The "Shut Up" Culture

Generally on the board in almost every will be a conservative that engages in name calling, first.

Then they whine when they get an adverse reaction.

Go fig.

Nope, you have it backwards as usual. go fig.

Not at all.

And you are one of the biggest examples of that.

I can find thread after thread where you start personally insulting folks.

And you use "Well I don't like the viewpoint" as license.

You guys call women, whores and men fags.

I basically think it's because it's something you would never do in real life and want to try in cyberspace.
LOL. It's true. It's nearly impossible to have a civil conversation with a Liberal. That may not be true in all cases but it has proven true in my personal experience on this site. In my case, all the Liberals I've attempted to speak with have turned out to be trolls -- EVERY, single one!! They call names; spew nothing but vitriol; make little sense; and live in a fantasy land where money grows on trees and everyone gets to live the high life without earning it. Weird!!

So much irony...................................

the truth is many times ironic. the comments about liberals being intolerant of any viewpoint but theirs is very true up to the head liberal of the land, BHO.

I'm intolerant because I don't agree with your views?
Generally on the board in almost every will be a conservative that engages in name calling, first.

Then they whine when they get an adverse reaction.

Go fig.

Nope, you have it backwards as usual. go fig.

Not at all.

And you are one of the biggest examples of that.

I can find thread after thread where you start personally insulting folks.

And you use "Well I don't like the viewpoint" as license.

You guys call women, whores and men fags.

I basically think it's because it's something you would never do in real life and want to try in cyberspace.

Oh, the irony. From a liberal who will label any opponents "racist" at the drop of a hat. You wouldn't do that in the real world, buddy.

Search 'dimocraps' under Edgetho's username and you ger 496 hits.

One of the worst namecallers on the board is accusing liberals of namecalling.
Nope, you have it backwards as usual. go fig.

Not at all.

And you are one of the biggest examples of that.

I can find thread after thread where you start personally insulting folks.

And you use "Well I don't like the viewpoint" as license.

You guys call women, whores and men fags.

I basically think it's because it's something you would never do in real life and want to try in cyberspace.

Oh, the irony. From a liberal who will label any opponents "racist" at the drop of a hat. You wouldn't do that in the real world, buddy.


Oh really.

There's plenty I've done in the real world, including getting shot at, stabbed, hit in the eye with a tire iron and fought in more bars than I care (or really) remember.

If a poster posts something racist? I point it out.

However..I generally never insult anyone first.

And you can check that.
This happens on this board every day. Every minute of every hour of every day. Well.... Okay, maybe not in the wee hours of the morning. But average it out and I'm right -- Every minute of every hour of every day.

These days if you want to talk about liberal policy, if you want to talk about obama's liberal policy, Eric Holder's liberal policy or even liberal policy in general......

You are instantly accused of being the vilest of people. Terrorist sympathizer, misogynist, racist, homophobe, woman-hater..... Whatever.

They find something to accuse you of. Because they don't want to talk about their liberal policies.

At all.

I challenge you to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that in my time on this forum I have refused to talk about 'liberal policies', that I don't make substantive fact based arguments, and that most of my participation in threads/topics consists of nothing more than namecalling.

Let your stunned silence be a lesson to you.

I don't mind be called names. I do object to being accused of not engaging in real debate.

So don't let happen again.
This thread wasn't started as topic for debate. I posted it as a matter of FACT.

Which it is.

Do with the knowledge what you will. I don't care.
Generally on the board in almost every will be a conservative that engages in name calling, first.

Then they whine when they get an adverse reaction.

Go fig.

Just an observation on some phrases found in lefty OPs for your edification, my dear Mr. Sallow with the devastating good looks:

The GOP's misinformation (misinformation = lying lies of liars)

What some folks do with their money is un-American "who the real parasites are," and "Look at these Republicans. They might as well come out and say 'fuck you America, we hope you die'. "

Hypocrisy "The idiots are embarrassed"

Poor GOP: those wingnuts in positions of power (Dante's OP)

This is todays 'Conservative'. Willfully ignorant, and hating anyone that is not.

Coffee's my treat today, Mr. Sallow. :D


You are instantly accused of being the vilest of people. Terrorist sympathizer, misogynist, racist, homophobe, woman-hater..... Whatever.

They find something to accuse you of. Because they don't want to talk about their liberal policies.
At all.

You see, they've already made their decision. They are not interested in what you have to say.


dimocraps are scum. Period.

Now it's the dimocrap scum party. A criminal enterprise, not an American Political Party.

:lol: @ "shut up culture"

[MENTION=36318]Edgetho[/MENTION] , SHUT UP
Generally on the board in almost every will be a conservative that engages in name calling, first.

Then they whine when they get an adverse reaction.

Go fig.

Just an observation on some phrases found in lefty OPs for your edification, my dear Mr. Sallow with the devastating good looks:

The GOP's misinformation (misinformation = lying lies of liars)

What some folks do with their money is un-American "who the real parasites are," and "Look at these Republicans. They might as well come out and say 'fuck you America, we hope you die'. "

Hypocrisy "The idiots are embarrassed"

Poor GOP: those wingnuts in positions of power (Dante's OP)

This is todays 'Conservative'. Willfully ignorant, and hating anyone that is not.

Coffee's my treat today, Mr. Sallow. :D



dimocraps lie.

It's what they do
I have been on the board for a couple of years and I haven't seen many real vile posts and the ones I have seen were usually directed mostly at the Tea Party. Maybe some liberals like being called vile names and that's what they wish for but it pretty much ain't happnin. Maybe union educated liberals aren't smart enough to argue about a political issue so they imagine themselves as victims of some right wing conspiracy. It should be noted that according to author and speaker David Horowitz every single high profile conservative has been the victim of physical assault on a college campus at some time in their careers.
This happens on this board every day. Every minute of every hour of every day. Well.... Okay, maybe not in the wee hours of the morning. But average it out and I'm right -- Every minute of every hour of every day.

These days if you want to talk about liberal policy, if you want to talk about obama's liberal policy, Eric Holder's liberal policy or even liberal policy in general......

You are instantly accused of being the vilest of people. Terrorist sympathizer, misogynist, racist, homophobe, woman-hater..... Whatever.

They find something to accuse you of. Because they don't want to talk about their liberal policies.

At all.

I challenge you to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that in my time on this forum I have refused to talk about 'liberal policies', that I don't make substantive fact based arguments, and that most of my participation in threads/topics consists of nothing more than namecalling.
You definitely use a different device than namecalling. It's called patronization. That's sort of like making certain the other debater is put in terms of a no-win situation. Literary devices may be related. I'm certain I'm guilty of that, too, since I'm always right. :lol:
Generally on the board in almost every will be a conservative that engages in name calling, first.

Then they whine when they get an adverse reaction.

Go fig.

Just an observation on some phrases found in lefty OPs for your edification, my dear Mr. Sallow with the devastating good looks:

The GOP's misinformation (misinformation = lying lies of liars)

What some folks do with their money is un-American "who the real parasites are," and "Look at these Republicans. They might as well come out and say 'fuck you America, we hope you die'. "

Hypocrisy "The idiots are embarrassed"

Poor GOP: those wingnuts in positions of power (Dante's OP)

This is todays 'Conservative'. Willfully ignorant, and hating anyone that is not.

Coffee's my treat today, Mr. Sallow. :D



dimocraps lie.

It's what they do
I actually am fond of many leftists, Mr. Edgetho. They're Americans, and quite often they're better Americans than I admit on debate boards. Probably less than 1% of us can understand Mary Matalin's marriage choice. I can even though not married to a liberal American man and wouldn't be because I would drive him absolutely bonkers, which has consequences not related to this topic.
I have been on the board for a couple of years and I haven't seen many real vile posts and the ones I have seen were usually directed mostly at the Tea Party. Maybe some liberals like being called vile names and that's what they wish for but it pretty much ain't happnin. Maybe union educated liberals aren't smart enough to argue about a political issue so they imagine themselves as victims of some right wing conspiracy. It should be noted that according to author and speaker David Horowitz every single high profile conservative has been the victim of physical assault on a college campus at some time in their careers.
Some liberals had the shoe thrown at them as well. :(

America seems to have lost the old-time religion ethic that taught us to "love everybody." :(

What's wrong with us lately?
Just an observation on some phrases found in lefty OPs for your edification, my dear Mr. Sallow with the devastating good looks:

The GOP's misinformation (misinformation = lying lies of liars)

What some folks do with their money is un-American "who the real parasites are," and "Look at these Republicans. They might as well come out and say 'fuck you America, we hope you die'. "

Hypocrisy "The idiots are embarrassed"

Poor GOP: those wingnuts in positions of power (Dante's OP)

This is todays 'Conservative'. Willfully ignorant, and hating anyone that is not.

Coffee's my treat today, Mr. Sallow. :D



dimocraps lie.

It's what they do
I actually am fond of many leftists, Mr. Edgetho. They're Americans, and quite often they're better Americans than I admit on debate boards. Probably less than 1% of us can understand Mary Matalin's marriage choice. I can even though not married to a liberal American man and wouldn't be because I would drive him absolutely bonkers, which has consequences not related to this topic.

I din't say anything about 'leftists' Ms Becki :)

I actually enjoy the company of some leftists and enjoy their sunny attitude toward life.

But I'm talking about leftists. I'm talking about dimocraps. dimocraps like the Liar in Chief, like Eric Himmler, Valerie Jarrett, Harry Reid, Nazi Pelousy, Dick Turban and like 99% of the supporters of dimocraps on this Board.

I would LOVE to see the leftists of this Country re-take the what has become the scummiest party in American History -- The criminal enterprise I call the dimocrap party.

But they can't. They don't have the power. They've been kicked to the curb. Like the Night of The Long Knives or Stalin's purge of the Soviet Army or Kim Jong Un's purge of his political rivals.

Same shit, minus the blood.

I have no problem with leftists. Or even socialists or communists or any other form of government or economic system people want to talk about.

What I have a problem with is dimocraps. Because they're LIARS, they're CRIMINALS and their voters don't give a flying fuck.

It is up to the left to take back the dimocrap party. Not me. Not us. Them.

They lost it. Just like they lost Occupy and the Flower Movement and the Anti-War movement and the Woman's movement and the NAACP and.... Well, everything else. They lost it all to dimocrap scum. Now they own it, not the left.

I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for the left to retake what they started
This thread wasn't started as topic for debate. I posted it as a matter of FACT.

Which it is.

Do with the knowledge what you will. I don't care.

Maybe a call-out thread designed to specifically attack the liberal posters on this board doesn't belong in this forum.

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