not put enough names forward and the Senate needs to step up the pace of putting Constitutional Constructionists on every court level that is currently open.

He needs to have 100% filled by the end of 2020 to ensure that the progressives won't do the harm to this country that the last Administration fostered on us.

To that end, I agree with you.

Get the fuck out there conservatives and votes your asses off.
I have just one Democrat in my State of Alabama, Jones. so far he has voted yea on every Judge Trump has sent to the Senate. So far he will probably get reelected if he keeps up the good work.
He needs to have 100% filled by the end of 2020 to ensure that the progressives won't do the harm to this country that the last Administration fostered on us.

He's not kidding folks.

This is what is at stake

Friggin VOTE like your life depends on does

Fearmongering eh? That’s all you guys have. Fear
No one wants dirty air or water.
We all want the same things.
Good healthcare for all, work protections.
It's a matter of how it can be done without bankrupting us all.
We tried the lefts way, not working out very well.
Time to try the rights way.
If that doesn't work out, then vote out both parties and we the people will get new parties.

Newsflash. We DID try it the right's way before we passed the ACA.

And as noted. It sucked pretty bad

I liked my coverage. Why didn't I get to keep it?
Who actively wants dirty water, dirty air and on and on, no one, it is a dishonest campaign smear by the left.

You mean that they don't openly admit it?

Are you paying attention to how Trump wants us to use more coal? Um, yeah, guy, coal means more dirty water and more dirty air...

Thanks to clean coal technologies it isn't.
What is clean coal technology?
Clean coal?

Where do they make that? China?
Who actively wants dirty water, dirty air and on and on, no one, it is a dishonest campaign smear by the left.

You mean that they don't openly admit it?

Are you paying attention to how Trump wants us to use more coal? Um, yeah, guy, coal means more dirty water and more dirty air...

Thanks to clean coal technologies it isn't.
What is clean coal technology?
Clean coal?

Where do they make that? China?
Who actively wants dirty water, dirty air and on and on, no one, it is a dishonest campaign smear by the left.

You mean that they don't openly admit it?

Are you paying attention to how Trump wants us to use more coal? Um, yeah, guy, coal means more dirty water and more dirty air...

Thanks to clean coal technologies it isn't.
What is clean coal technology?
Clean coal?

Where do they make that? China?

Here in the USA.
Wow you figured out Republican Presidents put conservative judges in the courts just like Democrat Presidents put liberal judges in them no one gets anything past you.
Just like?

After blocking Dems from seating moderate and liberal judges in an alarming way when Obama was President...Republicans have packed the courts in unprecedented numbers with UBER conservatives...and if they keep the Senate that pace will only accelerate
They are actually moderately conservative at best. YOU are just so far left that a moderate scares the juice out of you.

Trump has not put enough names forward and the Senate needs to step up the pace of putting Constitutional Constructionists on every court level that is currently open.

He needs to have 100% filled by the end of 2020 to ensure that the progressives won't do the harm to this country that the last Administration fostered on us.

To that end, I agree with you.

Get the fuck out there conservatives and votes your asses off.
I have just one Democrat in my State of Alabama, Jones. so far he has voted yea on every Judge Trump has sent to the Senate. So far he will probably get reelected if he keeps up the good work.

Did he vote for Kavanaugh? I don't think so!
Wow you figured out Republican Presidents put conservative judges in the courts just like Democrat Presidents put liberal judges in them no one gets anything past you.
Just like?

After blocking Dems from seating moderate and liberal judges in an alarming way when Obama was President...Republicans have packed the courts in unprecedented numbers with UBER conservatives...and if they keep the Senate that pace will only accelerate
Moderate? Get real.
Court packing means adding more Supreme Court Justices. does not.

And Republicans have been packing the lower courts in unprecedented numbers for two years with uber right wing judges and will only accelerate that oace unless they lose the Senate. matters

Yes it does.
It's our history.
FDR and the Court Packing Plan - Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937. Franklin D Roosevelt was the 32nd American President who served in office from March 4, 1933 to April 12, 1945. One of the important events during his second term of presidency was the Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 known as the "court-packing plan".

FDR packing the court - Bing
Here's what Trump is doing to the judiciary. Call it what you will but it's a MAJOR right wing make over

How the Trump Administration Is Remaking the Courts

Yes, and Obama did the same with far left Judges.
Fine...but Trump has managed to pack the lower courts FULL of right wing corporatists and if he gets the chance he'll spend two more years jamming more through.
There are currently 30 vacancies on lower courts and more to come.

We could be looking at a FAR right wing court system for a generation

The Senate MATTERS

You keep saying this as though it were to be a bad thing. Why?
Wow you figured out Republican Presidents put conservative judges in the courts just like Democrat Presidents put liberal judges in them no one gets anything past you.
Just like?

After blocking Dems from seating moderate and liberal judges in an alarming way when Obama was President...Republicans have packed the courts in unprecedented numbers with UBER conservatives...and if they keep the Senate that pace will only accelerate
They are actually moderately conservative at best. YOU are just so far left that a moderate scares the juice out of you.

Trump has not put enough names forward and the Senate needs to step up the pace of putting Constitutional Constructionists on every court level that is currently open.

He needs to have 100% filled by the end of 2020 to ensure that the progressives won't do the harm to this country that the last Administration fostered on us.

To that end, I agree with you.

Get the fuck out there conservatives and votes your asses off.
I have just one Democrat in my State of Alabama, Jones. so far he has voted yea on every Judge Trump has sent to the Senate.
Pardon my stalker. He's got issues.

And don't for a minute think the Senate can' be won if we VOTE
Pardon my stalker. He's got issues.

And don't for a minute think the Senate can' be won if we VOTE
Actually, to win the Senate, the progressives will need a bunch of the independents, and to get those, progressives will have to actually come up with a positive vision for America.

You simply don't have that in your character.

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