"The Senator Next Door" Amy Klobuchar gives announcement speech for president in the freezing snow!!

Senator next door my ass.
She lives in a high priced suburb Plymouth near Lake Minnetonka where houses typically go in the millions.
The wealthy liberal elites in the western suburbs living in gated communities would be no neighbor of those they claim to be speaking for.
I couldn't afford to be her neighbor.

little jealous are you?
Not really.
I frame houses in the area. Hypocrite liberals are our best customers, and as long as they don't practice what they preach when it comes to income disparity, my ass is busy.
Not jealous of an overtaxed high priced area where a 1/4 acre lot goes for 300k and property taxes in the tens of thousands. Where liberal city codes push the cost of permits and fees to the city in excess of 80k on said lot before a shovel even hits the ground.

The ones who should be jealous are her own supporters living in poverty just 20 minutes away.
well, if you actually followed politics of the midwest you would support Amy. Seems like you need to be better informed.

If you knew anything about MN politics, you would know that the population center of the Twin Cities controls the politics of the entire state. As a troll, I don't expect you to know anything about MN.
An island of blue surrounded by a sea of red counties.
You would know that many rural communities are fighting and winning against a non elected governing body known as the Met Council, trying to force exurbs to conform to standards of population density put forth by those in the cities. Trying to force
a metro approved comprehensive plan for higher density where it isn't wanted or even practical.
"Washingtonian once named her Congress’s second least likely to get into a scandal—but last fall she made headlines during the Kavanaugh hearings, emerging as a liberal folk hero for her measured, unflappable, unshowy approach to questioning the nominee."
If you knew anything about MN politics, you would know that the population center of the Twin Cities controls the politics of the entire state. As a troll, I don't expect you to know anything about MN.
An island of blue surrounded by a sea of red counties.
You would know that many rural communities are fighting and winning against a non elected governing body known as the Met Council, trying to force exurbs to conform to standards of population density put forth by those in the cities. Trying to force
a metro approved comprehensive plan for higher density where it isn't wanted or even practical.
The entire Met Council needs the old one-way helicopter ride.
Not really.
I frame houses in the area. Hypocrite liberals are our best customers, and as long as they don't practice what they preach when it comes to income disparity, my ass is busy.
Not jealous of an overtaxed high priced area where a 1/4 acre lot goes for 300k and property taxes in the tens of thousands. Where liberal city codes push the cost of permits and fees to the city in excess of 80k on said lot before a shovel even hits the ground.

The ones who should be jealous are her own supporters living in poverty just 20 minutes away.
They'll be the Stockholm syndrome suffering saps most likely to vote for her.
Amy looked frigid today.
IF she wants others to cross the bridge of our divisions, as a purported leader she better be first on......I dont see it... do you
she feels VIGOROUSLY that she will change America
So she lacks gravitas......
She braved the freezing the snow to fight for her state and now for america

Isn't "freezing" "snow" a bit redundant? Doesn't snow kind of require freezing?

Senator next door my ass.
She lives in a high priced suburb Plymouth near Lake Minnetonka where houses typically go in the millions.
The wealthy liberal elites in the western suburbs living in gated communities would be no neighbor of those they claim to be speaking for.
I couldn't afford to be her neighbor.
She also had the skids greased for her by her well-known newspaperman father.....If her name was Amy Nelson, she'd still be shuffling paper for the Hennepin County DA's office.
And a little 60 million dollar loan to trump from daddy means nothing?
Senator next door my ass.
She lives in a high priced suburb Plymouth near Lake Minnetonka where houses typically go in the millions.
The wealthy liberal elites in the western suburbs living in gated communities would be no neighbor of those they claim to be speaking for.
I couldn't afford to be her neighbor.
She also had the skids greased for her by her well-known newspaperman father.....If her name was Amy Nelson, she'd still be shuffling paper for the Hennepin County DA's office.
And a little 60 million dollar loan to trump from daddy means nothing?
Irrelevant....And that didn't get him into political office, numbnutz.
our nation must be governed not from chaos but from opportunity, not by wallowing over what's wrong, but by marching toward what's right!

that means gay rights and trans rights and women's rights and men's rights as human rights
That right there just disqualified her. Why cant she be for human rights? Are you saying that Gay/Trans/and Women arent human?

stream it live right now! SHE IS VIVACIOUS!


I hope she takes on Global Warming like the rest of the liberal politicians are.....

She has like a good little Marxist Socialist Democrat.

Did you notice how I used SARCASM in my statement? Where is she standing and what is happening all around her?

All you need to know is that she signed ONTO the Green New Deal.
Senator next door my ass.
She lives in a high priced suburb Plymouth near Lake Minnetonka where houses typically go in the millions.
The wealthy liberal elites in the western suburbs living in gated communities would be no neighbor of those they claim to be speaking for.
I couldn't afford to be her neighbor.
She also had the skids greased for her by her well-known newspaperman father.....If her name was Amy Nelson, she'd still be shuffling paper for the Hennepin County DA's office.
And a little 60 million dollar loan to trump from daddy means nothing?
Irrelevant....And that didn't get him into political office, numbnutz.
It stopped him from going to debtors prison
She has more of a reputation of being a hate filled abusive bitch than even Crooked Hillary.

We all saw what an asshole she was during the Kavanaugh hearings, didn't we?

She is a loony far Left dumbshit but in the bat shit crazy Democrat Party she is a "moderate".

The Democrats continue to offer up potential candidates that are dumb, stupid, full of hate and are first rate assholes. The core of the Democrat Party.
Well, it happened again. Amy Klobuchar announced that she is running for President, talking proudly of fighting global warming while standing in a virtual blizzard of snow, ice and freezing temperatures. Bad timing. By the end of her speech she looked like a Snowman(woman)!

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February
She has more of a reputation of being a hate filled abusive bitch than even Crooked Hillary.

We all saw what an asshole she was during the Kavanaugh hearings, didn't we?

She is a loony far Left dumbshit but in the bat shit crazy Democrat Party she is a "moderate".

The Democrats continue to offer up potential candidates that are dumb, stupid, full of hate and are first rate assholes. The core of the Democrat Party.
And still far better than the vile moron trump
How inconsiderate letting her supporters be out in the blizzard like that. Soon they will get hit with the flu all cause of Klobuchar wasn’t considerate of having it indoors.

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