The Sick Perverts That Are Allowed Around Children

Good point.
And I have no doubt some gals tolerated boorish behavior from Don Trump...and to be fair, other famous Dicks.
That doesn't necessarily mean they welcomed it.

They may simply have recognized..."the Dick is famous, nobody will believe me, and after all, it was just repellant squeeze from a sleaze, so move on sister, move on and away from this Dick."

I'm sure that happened often enough. In fact, we had some gals bring suits or complaints stipulating that.

So, tho a Dick may handsy.....but famous.....doesn't mean victimized gals don't think he is still a Dick.

Ask slick Willie

Oh my, allow me to clarify something for those who have difficulty with the finer points of the English language:

If I say that a person "defends" or "supports" groomers and pedos, that does not mean I am actually accusing them of being a pedo or a groomer. Is that easy to understand? For example, There are many straight people who support and defend homosexuals. If I point out that those straight people who support and defend homosexuals, that does not mean I am calling them a homosexual themselves.

Do you guys understand me? I think that is pretty basic English but apparently I need to make it even more simple for some folks.

Now, to little Moonglow and his butthurt little feelings. I stand here now and say that you DO "defend" and "support" groomers and pedos, and democrat policies that enable pedos and groomers. But I am not saying you are a groomer or a pedop, and I am not saying that you engage in pedo or groomer behavior.

Is that better? Are you okay now? Little tears all drid up? Mommy got your binky for beddy-bye time? Sleep tight little snowflake. You have a big day tomorrow, to spread more fake news and propaganda.
Now, to little Moonglow and his butthurt little feelings


What's with the home-erotic anal imagery there, good poster Tampa?
My avatar would never say that that is projecting, but.......but I think you can understand how some could.

More to the point, this "pedo" gig that some here use to channel their QAnon affinity has added an interesting dynamic to this gossipboard.

I can't help but think there may be more than one Catholic priest coming on here and virtue-signaling about his imagined repulsion over pedophilia.
Now, to be sure, I AM NOT...alleging that the good poster TampaBay is a Catholic Priest, or even a minor Pedo, or even weird in a sexual way.
That's not what my avatar is discussing.

Rather, I'm saying that TampaBay's posting history seemingly demonstrates a weird fascination with that particular aberration. For whatever reason, known only to him.

Just sayin'.

It could be innocent, my avatar will quickly add. And we wish to not insinuate anything we cannot prove.

What's with the home-erotic anal imagery there, good poster Tampa?
My avatar would never say that that is projecting, but.......but I think you can understand how some could.

More to the point, this "pedo" gig that some here use to channel their QAnon affinity has added an interesting dynamic to this gossipboard.

I can't help but think there may be more than one Catholic priest coming on here and virtue-signaling about his imagined repulsion over pedophilia.
Now, to be sure, I AM NOT...alleging that the good poster TampaBay is a Catholic Priest, or even a minor Pedo, or even weird in a sexual way.
That's not what my avatar is discussing.

Rather, I'm saying that TampaBay's posting history seemingly demonstrates a weird fascination with that particular aberration. For whatever reason, known only to him.

Just sayin'.

It could be innocent, my avatar will quickly add. And we wish to not insinuate anything we cannot prove.
What's with the home-erotic anal imagery there, good poster Tampa?


That is what Oxford says.
Apparently any homo-erotic images were formed in your own mind. Why am I not surprised.

And now, please explain why Democrat policies support and defend groomers and pedophiles.

Liberals are Child Sex Groomers: Nose Ring Freaks Use "Teaching" as Cover for Child Rape​

If I say that a person "defends" or "supports" groomers and pedos, that does not mean I am actually accusing them of being a pedo or a groomer.
So, standard gutless fascist behavior on your part, trying to cloak your insults behind weasel words.

We get why you do it. Vast numbers of Republicans are pedos. It goes with the philosophy. Republicans believe they have a divine right to rule and control all lesser humans, and that includes raping whoever they want to rape. It's gotten to the point where being pedo is regarded as a resume-builder in the GOP. By projecting that pedo-behavior on to Democrats, you run cover for your pedo masters.

What, you thought it wasn't obvious?

How do your pedo-masters tell you to respond to that? And since I'm not accusing you of being a pedo, then by your standards, it's totally okay to point out that you willingly take your marching orders from pedos.
So, standard gutless fascist behavior on your part. . . .

Nope, I call it honest truth-speaking, and proper use of the English language. Now, perhaps you can address the topic and explain why Democrat policies support and defend groomers and pedophiles? So far, none of your Leftist friends have been able to won up to the facts. Can you? Don't worry, I won't hold my breath waiting.
Why Republicans Are Smearing Everyone as Pedophiles Now

Not long ago, the notion that American politics was oriented around a dispute over the merits of child sexual exploitation was viewed as so loopy that not even Donald Trump could take it seriously. It is now becoming the Republican Party’s most energetic idea. The two most prominent theaters of partisan combat of the moment, the Ketanji Brown Jackson confirmation and Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law, have both seen a growing swath of conservatives embrace charges of pedophilia as their central theme.

Two years ago, the pedophilia charge was confined almost entirely to QAnon, a sprawling web of far-right conspiracy theories that operated around the fringes of conservative politics. And while some of the details produced by its theories would find their way into the minds of Trump and his inner circle (especially with conspiracy theories centering on the “stolen election”), the broader narrative that American politics was a fight over pedophilia remained marginal.

What is true about the Republican Party is that some of its members are still willing to support fellow Republicans even after learning of their sexual exploitation of minors. After Moore was revealed to have preyed upon teenagers as an adult, the likes of Trump and the Federalist still urged Alabamans to vote for him for Senate. One pro-Moore column in the Federalist, headlined “Why Alabamians Should Vote for Roy Moore,” included the uncomfortable rationale “To have a large family, the wife must start having kids when she is young.”

If you go to the Federalist today, you will find headlines like “Disney’s Obsession With Grooming Children Is Nothing New, But Their Openness About It Is,” and “Joe Biden’s Reversal on Sexual Exposure for Kids Shows Just How Extreme the Democratic Party Has Become.”

The spread of this “issue” says nothing about the parties’ comparative permissiveness about sexual assault. It only reveals the existence within one of them of an openness to conspiracy theories and a network of operatives unprincipled enough to exploit it.

Much more at the link below...

Why Republicans Are Smearing Everyone as Pedophiles Now

Yes, Republicans are really sick perverts.
Nope, I call it honest truth-speaking, and proper use of the English language. Now, perhaps you can address the topic and explain why Democrat policies support and defend groomers and pedophiles?
What about "you're lying, and badly at that" is confusing you so, little pedo-asslicker?

Are there some pedo rectums that you find more delectable than others? Why? What, in your opinion, gives the best pedo-azzjelly that special zing?

Now, run along. Several pedos want another coat of saliva applied, and they've asked for you specifically.

And do you enjoy your style of argument being used against you? Sauce for the goose, sauce for the pedo-enabler. That's you. I don't need no stinkin' evidence. You set that standard.
THREE RIVERS, MI – A Southwest Michigan school board voted unanimously to allow teachers to hang Pride flags in their classrooms Monday, reversing a previous ban on classroom flags that led one teacher to quit his job in protest.

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