The Senate Matters Folks

People keep asking why I voted Trump....this is why.

My vote helped secure SCOTUS for our children's future
And we'll ALL be paying for that for a LONG time...and there will be two more years of court packing unless the Senate goes Dem
Well it ain’t going dimocrat so get working on Plan B.

Oh, and a friendly reminder Trump could get 2 more SCOTUS appointments! Or more!!!! LOL...sleep tight!
"In all the time I’ve been President, almost two years, never once did Senator Bill Nelson call me to ask for help for the Great State of Florida. I never see him until election time...Lake Okeechobee and all of the hurricane money were a passion for Rick Scott, who called endlessly on behalf of the People of Florida.

Rumor has it that Senator Joe Donnelly of Indiana is paying for Facebook ads for his so-called opponent on the libertarian ticket. Donnelly is trying to steal the election? Isn’t that what Russia did!?

Arizona is such a Great State but it needs Border Security which McSally will provide, and Krysten Sinema doesn’t even think about. If it were up to Sinema - drugs, crime and illegal traffic will be flowing into Arizona at an ever increasing pace. Vote for Martha!

If Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi gain the majority, they will try to raise your taxes, restore job-killing regulations, shut down your coal mines and timber mills, take away your healthcare, impose socialism, and ERASE your borders." - President Trump
Well it ain’t going dimocrat so get working on Plan B.

Oh, and a friendly reminder Trump could get 2 more SCOTUS appointments! Or more!!!! LOL...sleep tight!

Remember that folks...Get out and VOTE.

90 million people didn't vote in the Presidential election.

That means if you get off your ass this CAN be stopped
Bob Menendez is a corrupt swamp rat. Bob Hugin is a marine. clear choices for New Jersey. vote for Bob!
Pardon my stalker. He's got issues.

And don't for a minute think the Senate can' be won if we VOTE
Actually, to win the Senate, the progressives will need a bunch of the independents, and to get those, progressives will have to actually come up with a positive vision for America.

You simply don't have that in your character.

They will need detailed policy. They refuse to do that and it's because they are all about Wall Street. It's the way they operate.
Bob Menendez is a corrupt swamp rat. Bob Hugin is a marine. clear choices for New Jersey. vote for Bob!

Yea great guy

During Hugin's tenure, Celgene was reprimanded multiple times by the U.S Food and Drug Administration, including a formal warning letter in 2000 for not sharing all the risks associated with their drugs, and for marketing their drug Thalomid and others to doctors for unapproved uses. In 2017, Celgene was forced to pay $280 million in response to a lawsuit regarding these practices.[5] Hugin has been criticized for drastically raising the prices of several drugs while he was in charge of Celgene.[5][15] For example, in 2006, the drug Revlimid was introduced to the market and cost about $6,000 for a one-month supply. Celgene was able to actively prevent generic versions of the drug from being sold, and by the year 2017, the price for the same amount of Revlimid had been raised by Celgene to over $16,000.[5]
"Angus King is a Fake Independent who votes with Schumer 88% of the time. Angus wants to repopulate Maine with Syrian and Somalian refugees. Support @SenatorBrakey who fights for secure borders and Better Jobs for Maine." - President Trump
Who actively wants dirty water, dirty air and on and on, no one, it is a dishonest campaign smear by the left.

You mean that they don't openly admit it?

Are you paying attention to how Trump wants us to use more coal? Um, yeah, guy, coal means more dirty water and more dirty air...
Who actively wants dirty water, dirty air and on and on, no one, it is a dishonest campaign smear by the left.

You mean that they don't openly admit it?

Are you paying attention to how Trump wants us to use more coal? Um, yeah, guy, coal means more dirty water and more dirty air...

Look up how there is clean coal technology.
What do you think Trump is talking about when he says that?
Court packing means adding more Supreme Court Justices. does not.

And Republicans have been packing the lower courts in unprecedented numbers for two years with uber right wing judges and will only accelerate that oace unless they lose the Senate. matters

Yes it does.
It's our history.
FDR and the Court Packing Plan - Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937. Franklin D Roosevelt was the 32nd American President who served in office from March 4, 1933 to April 12, 1945. One of the important events during his second term of presidency was the Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 known as the "court-packing plan".

FDR packing the court - Bing
Here's what Trump is doing to the judiciary. Call it what you will but it's a MAJOR right wing make over

How the Trump Administration Is Remaking the Courts

Yes, and Obama did the same with far left Judges.
Fine...but Trump has managed to pack the lower courts FULL of right wing corporatists and if he gets the chance he'll spend two more years jamming more through.
There are currently 30 vacancies on lower courts and more to come.

We could be looking at a FAR right wing court system for a generation

The Senate MATTERS

Well little simpleton, the commies have zero chance taking the senate, so get used to the idea of those 30 seats being filled by Trump. LMAO

historically, the party out of power wins the House AND Senate

if the Dems only win the House, that's an L. that's a loss!
By the way, Moon Bats. Before you get too uppity thinking about winning the House next week remember the real reason. It is not that this country is turning Moon Bat. It is because many incumbent Republican House members decided not to run this year. Many more than normal.

Republicans will not lose 1,000 national office like what happen to the Democrat Party when Obama was President.

ACtually, there aren't 1000 national offices to lose.

There are exactly 536. 425 house seats, 100 Senate Seats and 1 president.

Math is something you struggle at, isn't it.

THere's a reason why so many GOP guys decided not to run again. They didn't want to have to get in front of their voters and try to defend Trump.

Wrong dumb ass, there 435 seats in the house and 100 in the senate, and none of them are national seats, they're all state seats.

Wrong dumb ass, there 435 seats in the house and 100 in the senate, and none of them are national seats, they're all state seats.

Your response makes no sense in relation to the post you were responding to
Look pop, I'm doing better than I ever have. I can go where I want, buy what I want and all without the handouts you demand. I work hard, I pay my taxes and enjoy my life.

  • You? You sit here and whine about how you've been done wrong. Just die and get it over with.

Actually, I probably make more money than you do... but I don't consider lead free drinking water to be a handout.

I also don't think that getting good health care AFTER I've paid insurance is a "handout".

What makes you think you have lead free drinking water, the EPA has acceptable standards for lead in potable water. It's 15 parts per billion. LMAO Lead free, ROFLMAO

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Look pop, I'm doing better than I ever have. I can go where I want, buy what I want and all without the handouts you demand. I work hard, I pay my taxes and enjoy my life.

  • You? You sit here and whine about how you've been done wrong. Just die and get it over with.

Actually, I probably make more money than you do... but I don't consider lead free drinking water to be a handout.

I also don't think that getting good health care AFTER I've paid insurance is a "handout".

What make you think you have lead free drinking water, the EPA has acceptable standards for lead in potable water. It's 15 parts per billion. LMAO Lead free, ROFLMAO

At what level is is safe genius?
Conventional wisdom is that the Republicans will lose the House and keep the Senate.

That MAY protect our healthcare and retirement...but then it may not.

Trump has been STUFFING ultra right wing judicial appointees in the courts for two years and that will only accelerate if Republicans hold the Senate

These partisan creeps will sit on those courts for a GENERATION.

Get off your asses and VOTE people.

Perhaps you (collectively) should have been more respectful of White Straight Christian America while you still could.

You're out of time now... enjoy your shrinking down into the Party of Minorities and Angry Kollege Kiddies and Wiggers.

You've ALREADY lost The Court for a generation or more.

As is usual with you lot... A Day Late and a Dollar Short...
Look pop, I'm doing better than I ever have. I can go where I want, buy what I want and all without the handouts you demand. I work hard, I pay my taxes and enjoy my life.

  • You? You sit here and whine about how you've been done wrong. Just die and get it over with.

Actually, I probably make more money than you do... but I don't consider lead free drinking water to be a handout.

I also don't think that getting good health care AFTER I've paid insurance is a "handout".

What make you think you have lead free drinking water, the EPA has acceptable standards for lead in potable water. It's 15 parts per billion. LMAO Lead free, ROFLMAO

At what level is is safe genius?

For you, one part in one, chew on that. LMAO Wait, I think you already have been by the stupid shit you post.

Yet you didn't include that post so people might see how fucked in the head you are. FOAD

Hey haven't figured out what the arrows are for in the quotes?

HEHEH....shhhhhh...don't tell him.

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