The Shocking Secret Behind ObamaCare Enrollment Numbers


How can you NOT see that opposing Obamacare is going to be "THE" winning ticket for the next 2-3 election cycles? Obamacare is a disruptive each piece unfolds (and unravels) every person/ family and business in the country will be effected and it won't be in a good way...

because now that 8 million people have signed up, it is no longer a winning ticket for the obama deranged. it is only "convincing" to those who already are in agreement with the rant and rave temper tantruming rightwing house.

and even if it were.... you still can't run loons and expect to win.

you actually have to OFFER something besides cutting taxes for corporatists.

You can't be this stupid Jillian. At least 5 million people lost their policies. Enrolling 7 or 8 million is really nothing to celebrate. What happens when the employer policies are required to meet the O'care requirements? When 35 or 40 million people are told that they no longer are covered by their employers, what do you think the political ramifications will be?

It is a NET 8 million plus who now have coverage.
because now that 8 million people have signed up, it is no longer a winning ticket for the obama deranged. it is only "convincing" to those who already are in agreement with the rant and rave temper tantruming rightwing house.

and even if it were.... you still can't run loons and expect to win.

you actually have to OFFER something besides cutting taxes for corporatists.

You can't be this stupid Jillian. At least 5 million people lost their policies. Enrolling 7 or 8 million is really nothing to celebrate. What happens when the employer policies are required to meet the O'care requirements? When 35 or 40 million people are told that they no longer are covered by their employers, what do you think the political ramifications will be?

It is a NET 8 million plus who now have coverage.

Prove it.

then tell us how many paid.

then after that, explain how 8 million becomes 46 million. ....

i love fuzzy liberal math......please entertain me!!
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When you see the issue ads, remember it was I who told you they were coming.

The ads will have no effect, the people on the street living with this know the truth and no lies be touted as truth are going to change that.

You remember I told you that.

Yeah, you go with that. :lol:

I fully plan to kid, as I said I KNOW what people are thinking about this thing.
You can't be this stupid Jillian. At least 5 million people lost their policies. Enrolling 7 or 8 million is really nothing to celebrate. What happens when the employer policies are required to meet the O'care requirements? When 35 or 40 million people are told that they no longer are covered by their employers, what do you think the political ramifications will be?

It is a NET 8 million plus who now have coverage.

Prove it.

then tell us how many paid.

then after that, explain how 8 million becomes 46 million. ....

i love fuzzy liberal math......please entertain me!!

They can't "prove" anything, the fact that The Liar IN Chief says it is all they matter that the bastard lies continuously.
You can't be this stupid Jillian. At least 5 million people lost their policies. Enrolling 7 or 8 million is really nothing to celebrate. What happens when the employer policies are required to meet the O'care requirements? When 35 or 40 million people are told that they no longer are covered by their employers, what do you think the political ramifications will be?

It is a NET 8 million plus who now have coverage.

Prove it.

then tell us how many paid.

then after that, explain how 8 million becomes 46 million. ....

i love fuzzy liberal math......please entertain me!!

Are you alleging that Gallup is lying?

Newly Insured in 2014 Represent About 4% of U.S. Adults

These findings are based on interviewing with more than 20,000 U.S. adults, aged 18 and older, conducted as part of Gallup Daily tracking from March 4-April 14. Gallup asked those who have health insurance if their policy is new for 2014, and if so, whether they had insurance last year and if they got their new insurance through a federal or state health exchange.

Overall, 11.8% of U.S. adults say they got a new health insurance policy in 2014. One-third of this group, or 4% nationally, say they did not have insurance in 2013. Another 7.5% got a new policy this year that replaced a previous policy. The rest either did not respond or were uncertain about their previous insurance status.

The key figure is the 4% who are newly insured in 2014, which most likely represents Americans' response to the individual mandate requirement the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This estimate of the newly insured broadly aligns with the reduction Gallup has seen in the national uninsured rate from 2013 to the first days of April 2014. However, the calculation of the newly insured does not take into account those who may have been insured in 2013 but not in 2014.

If you can prove that Gallup is lying then we can go from there, but first you need to establish that they are wrong.

How can you NOT see that opposing Obamacare is going to be "THE" winning ticket for the next 2-3 election cycles? Obamacare is a disruptive each piece unfolds (and unravels) every person/ family and business in the country will be effected and it won't be in a good way...

because now that 8 million people have signed up, it is no longer a winning ticket for the obama deranged. it is only "convincing" to those who already are in agreement with the rant and rave temper tantruming rightwing house.

and even if it were.... you still can't run loons and expect to win.

you actually have to OFFER something besides cutting taxes for corporatists.

Demcrats are going to go after Republican incumbents with a vengeance.

The issue ads practically write themselves. Democratic candidates, and the SuperPACS and JFCs who support them, will run ads reminding everyone how the Republicans blocked the Medicaid expansion in their state, thus preventing voting citizens of their states from getting insured.

They will also run ads reminding everyone how the Republicans failed to build a state health insurance exchange, thus doing everything they could to stop people from getting insured.

How can you NOT see this coming?


How can you NOT see that opposing Obamacare is going to be "THE" winning ticket for the next 2-3 election cycles? Obamacare is a disruptive each piece unfolds (and unravels) every person/ family and business in the country will be effected and it won't be in a good way...

So your platform is to deprive the sick of healthcare and you believe that this is going to win you the next 2-3 election cycles?

Reality doesn't play a big role in your political strategy, does it?

I love how opposing Obamacare is depriving the sick of healthcare.

The whole thing is based on signing up a lot of healthy young people.

And when the horror stories about those getting kicked off their health care or paying a lot more for it start to hit the's going to be fun.

Opposing Obamacare <> depriving people of health care.

This is so stupid, it isn't funny.

How can you NOT see that opposing Obamacare is going to be "THE" winning ticket for the next 2-3 election cycles? Obamacare is a disruptive each piece unfolds (and unravels) every person/ family and business in the country will be effected and it won't be in a good way...

because now that 8 million people have signed up, it is no longer a winning ticket for the obama deranged. it is only "convincing" to those who already are in agreement with the rant and rave temper tantruming rightwing house.

and even if it were.... you still can't run loons and expect to win.

you actually have to OFFER something besides cutting taxes for corporatists.

You can't be this stupid Jillian. At least 5 million people lost their policies. Enrolling 7 or 8 million is really nothing to celebrate. What happens when the employer policies are required to meet the O'care requirements? When 35 or 40 million people are told that they no longer are covered by their employers, what do you think the political ramifications will be?

Let me promise you....she is.

The delay in employer requirements to past the 2016 elections isn't because they think it will take that long to get a website that is robust.
It is a NET 8 million plus who now have coverage.

Prove it.

then tell us how many paid.

then after that, explain how 8 million becomes 46 million. ....

i love fuzzy liberal math......please entertain me!!

Are you alleging that Gallup is lying?

Newly Insured in 2014 Represent About 4% of U.S. Adults

These findings are based on interviewing with more than 20,000 U.S. adults, aged 18 and older, conducted as part of Gallup Daily tracking from March 4-April 14. Gallup asked those who have health insurance if their policy is new for 2014, and if so, whether they had insurance last year and if they got their new insurance through a federal or state health exchange.

Overall, 11.8% of U.S. adults say they got a new health insurance policy in 2014. One-third of this group, or 4% nationally, say they did not have insurance in 2013. Another 7.5% got a new policy this year that replaced a previous policy. The rest either did not respond or were uncertain about their previous insurance status.

The key figure is the 4% who are newly insured in 2014, which most likely represents Americans' response to the individual mandate requirement the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This estimate of the newly insured broadly aligns with the reduction Gallup has seen in the national uninsured rate from 2013 to the first days of April 2014. However, the calculation of the newly insured does not take into account those who may have been insured in 2013 but not in 2014.

If you can prove that Gallup is lying then we can go from there, but first you need to establish that they are wrong.

You just pointed out that the MAJORITY already HAD insurance and had to replace it with an ACA plan.

You NEGLECTED to mention that MOST of what Gallup found was that the largest increases came from Medicare and Group plans.....

Gallup ALSO said that 7.8 million bought OFF exchange plans and that of those numbers only .4 were newly insured.

How can you NOT see that opposing Obamacare is going to be "THE" winning ticket for the next 2-3 election cycles? Obamacare is a disruptive each piece unfolds (and unravels) every person/ family and business in the country will be effected and it won't be in a good way...

because now that 8 million people have signed up, it is no longer a winning ticket for the obama deranged. it is only "convincing" to those who already are in agreement with the rant and rave temper tantruming rightwing house.

and even if it were.... you still can't run loons and expect to win.

you actually have to OFFER something besides cutting taxes for corporatists.

You can't be this stupid Jillian. At least 5 million people lost their policies. Enrolling 7 or 8 million is really nothing to celebrate. What happens when the employer policies are required to meet the O'care requirements? When 35 or 40 million people are told that they no longer are covered by their employers, what do you think the political ramifications will be?

hardly stupid.... but i am bored of the obama-deranged who don't live in a fact-based reality.

for the truth - impaired:

There's a very simple reason that Obamacare hit 8 million sign-ups: Being uninsured is horrible.

But the political conversation over Obamacare was driven almost entirely by people who had, and knew they would be able to keep, their health insurance. It was filled with a lot of assumptions, theories, and speculations about what people who didn't have good insurance, or any insurance, would do. And after Obamacare's disastrous launch, the theory took hold that these people wouldn't find this untested program worth the trouble. It was the permanently insured speculating about the uninsured and the barely insured – and, unsurprisingly, they got it wrong.

Obamacare succeeded for one simple reason: it&#39;s horrible to be uninsured - Vox

but, again, this is why no one is listening to the rightwing drumbeat except the right
because now that 8 million people have signed up, it is no longer a winning ticket for the obama deranged. it is only "convincing" to those who already are in agreement with the rant and rave temper tantruming rightwing house.

and even if it were.... you still can't run loons and expect to win.

you actually have to OFFER something besides cutting taxes for corporatists.

You can't be this stupid Jillian. At least 5 million people lost their policies. Enrolling 7 or 8 million is really nothing to celebrate. What happens when the employer policies are required to meet the O'care requirements? When 35 or 40 million people are told that they no longer are covered by their employers, what do you think the political ramifications will be?

hardly stupid.... but i am bored of the obama-deranged who don't live in a fact-based reality.

for the truth - impaired:

There's a very simple reason that Obamacare hit 8 million sign-ups: Being uninsured is horrible.

But the political conversation over Obamacare was driven almost entirely by people who had, and knew they would be able to keep, their health insurance. It was filled with a lot of assumptions, theories, and speculations about what people who didn't have good insurance, or any insurance, would do. And after Obamacare's disastrous launch, the theory took hold that these people wouldn't find this untested program worth the trouble. It was the permanently insured speculating about the uninsured and the barely insured – and, unsurprisingly, they got it wrong.

Obamacare succeeded for one simple reason: it's horrible to be uninsured - Vox

but, again, this is why no one is listening to the rightwing drumbeat except the right

The only drumbeats I hear are coming from drooling leftloon ObamaBots crowing about enrollment numbers (that are unverifiable).

Not a word about the 46 million uninsured or the $2500 per family we'll all be saving..... :lol:

Let's revisit this after the midterms. Then again after Nov. 2016....

You can't be this stupid Jillian. At least 5 million people lost their policies. Enrolling 7 or 8 million is really nothing to celebrate. What happens when the employer policies are required to meet the O'care requirements? When 35 or 40 million people are told that they no longer are covered by their employers, what do you think the political ramifications will be?

hardly stupid.... but i am bored of the obama-deranged who don't live in a fact-based reality.

for the truth - impaired:

There's a very simple reason that Obamacare hit 8 million sign-ups: Being uninsured is horrible.

But the political conversation over Obamacare was driven almost entirely by people who had, and knew they would be able to keep, their health insurance. It was filled with a lot of assumptions, theories, and speculations about what people who didn't have good insurance, or any insurance, would do. And after Obamacare's disastrous launch, the theory took hold that these people wouldn't find this untested program worth the trouble. It was the permanently insured speculating about the uninsured and the barely insured – and, unsurprisingly, they got it wrong.

Obamacare succeeded for one simple reason: it's horrible to be uninsured - Vox

but, again, this is why no one is listening to the rightwing drumbeat except the right

The only drumbeats I hear are coming from drooling leftloon ObamaBots crowing about enrollment numbers (that are unverifiable).

Not a word about the 46 million uninsured or the $2500 per family we'll all be saving..... :lol:

Let's revisit this after the midterms. Then again after Nov. 2016....


exactly.....there are so many problems with this it boggles the mind....

i can hardly wait to see what happens when newly signed-up Medicaid people (on the Federal Exchanges) try to access care in states that chose NOT to create State Exchanges and NOT to accept Fed funds for expanding their state Medicaid services...

will the Medicaid people have to move to another state to obtain Medicaid services...?
or will the States permanently bill the Federal Government.....?

how can the States be held legally liable for bills they chose not to take on....?
Prove it.

then tell us how many paid.

then after that, explain how 8 million becomes 46 million. ....

i love fuzzy liberal math......please entertain me!!

Are you alleging that Gallup is lying?

Newly Insured in 2014 Represent About 4% of U.S. Adults

These findings are based on interviewing with more than 20,000 U.S. adults, aged 18 and older, conducted as part of Gallup Daily tracking from March 4-April 14. Gallup asked those who have health insurance if their policy is new for 2014, and if so, whether they had insurance last year and if they got their new insurance through a federal or state health exchange.

Overall, 11.8% of U.S. adults say they got a new health insurance policy in 2014. One-third of this group, or 4% nationally, say they did not have insurance in 2013. Another 7.5% got a new policy this year that replaced a previous policy. The rest either did not respond or were uncertain about their previous insurance status.

The key figure is the 4% who are newly insured in 2014, which most likely represents Americans' response to the individual mandate requirement the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This estimate of the newly insured broadly aligns with the reduction Gallup has seen in the national uninsured rate from 2013 to the first days of April 2014. However, the calculation of the newly insured does not take into account those who may have been insured in 2013 but not in 2014.

If you can prove that Gallup is lying then we can go from there, but first you need to establish that they are wrong.

You just pointed out that the MAJORITY already HAD insurance and had to replace it with an ACA plan.
And your point would be.....:eusa_whistle:
You NEGLECTED to mention that MOST of what Gallup found was that the largest increases came from Medicare and Group plans.....
Which was all part of the ACA to increase healthcare coverage or have you never bothered to acquaint yourself with the plan before you started criticizing it?
Gallup ALSO said that 7.8 million bought OFF exchange plans and that of those numbers only .4 were newly insured.

And your point would be.....:eusa_whistle:

An increase of 4% in real numbers is almost 8 million adults. That is a significant increase in healthcare coverage for those who had none at all in the past. Since the goal of the ACA was to increase coverage it has obviously made a significant step in the right direction.

So, other than agreeing that Gallup has just corroborated the Obama administration's claims, what were you attempting to achieve with your post?
Are you alleging that Gallup is lying?

Newly Insured in 2014 Represent About 4% of U.S. Adults

If you can prove that Gallup is lying then we can go from there, but first you need to establish that they are wrong.

You just pointed out that the MAJORITY already HAD insurance and had to replace it with an ACA plan.
And your point would be.....:eusa_whistle:
You NEGLECTED to mention that MOST of what Gallup found was that the largest increases came from Medicare and Group plans.....
Which was all part of the ACA to increase healthcare coverage or have you never bothered to acquaint yourself with the plan before you started criticizing it?
Gallup ALSO said that 7.8 million bought OFF exchange plans and that of those numbers only .4 were newly insured.

And your point would be.....:eusa_whistle:

An increase of 4% in real numbers is almost 8 million adults. That is a significant increase in healthcare coverage for those who had none at all in the past. Since the goal of the ACA was to increase coverage it has obviously made a significant step in the right direction.

So, other than agreeing that Gallup has just corroborated the Obama administration's claims, what were you attempting to achieve with your post?

LOL, the point was to get the UNINURED insured, you apparently missed.

As far your math, oooo no.7.8 million bought, only .4 million were uninsured prior....did that help?
You just pointed out that the MAJORITY already HAD insurance and had to replace it with an ACA plan.
And your point would be.....:eusa_whistle:

Which was all part of the ACA to increase healthcare coverage or have you never bothered to acquaint yourself with the plan before you started criticizing it?
Gallup ALSO said that 7.8 million bought OFF exchange plans and that of those numbers only .4 were newly insured.

And your point would be.....:eusa_whistle:

An increase of 4% in real numbers is almost 8 million adults. That is a significant increase in healthcare coverage for those who had none at all in the past. Since the goal of the ACA was to increase coverage it has obviously made a significant step in the right direction.

So, other than agreeing that Gallup has just corroborated the Obama administration's claims, what were you attempting to achieve with your post?

LOL, the point was to get the UNINURED insured, you apparently missed.

As far your math, oooo no.7.8 million bought, only .4 million were uninsured prior....did that help?

Your reading comprehension problem needs attention, stat!

According to Gallup an additional 7.8 million previously uninsured adults now have insurance. That is 4% of the adult population according to how they define that to be which appears to be everyone from 18 to 64 per the 2010 Census figures.
And your point would be.....:eusa_whistle:

Which was all part of the ACA to increase healthcare coverage or have you never bothered to acquaint yourself with the plan before you started criticizing it?

And your point would be.....:eusa_whistle:

An increase of 4% in real numbers is almost 8 million adults. That is a significant increase in healthcare coverage for those who had none at all in the past. Since the goal of the ACA was to increase coverage it has obviously made a significant step in the right direction.

So, other than agreeing that Gallup has just corroborated the Obama administration's claims, what were you attempting to achieve with your post?

LOL, the point was to get the UNINURED insured, you apparently missed.

As far your math, oooo no.7.8 million bought, only .4 million were uninsured prior....did that help?

Your reading comprehension problem needs attention, stat!

According to Gallup an additional 7.8 million previously uninsured adults now have insurance. That is 4% of the adult population according to how they define that to be which appears to be everyone from 18 to 64 per the 2010 Census figures.

Let's review:

1) Savings of $2500 per family!
2) Keep your plan!
3) Keep your Doctor!
4) 8 million newly insured!

Great stuff!!!

Meanwhile, back In the real world, Obamacare is a clusterfuck of failure on nearly every level. I say nearly because it is wildly successful at one thing - wasting taxpayer $$ by the truckload.

In other words, Obozocare is so good, that the administration and it's media lapdogs have to rely upon a "Gallup" poll for data.....

because now that 8 million people have signed up, it is no longer a winning ticket for the obama deranged. it is only "convincing" to those who already are in agreement with the rant and rave temper tantruming rightwing house.

and even if it were.... you still can't run loons and expect to win.

you actually have to OFFER something besides cutting taxes for corporatists.

You can't be this stupid Jillian. At least 5 million people lost their policies. Enrolling 7 or 8 million is really nothing to celebrate. What happens when the employer policies are required to meet the O'care requirements? When 35 or 40 million people are told that they no longer are covered by their employers, what do you think the political ramifications will be?

hardly stupid.... but i am bored of the obama-deranged who don't live in a fact-based reality.

for the truth - impaired:

There's a very simple reason that Obamacare hit 8 million sign-ups: Being uninsured is horrible.

But the political conversation over Obamacare was driven almost entirely by people who had, and knew they would be able to keep, their health insurance. It was filled with a lot of assumptions, theories, and speculations about what people who didn't have good insurance, or any insurance, would do. And after Obamacare's disastrous launch, the theory took hold that these people wouldn't find this untested program worth the trouble. It was the permanently insured speculating about the uninsured and the barely insured – and, unsurprisingly, they got it wrong.

Obamacare succeeded for one simple reason: it's horrible to be uninsured - Vox

but, again, this is why no one is listening to the rightwing drumbeat except the right

I have one daughter who choses to be uninsured and has done quite well by it. She gets what she needs and pays for it.

Just because some dick says it's horrible and that fits your moronic view of the world.....

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