The "Shut Up" Culture

Actually the truth does matter. The problem is that each and every thread that starts out with a relevant topic and well thought-out replies gets derailed halfway through the first page with unrelated rhetoric or personal insults.

EVERY thread.

I think the problem is that people often don't come to debate, they come to be right or to push their view. Yeah, a lot of posts end in insults, or just diversions. I've even been told that going in depth into a topic is bad. As if you have to just keep to the surface.

The truth matters a lot.

However, the point I was probably making is that to most people, the truth is just an irrelevance. They play the game.

the diversions and insults always start when a liberal has had his/her position destroyed by the truth. Liberals cannot deal with any facts that do not support their view of the world and the policies of their leaders.

For example, most conservatives will readily admit that Bush made mistakes. We are still waiting for the first liberal to admit that obama or clinton ever made a mistake.

Bush I AND II made a LOT of mistakes.

So did Reagan.

Republicans make mistakes every day, all day. But.... They're mistakes. People make mistakes

Look into the 'Party is Infallible' doctrine and tell me where it leads you.

Full circle. Right back to where dimocraps are today
Generally on the board in almost every will be a conservative that engages in name calling, first.

Then they whine when they get an adverse reaction.

Go fig.
Redfish. Seriously. I cannot take you and your hyper partisanship seriously. It is neither the left or the right. It is those who cannot, and will not, see people and instead see and attack political positions.

I am simply speaking the truth, If you disagree give me some examples of conservatives who have said anything near the vile crap spewed by Maher, Schultz, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Weiner, Gore, and yes, obama.

I agree with you that we need to get this behind us and have real open dialog about where this country is going. The reason that is hard is because there are two very different opinions on what is needed to fix the mess.

Liberals see government as the answer, conservatives see government as the problem----compromise on those two is very hard to find. So, one side wins for a while. Right now the left is in control and the country is going downhill. The next elections will inevitibly swing back to the right, and they will have a chance.
What hypocrisy. My apology in advance if I am wrong, but doesn't the OP flower his usual post with terms like "dimocrat scum" and other such colorful wording? Some of the foulest, lowest class ignorant people on the net can be found in the ranks of the left wing posters at this site. I was just reading a thread where a lady was calling her critics worms.

dimocraps are scum. Period.

There are no democrats in here. Only the scum of the earth -- dimocraps.

If I find a democrat, I will debate that person with respect but the truth is.....

dimocraps eliminated the last democrats from their ranks back in 2010.... ON PURPOSE.


There used to be democrats that would side with Republicans on certain issues; like National Security, abortion and a few more.

the current dimocrap party didn't want them around so they let them be defeated in 2010.

Think I'm kidding? I'm not. I'm right. I always am.

dimocraps have taken over the democrat party. There are no more democrats. Well, there are very FEW democrats; and they're in trouble.

If you don't recognize this, you know nothing of politics.

The war for ideological purity in the dimocrap party was waged and won by barack insane obama.... aka; the lying cocksucker in chief. Believe it. Or not.

Your call. You can choose to remain stupid if that's your wish :dunno:
LOL. It's true. It's nearly impossible to have a civil conversation with a Liberal. That may not be true in all cases but it has proven true in my personal experience on this site. In my case, all the Liberals I've attempted to speak with have turned out to be trolls -- EVERY, single one!! They call names; spew nothing but vitriol; make little sense; and live in a fantasy land where money grows on trees and everyone gets to live the high life without earning it. Weird!!

So much irony...................................

The irony is in your post. This is you: :lalala:

And we on the right side of the aisle are very wise to ya, my sweets. :muahaha:
What hypocrisy. My apology in advance if I am wrong, but doesn't the OP flower his usual post with terms like "dimocrat scum" and other such colorful wording? Some of the foulest, lowest class ignorant people on the net can be found in the ranks of the left wing posters at this site. I was just reading a thread where a lady was calling her critics worms.

dimocraps are scum. Period.

There are no democrats in here. Only the scum of the earth -- dimocraps.

If I find a democrat, I will debate that person with respect but the truth is.....

dimocraps eliminated the last democrats from their ranks back in 2010.... ON PURPOSE.


There used to be democrats that would side with Republicans on certain issues; like National Security, abortion and a few more.

the current dimocrap party didn't want them around so they let them be defeated in 2010.

Think I'm kidding? I'm not. I'm right. I always am.

dimocraps have taken over the democrat party. There are no more democrats. Well, there are very FEW democrats; and they're in trouble.

If you don't recognize this, you know nothing of politics.

The war for ideological purity in the dimocrap party was waged and won by barack insane obama.... aka; the lying cocksucker in chief. Believe it. Or not.

Your call. You can choose to remain stupid if that's your wish :dunno:

some truth in that. Obama has clearly destroyed the democrat party of Kennedy, Truman, and even Clinton.
What hypocrisy. My apology in advance if I am wrong, but doesn't the OP flower his usual post with terms like "dimocrat scum" and other such colorful wording? Some of the foulest, lowest class ignorant people on the net can be found in the ranks of the right wing posters at this site. I was just reading a thread where a lady was calling her critics worms.

dimocraps are scum. Period.

There are no democrats in here. Only the scum of the earth -- dimocraps.

If I find a democrat, I will debate that person with respect but the truth is.....

dimocraps eliminated the last democrats from their ranks back in 2010.... ON PURPOSE.


There used to be democrats that would side with Republicans on certain issues; like National Security, abortion and a few more.

the current dimocrap party didn't want them around so they let them be defeated in 2010.

Think I'm kidding? I'm not. I'm right. I always am.

dimocraps have taken over the democrat party. There are no more democrats. Well, there are very FEW democrats; and they're in trouble.

If you don't recognize this, you know nothing of politics.

The war for ideological purity in the dimocrap party was waged and won by barack insane obama.... aka; the lying cocksucker in chief. Believe it. Or not.

Your call. You can choose to remain stupid if that's your wish :dunno:

For a guy who claims to be a 5th SFG vet you sure are easy to ambush.
This happens on this board every day. Every minute of every hour of every day. Well.... Okay, maybe not in the wee hours of the morning. But average it out and I'm right -- Every minute of every hour of every day.

These days if you want to talk about liberal policy, if you want to talk about obama's liberal policy, Eric Holder's liberal policy or even liberal policy in general......

You are instantly accused of being the vilest of people. Terrorist sympathizer, misogynist, racist, homophobe, woman-hater..... Whatever.

They find something to accuse you of. Because they don't want to talk about their liberal policies.

At all.

You see, they've already made their decision. They are not interested in what you have to say.

At all.

They've made up their minds, so sit down and just shut up.

This article is about the College Campus and rape. But it doesn't matter what the topic is, the answer from our liberal pals is always the same...

Shut Up!!

[Links deleted due to forum rules]

Is campus “rape culture” off the list of acceptable debate?

Last week we featured Mark Steyn’s column about forced intellectual conformity on campus:

Universities are no longer institutions of inquiry but ‘safe spaces’ where delicate flowers of diversity of race, sex, orientation, ‘gender fluidity’ and everything else except diversity of thought have to be protected from exposure to any unsafe ideas….

As American universities, British playwrights and Australian judges once understood, the ‘safe space’ is where cultures go to die.

Almost as if on cue, some students at Cornell have sought to shut down a dissenting view on campus “rape culture.”

The spark was a column in The Cornell Daily Sun by student Julius Kairey, which we featured at College Insurrection. That column, titled The Truth About “Rape Culture” took issue with the statistics behind claims of an epidemic of sexual assault, and the related rush to strip the accused of due process rights:

The loss of due process rights for students accused of sexual assault is a topic we have addressed many times here and at College Insurrection:

[Links deleted due to forum rules]

The response to Kairey’s column was fairly predictable, as we noted at College Insurrection. A group of Cornell students castigated The Daily Sun for running the column, and accused Kairey of fomenting further sexual assaults, The Danger of Rape Culture Denial:

We disagree with the decision to publish “The Truth About ‘Rape Culture,’” by Julius Kairey ’15. Kairey blatantly disrespected a sensitive subject by reducing and delegitimizing the scarring experiences of survivors. This newspaper erred in publishing this article and should now also take responsibility for the harmful, triggering effects that articles like these cause. We hope that in the future, the Cornell Daily Sun makes a conscious effort to ensure that their columnists treat subjects like sexual assault with respect. We call for an apology from Kairey and the Cornell Daily Sun…..

Rape culture describes the systematic denial of justice for victims of sexual assault: The deck is always stacked against the survivor, and the ignorant defend this status quo. Those, like Kairey, who have the power to create change by advocating for survivors instead choose to ignore their voices, erase their rights and refuse to hold perpetrators accountable….
Read the whole thing.

It nicely fits with what Steyn called the “shut up” culture on campuses.
More links at the site. If you're interested.

It's time we told the left to just Shut Up for a change. I'm tired of hearing their bullshit

Liberalism is just another form of Stalinism. Such policies are inevitable when you glorify government as the solution to all problems.
Redfish. Seriously. I cannot take you and your hyper partisanship seriously. It is neither the left or the right. It is those who cannot, and will not, see people and instead see and attack political positions.

I am simply speaking the truth, If you disagree give me some examples of conservatives who have said anything near the vile crap spewed by Maher, Schultz, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Weiner, Gore, and yes, obama.

I agree with you that we need to get this behind us and have real open dialog about where this country is going. The reason that is hard is because there are two very different opinions on what is needed to fix the mess.

Liberals see government as the answer, conservatives see government as the problem----compromise on those two is very hard to find. So, one side wins for a while. Right now the left is in control and the country is going downhill. The next elections will inevitibly swing back to the right, and they will have a chance.

Can you stop? Are you even capable of stopping.

Because the minute you start finger pointing, the other person hears nothing you say after that. And nothing is ever solved. Ever. Issues aren't discussed, solutions aren't sought. It's just you, ending any chance of dialog.
Liberalism is just another form of Stalinism. Such policies are inevitable when you glorify government as the solution to all problems.

Do you want to back that up with like, facts and history and stuff? Or do you just like the soundbites?
The irony is in your post. This is you: :lalala:

And we on the right side of the aisle are very wise to ya, my sweets. :muahaha:

More evidence for the pile.

Why the US is screwed. Because the people simply don't give a damn any more, they're willing to be taken for a massive ride by those who can afford to just control you.

Well done on being controlled and enjoy the demise.
What hypocrisy. My apology in advance if I am wrong, but doesn't the OP flower his usual post with terms like "dimocrat scum" and other such colorful wording? Some of the foulest, lowest class ignorant people on the net can be found in the ranks of the left wing posters at this site. I was just reading a thread where a lady was calling her critics worms.

dimocraps are scum. Period.

There are no democrats in here. Only the scum of the earth -- dimocraps.

If I find a democrat, I will debate that person with respect but the truth is.....

dimocraps eliminated the last democrats from their ranks back in 2010.... ON PURPOSE.


There used to be democrats that would side with Republicans on certain issues; like National Security, abortion and a few more.

the current dimocrap party didn't want them around so they let them be defeated in 2010.

Think I'm kidding? I'm not. I'm right. I always am.

dimocraps have taken over the democrat party. There are no more democrats. Well, there are very FEW democrats; and they're in trouble.

If you don't recognize this, you know nothing of politics.

The war for ideological purity in the dimocrap party was waged and won by barack insane obama.... aka; the lying cocksucker in chief. Believe it. Or not.

Your call. You can choose to remain stupid if that's your wish :dunno:

some truth in that. Obama has clearly destroyed the democrat party of Kennedy, Truman, and even Clinton.

There's no question that dimocrap scum allowed blue-dog democrats to be defeated in the 2010 Mid Terms. None.

Midterms uproot Blue Dogs from power and cut ranks in half

There is no question the lying cocksucker in chief wanted them gone. None.

the lying cocksucker in chief had the Senate well in hand, no problems there with any of his Nazi cohorts.

But the House was a different matter. dimocraps reasoned that they didn't really need the House anyway and couldn't win it in 2010 regardless of how much money they spent so they fell back on their old mantra of "Never let a good crisis go to waste''

They figured that if they were going to lose, they might as benefit from it. The Blue Dog democrats are gone. As a political force, they no longer exist.

It's complicate and it's boring and I don't really want to get into right now but, trust me...... dimocrap scum destroyed what was left of the democrat party. On pupose.

Now it's the dimocrap scum party. A criminal enterprise, not an American Political Party.
Actually the truth does matter. The problem is that each and every thread that starts out with a relevant topic and well thought-out replies gets derailed halfway through the first page with unrelated rhetoric or personal insults.

EVERY thread.

I think the problem is that people often don't come to debate, they come to be right or to push their view. Yeah, a lot of posts end in insults, or just diversions. I've even been told that going in depth into a topic is bad. As if you have to just keep to the surface.

The truth matters a lot.

However, the point I was probably making is that to most people, the truth is just an irrelevance. They play the game.

the diversions and insults always start when a liberal has had his/her position destroyed by the truth. Liberals cannot deal with any facts that do not support their view of the world and the policies of their leaders.

For example, most conservatives will readily admit that Bush made mistakes. We are still waiting for the first liberal to admit that obama or clinton ever made a mistake.

This thread is timely for me because ...this morn I was contemplating stopping participation in USMB because I tire of the endless name calling (eg: "libtards", "dimocraps", "Obozo") in lieu of reasoned debate..blanket accusations of little understood concepts (like "socialism", "liberal as stalinist" or "fascism") intended to neutralize opposing points of view...and a general pretense "truth seeking" while simply pushing partisan bias...
Well congrats...y'all have convinced me it's time for some change. I'm not ready to give up altogether...but in the interest of avoiding boredom with circular arguments and endless invective ...I will be exploring other venues to these "Politics" forums....perhaps the "clean debate zone"..
Adios...and thanks to those few who have helped make my stay worthwhile to this point...U know who u are.

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The point of honest debate is to arrive at a snythesis that is closer to the truth than was previously thought.

There are seldom any HONEST debates here because people here are partisans not philosophers

What is a philosopher?

1. A lover of truth

2. A person who will allow new valid information to color his or her perception of reality.

A person who doesn't feel like having been wrong about something means they must defend that wrong thinking because failure to do so reflects on them as people.


Bye, Edge. Every time I take you off ignore, you give me a guided tour of how you wound up there to begin with.

This happens on this board every day. Every minute of every hour of every day. Well.... Okay, maybe not in the wee hours of the morning. But average it out and I'm right -- Every minute of every hour of every day.

These days if you want to talk about liberal policy, if you want to talk about obama's liberal policy, Eric Holder's liberal policy or even liberal policy in general......

You are instantly accused of being the vilest of people. Terrorist sympathizer, misogynist, racist, homophobe, woman-hater..... Whatever.

They find something to accuse you of. Because they don't want to talk about their liberal policies.

At all.

I challenge you to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that in my time on this forum I have refused to talk about 'liberal policies', that I don't make substantive fact based arguments, and that most of my participation in threads/topics consists of nothing more than namecalling.
I think the problem is that people often don't come to debate, they come to be right or to push their view. Yeah, a lot of posts end in insults, or just diversions. I've even been told that going in depth into a topic is bad. As if you have to just keep to the surface.

The truth matters a lot.

However, the point I was probably making is that to most people, the truth is just an irrelevance. They play the game.

the diversions and insults always start when a liberal has had his/her position destroyed by the truth. Liberals cannot deal with any facts that do not support their view of the world and the policies of their leaders.

For example, most conservatives will readily admit that Bush made mistakes. We are still waiting for the first liberal to admit that obama or clinton ever made a mistake.

This thread is timely for me because ...this morn I was contemplating stopping participation in USMB because I tire of the endless name calling (eg: "libtards", "dimocraps", "Obozo") in lieu of reasoned debate..blanket accusations of little understood concepts (like "socialism", "liberal as stalinist" or "fascism") intended to neutralize opposing points of view...and a general pretense "truth seeking" while simply pushing partisan bias...
Well congrats...y'all have convinced me it's time for some change. I'm not ready to give up altogether...but in the interest of avoiding boredom with circular arguments and endless invective ...I will be exploring other venues to these "Politics" forums....perhaps the "clean debate zone"..
Adios...and thanks to those few who have helped make my stay worthwhile to this point...U know who u are.

Sent from my iPhone using

And the same happens when the right speak, the left speak, whatever, whoever.


Because people are too comfortable to give a damn about finding the TRUTH.

The truth doesn't matter any more.

Actually the truth does matter. The problem is that each and every thread that starts out with a relevant topic and well thought-out replies gets derailed halfway through the first page with unrelated rhetoric or personal insults.

EVERY thread.

Exactly! It's almost not worth the time to post a well-thought-out response to an important issue. Someone will immediately call you a "hater" or "hillbilly" or "Conservatard" or call you an "effin'" idiot or some other inane, brainless, kneejerk, childish response.

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