The Senate Matters Folks

Conventional wisdom is that the Republicans will lose the House and keep the Senate.

That MAY protect our healthcare and retirement...but then it may not.

Trump has been STUFFING ultra right wing judicial appointees in the courts for two years and that will only accelerate if Republicans hold the Senate

These partisan creeps will sit on those courts for a GENERATION.

Get off your asses and VOTE people.

Like I always have said all progressives are fucked in the head
Perhaps you (collectively) should have been more respectful of and paid more attention to White Straight Christian America while you still could.

You're out of time now... enjoy shrinking own into the Party of Minorities and Angry Kollege Kiddies and Wiggers.

Spoken like a true Trumper.

Perhaps you (collectively) should have been more respectful of and paid more attention to White Straight Christian America while you still could.

You're out of time now... enjoy shrinking own into the Party of Minorities and Angry Kollege Kiddies and Wiggers.

Spoken like a true Trumper.

Good thing for me that I can't stand Trump then, eh?

And, of course, your deflection merely delays your (collective) need to look in the mirror to understand your loss in 2016.

The truth (about your loss in 2016) hurts, doesn't it?
Hey dumb ass, feel free to point out the arrow in post 133. Now I'm sure you're a product of a high lead diet.

You mean the one I just went and clicked on?

The one that took me to the idiotic post of yours that made no fucking sense?

That one?

Oh're funny. Thank you. I needed a laugh and YOU are friggin hilarious
Conventional wisdom is that the Republicans will lose the House and keep the Senate.

That MAY protect our healthcare and retirement...but then it may not.

Trump has been STUFFING ultra right wing judicial appointees in the courts for two years and that will only accelerate if Republicans hold the Senate

These partisan creeps will sit on those courts for a GENERATION.

Get off your asses and VOTE people.

Perhaps you (collectively) should have been more respectful of White Straight Christian America while you still could.

You're out of time now... enjoy your shrinking down into the Party of Minorities and Angry Kollege Kiddies and Wiggers.

You've ALREADY lost The Court for a generation or more.

As is usual with you lot... A Day Late and a Dollar Short...
There are 30 seats open right now and more to come.

Take this guy seriously.'

Those seats will go to people he agrees with if Dems don't take back the Senate
Perhaps you (collectively) should have been more respectful of and paid more attention to White Straight Christian America while you still could.

You're out of time now... enjoy shrinking own into the Party of Minorities and Angry Kollege Kiddies and Wiggers.

Spoken like a true Trumper.

Conventional wisdom is that the Republicans will lose the House and keep the Senate.

That MAY protect our healthcare and retirement...but then it may not.

Trump has been STUFFING ultra right wing judicial appointees in the courts for two years and that will only accelerate if Republicans hold the Senate

These partisan creeps will sit on those courts for a GENERATION.

Get off your asses and VOTE people.

Perhaps you (collectively) should have been more respectful of White Straight Christian America while you still could.

You're out of time now... enjoy your shrinking down into the Party of Minorities and Angry Kollege Kiddies and Wiggers.

You've ALREADY lost The Court for a generation or more.

As is usual with you lot... A Day Late and a Dollar Short...
There are 30 seats open right now and more to come.

Take this guy seriously.'

Those seats will go to people he agrees with if Dems don't take back the Senate
Good thing for me, then, that I'm (oh-so-reluctantly) voting (D) on Tuesday, isn't it?

But only because I'm worried about autocracy, and old-age issues, not because I trust you (collective) assholes.

The trouble with idjits like you is that you (collectively) think the world is Black-and White.

Entirely dismissing those who think (D) on one issue, (R) on another, and (I) or (L) or (G) or (S) on another.

Like Right-Wingers, most LibTards are One Trick Ponies (single-ballot, single-aisle) who really just don't understand their audience.
Good thing for me that I can't stand Trump then, eh?

And, of course, your deflection merely delays your (collective) need to look in the mirror to understand your loss in 2016.

The truth (about your loss in 2016) hurts, doesn't it?'re voting D...

SUre ya are.
Good thing for me that I can't stand Trump then, eh?

And, of course, your deflection merely delays your (collective) need to look in the mirror to understand your loss in 2016.

The truth (about your loss in 2016) hurts, doesn't it?'re voting D...

SUre ya are.
Re: the United States v One-Trick-Ponies...

"Your Honor... the Prosecution rests."


You really just don't get it, do you, boy?

The way forward is to realign with the mainstream, to strengthen your position on some issues, and to abandon it on others.

The Republic needs an effective Opposition Party just now, more than ever; trouble is... as you're presently constituted... you ain't it.

I bitch-slap Ds because they are arrogant, and deserve to be humbled from time to time...

Arrogant people need to be bitch-slapped from time to time, to keep them sufficiently humble so as to avoid tyranny from their side...

As to personal political leanings:

I think (R) on immigration...

I think (R) on Israel...

I think (R) on Muslims...

I think (R) on LGBTQ...

I think (R) on the military...

I think (R) on foreign policy...

I think (R) on religion...

I think (R) on veterans issues...

I think (D) on voting rights...

I think (D) (modified) on gun rights...

I think (D) on social services programming...

I think (D) on retirement issues...

I think (D) on education issues...

I think (D) on racial equality issues...

I think (D) on corporate regulation...

I think (D) on environmental issues...

I think (D) on healthcare...


And on and on and on...

It's called "having separate opinions on separate issues"...

Something that you (collective) assholes have lost sight of...

The only reason why I'm voting (D) is because I think the current Robber Baron is grotesquely unfit for high office...

And I don't want to empower him any more than necessary, while we're waiting for his term to expire...

But I'm not voting (D) because I trust you (collective) idiots...

It's just that the time has come to put your training wheels back on and to give you marginal control of the House of Commons again...

That will give you another two years to get your (collective) shit together, so that America can decide whether to trust you more fully again...

But you've (collectively) got to wise-up, first, and, so far, two years beyond your latest humiliation, you haven't managed that yet...

And by that I mean, you have failed to tweak your agenda and approach to re-embrace White Straight Christian America again...

Continue to fail to do so at your own very great political peril...

Every year you delay doing so, you give the Other Side great cause for jubilation...

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Perhaps you (collectively) should have been more respectful of White Straight Christian America while you still could.

You're out of time now... enjoy your shrinking down into the Party of Minorities and Angry Kollege Kiddies and Wiggers.

You've ALREADY lost The Court for a generation or more.

As is usual with you lot... A Day Late and a Dollar Short... D.

You folks are funny...I'll give you that
People keep asking why I voted Trump....this is why.

My vote helped secure SCOTUS for our children's future
What does that even mean? What, specifically, about a conservative SCOTUS secures your children’s future on any level?
...a rejection of socialism
Okay, and the alternative is...what? Unfettered capitalism? For the most part we already have that. The result is that poverty grows and the middle class shrinks.
People keep asking why I voted Trump....this is why.

My vote helped secure SCOTUS for our children's future
What does that even mean? What, specifically, about a conservative SCOTUS secures your children’s future on any level?
...a rejection of socialism
Okay, and the alternative is...what? Unfettered capitalism? For the most part we already have that. The result is that poverty grows and the middle class shrinks.
Na, not really
Hey dumb ass, feel free to point out the arrow in post 133. Now I'm sure you're a product of a high lead diet.

You mean the one I just went and clicked on?

The one that took me to the idiotic post of yours that made no fucking sense?

That one?

Oh're funny. Thank you. I needed a laugh and YOU are friggin hilarious

The one that did NOTHING when I clicked on it. Run along lead lush, damn that sound like a great name for you from now on. Give me time, it will spread on the board like wildfire. Hell I may just put in my sig.

Lash = lead lush, perfect! MAJOR LMAO

Conventional wisdom is that the Republicans will lose the House and keep the Senate.

That MAY protect our healthcare and retirement...but then it may not.

Trump has been STUFFING ultra right wing judicial appointees in the courts for two years and that will only accelerate if Republicans hold the Senate

These partisan creeps will sit on those courts for a GENERATION.

Get off your asses and VOTE people.

Perhaps you (collectively) should have been more respectful of White Straight Christian America while you still could.

You're out of time now... enjoy your shrinking down into the Party of Minorities and Angry Kollege Kiddies and Wiggers.

You've ALREADY lost The Court for a generation or more.

As is usual with you lot... A Day Late and a Dollar Short...
There are 30 seats open right now and more to come.

Take this guy seriously.'

Those seats will go to people he agrees with if Dems don't take back the Senate

Paint them all gone, hell they'll probably be filled by Christmas, Merry Christmas, lead lush.

People keep asking why I voted Trump....this is why.

My vote helped secure SCOTUS for our children's future
What does that even mean? What, specifically, about a conservative SCOTUS secures your children’s future on any level?
...a rejection of socialism
Okay, and the alternative is...what? Unfettered capitalism? For the most part we already have that. The result is that poverty grows and the middle class shrinks.

Tissue? Such a freaking delusional drama queen.

People keep asking why I voted Trump....this is why.

My vote helped secure SCOTUS for our children's future
What does that even mean? What, specifically, about a conservative SCOTUS secures your children’s future on any level?
...a rejection of socialism
Okay, and the alternative is...what? Unfettered capitalism? For the most part we already have that. The result is that poverty grows and the middle class shrinks.

Tissue? Such a freaking delusional drama queen.

You know I’m right.
People keep asking why I voted Trump....this is why.

My vote helped secure SCOTUS for our children's future
What does that even mean? What, specifically, about a conservative SCOTUS secures your children’s future on any level?
...a rejection of socialism
Okay, and the alternative is...what? Unfettered capitalism? For the most part we already have that. The result is that poverty grows and the middle class shrinks.

Tissue? Such a freaking delusional drama queen.

You know I’m right.

WRONG, I saw the middle class shrinking under the mulatto messiah, jobs are plentiful now and wages are on the rise, and all you commies can do is bitch and whine that we're all gonna die. Your tears are the sweetest thing I've seen in a while.


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